二十筆實用成語 1122

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二十筆實用成語 1122

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 27, 2022 7:36 pm

二十筆實用成語 1122

01. trust but verify
定義: [諺語]信任但要查證核實.
例句: "I want to believe her, and I don't want to offend her, but ultimately I'm skeptical." "Trust, but verify. Make a phone call to confirm what she's saying is true." ("我想要相信她, 我也不想得罪她, 但最終我對她仍持懷疑態度." "信任, 但要查證核實. 打個電話去確認她所說的是真的便可.")

02. trust me
定義: 相信我. 信任我.
例句: Tom said with great conviction, "Trust me! I know exactly what to do!" (湯姆以極大的信心說道, "相信我! 我完全知道該怎麼做!")

03. trust no one
定義: 別相信任何別人. (注: 意指只信任你自己才不會上當)
例句: That's why I trust no one, not even myself. (這就是為什麼我不相信任何人, 我甚至連自己也不相信)

04. truth be told/known
定義: 說實話, 老實說.
例句: "Truth be told, I was never that good at math when I was in school." "Wait, but you're an accountant now!" ("老實說, 我在學校的時候數學一直都不怎麼樣." "等會兒, 但你現在是一名會計師!")

05. truth is relative
定義: [諺語]真相乃是相對的. (注: 意指真相乃因人而異)
例句: Declaring that something is true for one person, but not for another, is to claim that there are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths. (宣稱某事對一個人是真相, 但對另一個人則不是, 這便是聲稱沒有永恆的事實, 正如沒有絕對的真理一樣)

06. truth is stranger than fiction
定義: [諺語]事實比虛構的還離奇.
例句: In our two-month trip around the world we ran into long-lost relatives on three separate occasions. It proves that truth is stranger than fiction. (在我們為期兩個月的環球旅行中, 我們在三個不同的場合遇到了失散多年的親人. 這證明了事實比虛構的還離奇)

07. truth will out, the
定義: 真相會有大白的一天.
例句: Tom thought he could get away with it, but truth will out, and I'm sure he'll get caught. (湯姆以為他可以逍遙法外, 但真相會有大白的一天, 我相信他會被逮到的)

08. try a different line of attack, to
定義: 嘗試不同的處理方式.
例句: Let's try a different line of attack, the one where advertising and branded content play a more pivotal role. (讓我們來嘗試另一種處理方式, 尤其將廣告和品牌內容發揮更關鍵的作用)

09. try as he might, to
定義: 無論他多盡力嘗試.
例句: Try as you might, you'll never break free from those titanium shackles! (無論你多麼努力地嘗試, 你永遠掙脫不了那些鈦金做的枷鎖!)

10. try for a baby, to
定義: 試著懷孕, 試著生小孩.
例句: They have been trying for a baby for several years. (幾年來, 他們一直在努力地想要生個孩子)

11. try for size, to
定義: 試穿看是否合身; 試用看喜不喜歡; 試試看, 是否可行或合不合用.
例句: The whole point of test driving a car is to try it for size to see if you feel comfortable in it. (試駕汽車的整個目的就是試開一陣子, 看看你是否覺得合用)

12. try for, to
定義: 試圖達成; 審判某人; 向某人尋求某物; 謀求, 爭取.
例句: "Oh, shoot. I don't have any sugar to make cookies." "Why don't you try the neighbors for some?" ("啊, 糟了. 我做餅乾的糖用光了." "你為什麼不向鄰居要一些?")

13. try it if you dare
定義: 有膽就試試看.
例句: You try it, if you dare, I will tear you to pieces! (你有膽就試試看, 我會把你打扁!)

14. try it on, to
定義: 試穿衣服看合不合身; 故意試試激怒某人; 欺騙或愚弄某人.
例句: If you like that dress, you can try it on in one of our fitting rooms. (如果你喜歡那件衣服的話, 你可以在我們的試衣間試穿一下)

15. try it out, to
定義: 試車, 運轉測試, 暫時使用一下以考核性能或可接受程度.
例句: This is our new mobile app. Would you like to try it out? (這是我們新的手機應用程序. 你想試用嗎?)

16. try me
定義: 你問問我, 看我怎麼說; 你試試看, 看我怎麼對付你.
例句: "You wouldn't call the police, would you?" "Just try me." ("你不會報警的, 對吧?" "妳試試看, 看我會不會.")

17. try on, to
定義: 試穿衣服看合不合身; 實驗性地試用.
例句: You should try on that jacket before you buy it. (你應當在買之前試穿那件夾克)

18. try one's best/damnedest/hardest, to
定義: 盡一切努力.
例句: I try my damnedest to be fair to customers, but some are never satisfied. (我盡我最大的努力公平合理地對待客戶, 但有些人永遠不會滿意)

19. try one's hand, to
定義: 初試身手; 試試看; 看手氣或運氣如何.
例句: Thanks for letting Mary come to rugby practice with you. I know she's eager to try her hand. (謝謝妳讓瑪麗和妳們一同練習橄欖球. 我知道她很急於初試身手)

20. try one's luck, to
定義: 試試看, 看手氣或運氣如何.
例句: I'll try my luck to see if I can get the lawnmower working, but we may have to bring it to a mechanic. (我會試試我的運氣, 看看我能不能讓割草機工作, 但我們也有可能必須把它交給機修工去修理)



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