二十笔实用成语 1126

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二十笔实用成语 1126

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 01, 2022 9:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 1126

01. turn of the screw, a
定义: 雪上加霜; 对已经非常难以承受的情况施加额外的压力; .
例句: In this recession, a rise in interest rates is just another turn of the screw for businesses. (在这次经济衰退中, 利率上升只会给企业带来雪上加霜的压力)

02. turn of the tide, a
定义: 情势逆转; 扭转颓势.
例句: They were hopeful the success of their latest piece of hardware would prove to be a turn of the tide in their position in the market. (他们希望他们最新硬件的成功将证明他们在市场上的颓势发生了逆转)

03. turn off, to
定义: 辞退, 令某人离职; 处理, 卖出; 逃避, 使...转向; 制造, 完成, 达成; 关掉, 关机; 吊死; 转动某物以除去上面物质; 转动某物以塑成某种形状; 使人失去兴趣; 使人产生反感; 从直线或大路脱离到弯路或小路; [英国]变坏(尤其是小孩); 变成至某一状态; 失去兴趣, 撤销.
例句: Please turn off the lights before you go out. (出门前请你把灯关掉)

04. turn on a dime, to
定义: 迅速敏捷地转弯; 在非常窄小半径内转弯; 突然彻底改变, 说变就变, 说翻脸就翻脸.
例句: The steering is so good on this car that you can turn on a dime, even at high speeds. (这部车子的方向盘非常好使用, 即使在高速下你也可以在非常窄小半径内敏捷地转弯)

05. turn on someone, to
定义: 突发地攻击或批评别人.
例句: I never thought that my own dog would turn on me! (我从没想到我自己的狗会攻击我!)

06. turn on the charm, to
定义: 施展魅力, 放电.
例句: Before I could turn on the charm, she hung up. (我还没来得及施展我的魅力, 她就把电话挂断了)

07. turn on the waterworks, to
定义: 痛哭, 准备哭泣.
例句: You can turn off the waterworks for a start, as that won't make me change my mind. (首先, 你可以停止哭泣了, 因为那样不会让我改变我的主意)

08. turn on, to
定义: 开动水源或电源, 起动机器; 服药或吸食毒品产生激烈幻觉; 产生性欲的兴奋; 引起求知欲, 引起对...有兴趣; 取决于, 有赖于.
例句: Please turn on the TV so we can watch the evening news. (请打开电视, 这样我们就可以收看晚间新闻)

09. turn on/off the tap/faucet, to
定义: 打开/关掉水龙头.
例句: She turned on the faucet and let it run until it was hot enough then filled the bowl. (她打开水龙头, 让水流直到它足够热, 然后把碗装满热水)

10. turn one's back on, to
定义: 拒绝; 离弃, 背离; 愤而离去.
例句: I can't turn my back on my own daughter, no matter what she's done. (不管她做了什么事, 我不都能够背弃我自己的女儿)

11. turn one's crank, to
定义: 激发或引起某人的兴趣.
例句: But I won't be jumping on that band wagon. Just doesn't turn my crank for some reason. (但我是不会跟随这个潮流. 不知为什么, 它就是激不起我的兴趣)

12. turn one's hand, to
定义: 着手, 致力工作; 尝试或能够做某事.
例句: With Sarah's intelligence, she could probably turn her hand to anything after high school. (以莎拉的才智, 她完全可以在高中毕业之后尝试任何事情)

13. turn one's head, to
定义: 故意视而不见, 假装看不见; 迷恋, 念念不忘; 冲昏头, 变为狂妄自大.
例句: You'd better stop giving me all these compliments, or you'll turn my head! (你最好别再给我戴高帽了, 否则我会被你说得自以为天下第一!)

14. turn one's mind to, to
定义: 将注意力和努力专注于某事.
例句: We need to turn our minds to our defensive strategy if we want to start winning games. (如果我们想开始赢得比赛的话, 我们需要将注意力专注于我们的防守策略)

15. turn one's nose up, to
定义: 不屑一顾, 嗤之以鼻; 藐视; 嫌别人不配.
例句: Naturally, my cat keeps turning up his nose up at the expensive food I bought for him. (自然地, 我的猫总是对我为他买的昂贵食物不屑一顾)

16. turn one's stomach, to
定义: 令人作呕, 反胃, 讨厌.
例句: The thought of eating a raw oyster turns my stomach. (一想到要吃生蚝就令人作呕)

17. turn oneself in, to
定义: 投案, 自首; 上床睡觉.
例句: Should you get an attorney or turn yourself in – even when facing serious charges such as murder? (你应该找律师还是去自首 – 即使面临谋杀等严重的指控?)

18. turn out all right, to
定义: 成功地结束, 结局令人满意; 成为心智健全, 健康有为的青年.
例句: You're going to make mistakes, but as long as you give your kids unconditional love and do your best, they'll turn out all right. (人都会犯错, 但只要你给你的孩子无条件的爱并尽力教养他们, 他们就会成为稳健有为的青年)

19. turn out to be ..., to
定义: 最后变成为...
例句: He was so charming on our first date, but he turned out to be a real jerk. (在我们第一次约会之时, 他非常讨人喜欢, 但结果发现他是个十足的混球)

20. turn out, to
定义: 驱逐, 赶出去; 牧马于草原; 翻出, 彻底搜查; 把里面东西倾倒出以便整理或清洗; 大量制造; 小心翼翼地装设, 装饰或最后磨光点缀; 关掉电源, 关掉机器; 出席, 召集出来排列队伍; 走出来响应号召(常用于选举时去投票); 起床; 最后变成为(某个状况或情势); 成熟; 结束.
例句: A lot of people turned out for our meeting. (很多人都出席了我们的会议)



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