二十笔实用成语 1128

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二十笔实用成语 1128

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 04, 2022 12:43 pm

二十笔实用成语 1128

01. turn the tables, to
定义: 扭转情势而进而占上风; 主客易势, 扭转乾坤; 力挽狂澜.
例句: Wow, they really turned the tables on their opponents after the intermission. The score went from 0-3 to 5-3! (哇, 中场休息后他们真的力挽狂澜, 与对手主客易位. 比分从零比三变成了五比三!)

02. turn the tide, to
定义: 力挽狂澜, 将情势逆转, 使反对你的人改变主意.
例句: The votes in the swing state may turn the tide in this election. (摇摆州的选票可能会在这次选举中令情势逆转)

03. turn the trick, to
定义: 造成预期的结果, 成就你计划.
例句: The recipe calls for pancetta ham, but I think this regular bacon should turn the trick. (这篇食谱要求使用盐腌五花肉, 但我认为这些普通的培根应该也可以达成预期的效果)

04. turn thumbs down, to
定义: 拒绝, 不同意, 否决, 不赞同.
例句: The faculty turned thumbs down on the candidate for the Dean position. (教职员工否决了这位获得提名院长职位的候选人)

05. turn to good account, to
定义: 将不利的情况转变为积极或有益的用途.
例句: Pamela turned her illness to good account and did a lot of reading. (潘美拉将她患病卧床的期间转变成有益的用途, 她阅读了很多的书籍)

06. turn to one's advantage, to
定义: 将不利的情况转变为有利情况或优势.
例句: But I turned my muffin top to my advantage by becoming a certified fitness instructor! (但我把我的腰部赘肉转变为对我有利的驱动力, 借此我成为了一名认证健身教练!)

07. turn to someone for help, to
定义: 向某人求助, 求援.
例句: I turned to Google Search for help and indeed found out that this plant has been a time-tested medicine curing many illnesses from diabetes to skin ailments. (我向谷歌搜索求助, 确实发现这种植物是一种久经考验的药物, 可以治疗从糖尿病到皮肤病的许多疾病)

08. turn to, to
定义: 面向; 寻求帮助, 救助; 开工; 将注意力引向...; 改变宗教信仰; 翻开某书的某页或部分; 改变对...的忠诚或支持; 改为某个状态或外表; 将某机器的设定值修改.
例句: Once the holidays are over, I plan to turn to my spring coursework and get ahead on the reading. (一旦假期结束, 我打算专心研读我的春季课程并在阅读上取得进展)

09. turn turtle, to
定义: 翻船, 翻覆, 四脚朝天.
例句: You need to wear a life jacket because there's always a chance that the boat could turn turtle. (你需要穿救生衣, 因为这种船总归是有可能翻覆)

10. turn up in droves, to
定义: 成群结队地出现.
例句: The volunteers turned up in droves, and worked tirelessly to prepare for the clothing giveaway to the homeless. (志愿者们成群结队地出现, 勤奋不懈地为那些无家可归的人整理捐赠的衣物)

11. turn up like a bad penny, to
定义: 到达不受欢迎的地方或活动.
例句: He turns up like a bad penny every time there's a chance of a free meal or a drink. (每当有机会可以吃喝不要钱的酒饭时刻, 他都会嬉皮笑脸地不请自来)

12. turn up missing, to
定义: 缺席, 没露面, 失踪, 不知去向.
例句: Tom was in a heated argument with his wife before she turned up missing. (汤姆在他妻子失踪之前曾跟妻子爆发了激烈争吵)

13. turn up one's nose at, to
定义: 轻视, 藐视, 看不起, 对...嗤之以鼻.
例句: She turned up her nose at me when I asked her out. (当我邀她出去约会时, 她对我嗤之以鼻)

14. turn up one's toes, to
定义: 死亡; 失败, 倒闭; 彻底放弃, 停止努力.
例句: They love very acid soils and just turn up their toes at our alkaline soils. (它们喜欢非常酸性的土壤, 只是在我们的碱性土壤上它们一一死亡)

15. turn up trumps, to
定义: 成功地结束; 造成令人满意结局; 乐于助人, 慷慨相助.
例句: Just when we thought there was no hope, my parents turned up trumps with a large loan. (就在我们认为没有希望的时候, 我父母却拿出了大笔借来的贷款倾囊相助)

16. turn up, to
定义: 找到, 发现; 提高, 增加音量或速度; 卷起, 翻上; (英国)查寻书籍, 参考书籍; 将面(例如牌)翻朝上; 意外出现, 发生; 在约定的时间或地点如期出现或到达; 将船掉头面对上风.
例句: I turned up the cuffs of my shirt before washing the dishes. (洗碗之前, 我把衬衫的袖口卷了起来)

17. turn upside down, to
定义: 彻底搜查; 将...次序颠倒; 把...弄得翻天覆地; 打乱了对未来的展望, 环境或生活方式.
例句: Being rejected by the university that was my top choice turned my whole world upside down. (被我最喜欢的大学拒绝了, 打乱了我对整个未来的规划)

18. turn/twist the knife (in the wound), to
定义: 伤口撒盐, 落井下石, 火上加油.
例句: He said it was over, and then he turned the knife and said he had never loved me. (他说我们该分手了, 然后又在伤口撒盐, 对我说他从来就没有爱过我)

19. turnabout is fair play
定义: 别人的反击报复是公平的, 怨不得人. (注: 意指欺凌别人之后遭报复是公平的)
例句: So, you don't like being made fun of! Well tell you what, turnabout is fair play. (所以, 你也不喜欢被人取笑! 告诉你吧, 别人的报复反击也是公平的, 怨不得人)

20. turning point, a
定义: 转捩点.
例句: Little did I know that the meeting would mark a major turning point in my career. (我居然完全不知道, 这次会议将标志着我职业生涯的一个重要转捩点)



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