二十笔实用成语 1129

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二十笔实用成语 1129

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 05, 2022 2:04 pm

二十笔实用成语 1129

01. turn-up for the books, a
定义: 出乎意料, 令人惊奇的事件.
例句: Everyone thought John would win, so when Richard won it was a real turn-up for the books. (每个人都认为约翰会赢, 所以当理查获胜时, 这真是一个令人惊奇的事)

02. tweedledum and tweedledee, the
定义: 两者酷似, 分别不出, 半斤八两; 两个傻蛋, 驴蛋.
例句: It's a wonder we have any nice things at all with tweedledee and tweedledum over there running around the house knocking into everything. (有那两个傻蛋在房子四周乱闯一通, 撞倒所有东西, 我们能有任何好事发生才是奇迹)

03. twelve good men and true
定义: 十二个正直, 诚实可靠的人所组成的陪审团.
例句: He was convicted by a jury of twelve good men and true. Not a wino in the lot. (他被十二个正直诚实的人组成的陪审团定罪. 这个陪审团中没有一个是酒鬼)

04. twenty times less than
定义: 小二十倍, 二十分之一.
例句: SpaceX Starship launch costs will be twenty times less than Delta rockets. (太空探索技术公司之星舰的发射成本将比三角洲运载火箭低二十倍)

05. twenty-four seven
定义: 全年全天无休运作. (注: 一天二十四小时, 一星期七天无休运作)
例句: You know you can call me twenty-four seven if you ever need anything, OK? (你知道你可以全天任何时间都可以打电话给我, 如果你需要些什么的话, 好吗?)

06. twenty-three skidoo
定义: [俚语]赶快离开这里.
例句: It looks like there's trouble brewing here. I'd better twenty-three skidoo! (看来这里正酝酿着麻烦. 我得赶快离开这里!)

07. twenty-twenty hindsight, the
定义: 事后诸葛亮, 放马后炮.
例句: I can see now that having my brother as my legal counsel was unwise, but I guess twenty-twenty hindsight isn't much use right now. (我现在才明白, 请我的兄弟作为我的法律顾问是不明智的, 但我估摸现在才放马后炮也没什么用了)

08. twenty-twenty vision, the
定义: 良好视力; 不戴眼镜看东西的能力.
例句: The doctor told me I have twenty-twenty vision. (医生告诉我我的视力良好)

09. twerp, a
定义: [俚语]小人物, 讨人厌者.
例句: I'll never understand how a twerp like him got promoted to Vice President of the company! (我永远没法理解像他这样的傻蛋是怎么被提升为公司副总裁的!)

10. twice this year
定义: 今年已经两次了.
例句: It's happened twice this year and it'll certainly happen again. (今年已经发生了两次, 而且肯定会再度发生)

11. twiddle one's thumbs, to
定义: 无所事事, 无事可做, 厮混.
例句: There I sat for three hours, twiddling my thumbs, while he made call after call. (我在那里干坐了三个钟头, 无所事事, 而他却一通接一通地打电话)

12. twilight years, the
定义: 晚年, 垂暮之年.
例句: Grandma wants to keep her own home during her twilight years. (奶奶想在晚年保留她自己的家)

13. twilight zone, the
定义: 迷离之境; 梦幻世界; 超出法律或道德之领域.
例句: Jeff and I somehow ended up holding hands at the movie last night, and now we're in this weird twilight zone between friendship and dating. (杰夫和我昨晚不知何故在电影院中手牵手, 现在我们正处于友谊和恋爱之间的这个奇妙的梦幻世界)

14. twinkle in your eye, a
定义: 标志着快乐或愉悦的表情; 表现出心中已有对策的表情; (在某人眼中)某事正处于在筹划的阶段.
例句: Just when Rita thought all hope was lost, Jared got a twinkle in his eye that told her he had a plan to get them both out of that sticky situation. (就在丽塔认为所有希望都破灭的时候, 杰瑞德却摆出山人自有妙计的自信表情, 让她感觉到他有一个让他们俩都能够摆脱困境的计划)

15. twinkle toes, the
定义: [俚语]善舞蹈之人.
例句: Tommy is a good dancer, but he's no match to twinkle toes over there. (汤米是一个很好的舞者, 但他跟那边那个舞蹈高手就不能比了)

16. twist and turn, to
定义: 辗转不能成眠, 睡不着; 坐立不安, 一刻也停不下来; (道路)曲折蜿蜒.
例句: A little boy was twisting and turning in the seat behind me. (坐在我身后座位的一个小男孩扭来扭去, 一刻也坐不住)

17. twist in the wind, to
定义: 被人离弃于恶劣环境, 独自面对责难.
例句: When the scandal broke, his business partners left him to twist in the wind. (这件丑闻爆发之后, 他的生意伙伴离他而去, 让他一个人去面对责难)

18. twist of fate, a
定义: 料想不到机遇, 巧合事件或命运转折.
例句: Thanks to a happy twist of fate, the historical city center with its renaissance architecture has been passed down to us. (由于一个令人惊喜的机遇, 这座历史悠久和富有文艺复兴建筑风格的市中心大楼便交给我们接手了)

19. twist someone's arm, to
定义: 施压, 裹胁, 强迫某人.
例句: He didn't have to twist my arm to get me to go to the movie. I wanted to go anyway. (他不必强迫我去看这部电影. 我本来就想去看的)

20. twist someone's words, to
定义: 扭曲或曲解某人的意思.
例句: When she gave her testimony in court, the lawyer tried to twist her words to mean something else. (当她在法庭上作证之时, 这名律师试图歪曲她的话以表达其他意思)



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