二十笔实用成语 1130

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二十笔实用成语 1130

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 06, 2022 12:06 am

二十笔实用成语 1130

01. twist/wrap someone around/round one's little finger, to
定义: 玩弄某人于你的股掌间, 完全控制别人, 令人俯首听命.
例句: She is able to easily twist her boss around her little finger and gets whatever she wants at work. (她可以毫不费力地玩弄她的老板于股掌间, 并在工作中取得她想要的一切)

02. twisted logic/mind, a
定义: 变态的, 不正常的逻辑.
例句: It's perverse logic, but it explains how someone with a twisted mind can have a clear conscience. (这是有悖常理的思考逻辑, 但它却解释了一个心理变态的人如何能够心安理得, 毫无羞愧)

03. twister, a
定义: [俚语]龙卷风; [棒球术语]旋转球.
例句: Living right next to the mountains meant that twisters were a pretty rare occurrence for us. (住在这座山边意味着龙卷风对我们来说几乎很少发生)

04. in a twit
定义: [俚语]非常紧张, 苦恼或心烦意乱.
例句: Don't get in a twit just because you don't think your job interview went well. (不要仅仅因为你认为你的工作面试不顺利就心烦意乱)

05. two abreast
定义: 两人并排站或走.
例句: The children were walking two abreast on the way home. (这些孩子们两人并排着走回家)

06. two bits
定义: [俚语]二十五美分或两毛五美元; 某人的意见或看法; 小到不足挂齿的钱; 卑微而不足挂齿的人.
例句: Tom always insists on putting in his two bits whether we want his opinion or not! (无论我们是否问征求他的想法, 汤姆总是坚持要给出他的建议!)

07. two by two
定义: 两人接两人地; 一次两人进入之后再一次让两人进入, 再依序下去.
例句: They entered the room two by two. (他们两人接两人地进入房间)

08. two can play (at) this game
定义: 你怎么对待人, 别人也可以怎么对付你.
例句: Did she really start a rumor about me? Well, two can play this game. I'll make sure the whole school is talking about her by tomorrow morning! (她真的造我的谣吗? 好嘛, 她能玩这个游戏, 我也能玩. 我保证明天早上整个学校都在议论她!)

09. two cents (worth), one's
定义: 敝人的看法, 个人对某事的看法. (注: 意指以two cents两分钱来象征自谦之意)
例句: He's always ready to offer his two cents on any topic, whether he knows anything about it or not. (他总是准备在任何话题上提供他的看法, 无论他是否对此事了不了解都要插一嘴)

10. two for one
定义: 买一送一.
例句: Do you want one? It was two for one, but I don't really need a spare. (你想要一个吗? 这是买一送一, 但我真的不需要另外一个备份)

11. two heads are better than one/none
定义: [谚语]多一个人的意见也好; 两个人出主意总比一个人出主意还好.
例句: "Can you figure out what this insurance document means?" "Why ask me? I don't know anything about insurance." "Neither do I, but two heads are better than one." ("你能弄清楚这份保险文件是什么意思吗?" "干嘛问我? 我对保险一无所知." "我也不清楚, 但多一个人出主意总比一个人好.")

12. have two left feet, to
定义: 行动笨拙, 特别是在跳舞上.
例句: I've always had two left feet, so I was really nervous about our first dance after the wedding. (我一向笨手笨脚的, 所以婚礼后我们跳的第一支舞真教我紧张)

13. two of a kind, be
定义: 两者非常相似的, 长得一模一样的.
例句: The companies are two of a kind. They both pay their employees badly. (这两家公司都是同一个德性. 他们给员工的工资都很低)

14. two sides of the same coin
定义: 一物的两面.
例句: According to some people, great opportunity and great danger are two sides of the same coin. (有人说, 庞大的机遇和巨大的危险乃是一物的两面)

15. two sides to every story
定义: 事件总有两造的说辞.
例句: "They said Mary was caught stealing things." "Wait, there are two sides to every story. Let's bring Mary in and ask her to give an explanation before we take any action." ("他们说玛丽偷东西被抓了." "等等, 每件事总有两造的说辞. 让我们把玛丽带进来请她作个解释, 我们再采取行动还不迟.")

16. have two strikes against you, to
定义: 你只剩下最后一个机会. (注: 有如对打击手的棒球规则一样, 你在两好球的时刻, 只可胜不可败, 再来一个好球你就被判出局了)
例句: Man, I already have two strikes against me in that class, I can't turn in my school project late! (唉呀, 那门课我已经只剩下最后一个机会, 我可不能迟交我的学科研究项目!)

17. two strings to one's bow, to have
定义: 两手准备, 两套方法(可达成目标).
例句: I always try to plan a project with a backup method, in case my first plan falls apart. It's always good to keep two strings to your bow! (我总是尝试在计划一个工作项目的时候, 也预制一套备份方案, 以防我第一套计划失败. 做好两手准备总是稳妥的!)

18. two wrongs don't make a right
定义: [谚语]以毒攻毒不是解决冲突之道.
例句: Just because he insulted you doesn't mean it's OK for you to start a rumor about him. Two wrongs don't make a right. (仅仅因为他侮辱了你并不代表你可以对他造谣生事. 以毒攻毒并不是解决冲突之道)

19. two-edged sword, a
定义: 双刃剑, 有利也有弊的事情.
例句: Success can be a two-edged sword for a company that has obligations to investors, as you'll always be expected to exceed your previous successes by wider and wider margins. (对于一家对投资者负有盈利义务的公司来说, 成功可能是一把双刃剑, 因为你总是被期望以越来越大的幅度超越以前的盈利)

20. two's company, three's a crowd
定义: [谚语]两人成双, 三人嫌多. (注: 暗示别人双双对对别掺入扫兴)
例句: "Jack, can I invite Ginger?" "Two's company, three's a crowd." ("杰克, 我可以邀请琴吉儿吗?" "两人成双, 三人嫌多.")



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