二十笔实用成语 1133

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二十笔实用成语 1133

帖子 royl » 周日 10月 09, 2022 7:06 pm

二十笔实用成语 1133

01. under heel
定义: 被控制, 被制服.
例句: I'm really sick of feeling like I'm living under your heel. I will not allow you to use me further. (我实在厌倦了那种生活在你的控制之下的感觉. 我不会再让你利用我了)

02. under hypnosis
定义: 在催眠状态.
例句: While under hypnosis, she described the horrific accident in detail. (在催眠状态下, 她详尽地描述了那次可怕的事故)

03. under investigation, be
定义: 正在被调查中.
例句: The car accident is under investigation. (这起车祸正在调查中)

04. under lock and key, be
定义: 被稳当锁好; 被监禁.
例句: I keep my grandmother's secret recipe under lock and key so that no one can steal it. (我把我姥姥的秘方稳当地锁起来, 这样就没人能偷走它了)

05. under negotiation, be
定义: 在商洽, 谈判或协商中.
例句: The revised contract has been under negotiation for several months. (这份修改过的合同已经协商了好几个月)

06. under no circumstances
定义: 决不, 无论如何都不.
例句: "Under no circumstances will I ever go back there again!" "Why? What happened?" ("无论如何我都不会再回到那里!" "为什么? 发生了什么事?")

07. under oath
定义: [法律术语]宣誓说真话. (注: 意指在法庭宣誓过后要把事实及真相毫不保留说出)
例句: Consider your answer carefully, Mr. Jiang, you're still under oath. (仔细考虑你的回答, 江先生, 你已经发过誓要毫不保留说出真相)

08. under one's belt
定义: 拥有, 具有...经验或成就; 吃进, 摄入.
例句: He finally has a full year of working experience under his belt. (他终于拥有了一整年的工作经验)

09. under one's breath
定义: 轻声地嘀咕着. (注: 意指常常是自言自语或情不自禁说出的情绪话但不希望别人听见)
例句: "You'll get what's coming to you one of these days," Elaine muttered under her breath. ("总有一天你会遭报应," 伊莲轻声地嘀咕着)

10. under one's feet
定义: 挡路, 妨碍.
例句: Our puppy always gets under our feet when we're moving around the kitchen. (当我们在厨房里走进走出时, 我们家的小狗狗总是跟着我们, 妨碍我们走路)

11. under one's nose
定义: 就在自己面前, 容易看到的. (注: 有时用在事后悔悟所说的话例如: 某物就在我面前居然没看见)
例句: I've been looking all over for that invitation, and it was right under my nose the whole time! (我一直在到处寻找那封邀请函, 而它却一直都在我的眼前! 注: 这就是我们在心烦意乱的时候找东西却一直找不着的现象)

12. under one's own steam
定义: 自立更生, 独力完成.
例句: Look, Mom, I can finish this book report under my own steam, OK? I don't need you hovering over me correcting my spelling! (听我说, 老妈, 我可以凭一己之力完成这份读书报告, 好吗? 我不需要妳在我身边唠唠叨叨地纠正我的拼写!)

13. under par
定义: 不尽人意, 低于标准, 低于预期水准, 低于证券面值.
例句: Their food was rather uninteresting, and the service was really under par. I honestly don't understand why this restaurant is so popular! (他们食物的味道相当寡淡, 服务也确实不尽人意. 老实说, 我真不明白为什么这家餐厅如此受人欢迎!)

14. under pressure
定义: 处于压力下.
例句: She was under intense pressure to make concessions. (她在巨大的压力下做出了让步)

15. under protest
定义: 不心甘情愿地同意, 极不乐意地接受.
例句: The complaint alleges that the woman signed the documents under protest and notes that she was on the verge of homelessness at the time. (投诉称, 这名妇女极不愿意地签署了这份文件, 并指出她当时正处于濒临无家可归的压力)

16. under review, be
定义: 仍在被审核中.
例句: Officials at the city's Department of Sanitation would not comment on the bids because they are currently under review. (该市卫生部门的官员不愿对这些竞标发表评论, 因为它们目前正在接受审核中)

17. under separate cover
定义: 另函寄出, 寄在另一封信中.
例句: This letter serves only as a receipt of your application. We shall send you our decision under separate cover after it has been reviewed. (这封信仅作为你的申请收据. 我们将在审核之后把我们的决定另函寄出给你)

18. under siege
定义: 被包围, 被围攻, 被围剿; 受到压力或责难的包围; 受到来自各方的攻击.
例句: I've been under siege lately, with people from around the company coming to complain about the software issue. (我最近一直受到各方面的责难, 公司里的同事都跑来抱怨软件的问题)

19. under someone's auspices; under the auspices of
定义: 在某人庇护下; 在某人支持, 协助或指导下.
例句: The study was carried out by a medical student under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Alternative Therapies. (这项研究乃是由替代疗法研究中心所资助的一名医学院学生来执行的)

20. under someone's care
定义: 在某人照顾下.
例句: The house is now under my care until the owner returns from Europe. (这栋房子目前是由我来照顾直到主人从欧洲回来为止)



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