二十笔实用成语 1134

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二十笔实用成语 1134

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 10, 2022 11:09 pm

二十笔实用成语 1134

01. under someone's rule, be
定义: 在某人统治下, 在某人管理下.
例句: Japan and the Philippines both spent part of the twentieth century under American rule, and the experience left an indelible imprint on both societies. (日本和菲律宾都在美国统治下度过了二十世纪的一部分时间, 这段经历在两个社会都留下了不可磨灭的印记)

02. under someone's security umbrella
定义: 在某人或某国的安全保护伞下.
例句: Ireland, along with all of Western Europe, have enjoyed and prospered under American security umbrella since the second world war. (自二战以来, 爱尔兰和整个西欧都受益于美国的安全保护伞并且在国计民生上蓬勃发展)

03. under someone's spell
定义: 受到某人强烈的吸引或影响下.
例句: Ever since I fell under Susan's spell, our relationship has progressed much more quickly than I would normally be comfortable with. (自从我被苏珊深深地吸引住之后, 我们俩的关系发展神速, 令人目不暇给)

04. under someone's thumb
定义: 在某人控制或支配下.
例句: Although the job paid well, I couldn't stand the way I was under the boss's thumb. (虽然这份工作报酬不错, 但我受不了老板对我颐气指使的态度)

05. under someone's wing
定义: 在某人庇护下; 被某人收留; 在某人的指导, 保护或照顾下.
例句: John took Martha under his wing and paid for her education. (约翰收留了玛莎并支付她的教育费用)

06. under suspicion of
定义: 被怀疑某件道德或法律上的错误行为
例句: As far as I'm concerned, the victim's husband is under suspicion until we interrogate him. (就我而言, 受害者的丈夫将被视为凶嫌直到我们审讯了他为止)

07. Under that rough exterior, he's a softie.
[成语句型]在粗犷的外表里, 他是个心肠软的人.

08. under the aegis of ...
定义: 在...的庇护, 保护, 赞助, 监督, 控制或管理之下.
例句: Although the program receives federal funding, it is run under the aegis of the state. (尽管这项计划获得了联邦政府的资助, 但它是仍是在州政府的监督下运营的)

09. under the age of ...
定义: 小于...岁.
例句: It is illegal to sell alcohol to children under the age of 18. (向十八岁以下的儿童出售酒类是违法的)

10. under the counter/table
定义: 醉卧倒地; 暗中进行地, 偷偷摸摸地, 秘密地, 违法地.
例句: Because I get paid under the table, no taxes come out of my paycheck. (由于我偷偷摸摸地非法取得到报酬, 我的薪水没有被扣缴税款)

11. under cover of darkness/night
定义: 借着夜黑风高的掩护.
例句: They escaped under cover of darkness. (他们借着夜黑风高的掩护, 偷偷地逃逸)

12. under the doctor
定义: 正在医生治疗, 照料中.
例句: Tom has been under the doctor for a year with severe pain in right leg. (受尽了右腿剧烈疼痛的痛苦, 汤姆已经接受医生治疗了一年)

13. under the eye of someone, to
定义: 在某人的注视或监视下.
例句: The children played in the park under the watchful eye of their father. (这些孩子在他们父亲的严密注视下在公园里玩耍)

14. under the guise of
定义: 打着某个幌子, 假借某个名义.
例句: I think your mom is passing a lot of judgment under the guise of concern. (我觉得你妈妈打着关心别人的幌子, 做出了很多对他人的论断)

15. under the gun
定义: 在压力下完成工作; 在威胁下.
例句: We have to get these pages to the printer by 8, so work faster, people. We're under the gun tonight! (我们必须在八点之前将这些稿件送交印刷厂付梓, 所以大家要加紧工作. 今晚我们必须要赶在期限之前交差!)

16. go under the hammer, to
定义: 被拍卖.
例句: The banker's family estate had to go under the hammer to cover some of his mounting debt. (这位银行家的家族财产不得不被拍卖来偿还他日益增加的一些债务)

17. under the immediate supervision of someone
定义: 在某人直接管辖下.
例句: A licensed veterinary technician may perform dental extractions only under the immediate supervision of a veterinarian. (一名有执照的兽医技术人员只能在兽医的直接监督下施行拔牙手术)

18. under the impression, be
定义: 直觉上感觉, 原以为. (注: 经常用于过去式)
例句: Oh, sorry, I was under the impression that you two were a couple. My mistake! (哦, 对不起, 我还以为你们两人是一对情侣. 我的错!)

19. under the influence (of alcohol)
定义: 酒醉, 受酒精的影响.
例句: Ed was stopped by a police officer for driving while under the influence. (爱德因酒后驾车被警察拦下)

20. under the plow, be
定义: (论及土地)使用来耕种的.
例句: The amount of local land under the plow is decreasing. (当地耕地面积正在逐渐减少)



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