二十笔实用成语 1135

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二十笔实用成语 1135

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 11, 2022 10:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 1135

01. under the radar
定义: 躲开侦测; 没有被察觉, 注意到, 侦察到; 不张扬, 保持低调.
例句: I plan to stay under the radar until this controversy blows over. (在这场争议平息之前, 我打算安安份份地低调行事)

02. under the rose
定义: 私下地, 秘密地.
例句: No, I had no idea they were planning to reject the proposal. They must have reached that decision under the rose. (不, 我不知道他们打算拒绝这个提议. 他们一定是秘密地做出了那个决定)

03. under the same circumstances
定义: 在同一情况下, 在相同情况下.
例句: Under the same circumstances anyone would have done the same. (在同样的情况下, 任何人都会做出同样的事情. 注: 意指说话者不想居功, 并说换了别人也会做出同样的事情)

04. under the skin
定义: 本质上; 令人懊恼; 令人念念不忘; 内心里, 隐藏于外表之下.
例句: She's really a sweet girl under the skin. Her sassy attitude just gets in the way of that sometimes. (本质上, 她实在是个惹人喜爱的女孩. 她粗鲁无礼的态度有时会令人看不见她的可爱一面)

05. under the sun
定义: 在世界上, 普天之下.
例句: I looked everywhere under the sun for you! Where have you been? (我找遍了全世界就是找不到你! 你去哪儿了?)

06. under the terms of the contract/lease
定义: 根据合同/租约的条款规定.
例句: Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday. (根据合同条款, 这项工作应该在昨天就完成了)

07. under the weather
定义: 感觉不舒服, 染微恙; 喝醉了.
例句: Yeah, I was under the weather last week, but I'm feeling much better now. (是的, 我上个星期曾染微恙, 但我现在感觉好多了)

08. under the wire
定义: 快到终线, 最后一刻.
例句: I submitted my application at 11:59 PM on deadline day – just under the wire! (我在截止日期的晚上11:59交出了我的申请表 – 就在最后一刻!)

09. under threat
定义: 深受威胁, 面临威胁.
例句: Miami's best real estate is under threat from rising sea levels, so the wealthy are moving to higher ground. (迈阿密最好的房地产受到海平面上升的威胁, 因此富人们正在搬往高处)

10. get under way, to
定义: 进行或开始进行; 开始; 正在进行中.
例句: We're just waiting for Martha before we get the meeting under way. (我们只是在等待玛莎, 她人一到我们就开始开会)

11. under/in the circumstances
定义: 在这种情况下.
例句: Under the circumstances, I think you should rest. You are just getting over a cold, after all. (在这种情况下, 我认为你应该休息. 你毕竟才从感冒中恢复过来)

12. undergrad, an
定义: 大学生, 大学部学生. (注: undergrad是undergraduate的缩写)
例句: I'm an undergrad at Texas A&M looking at Duke University for a law degree. (我是一名德州农工大学的本科生, 正在考虑在杜克大学攻读法律学位)

13. underlying factor, the
定义: 潜在因素, 基本因素.
例句: Although there are a number of factors contributing to the high dropout rates, a recent study found that the major underlying factor is poverty. (尽管造成高辍学率的因素有很多, 但最近的一项研究发现, 主要的潜在因素是贫穷)

14. undies
定义: 内衣裤. (注: undies是underwear的缩写但多指内裤而言)
例句: I wish my roommate wouldn't walk around the house in his undies like that. (我希望我的室友不要那样穿着内衣裤在屋子里走动)

15. have (one's) undivided attention, to
定义: 取得某人的全部注意或全神贯注.
例句: OK, now that your sister's asleep, you have my undivided attention, tell me what happened earlier. (好了, 你妹妹睡着了, 你得到了我的全部注意, 告诉我之前发生了什么事?)

16. at an unearthly hour
定义: 过份地早的时间, 荒谬的大清早. (注: 意指太早被人叫醒时所发出的怨言)
例句: Tommy is always calling me at an unearthly hour, usually for no reason. (汤米总是在荒谬的大清早时刻打电话给我, 通常都是无聊的电话)

17. uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
定义: [谚语]权位越高者担子越重, 烦恼越厉害.
例句: "Have you ever noticed how new presidents' hair starts going gray after just the first year?" "Oh, for sure, uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." ("你有没有注意到新任总统的头发都是在第一年后就开始变灰白了?" "哦, 那是当然的, 权位越高者烦恼越厉害.")

18. unemployment benefit/compensation
定义: 失业补助, 失业津贴.
例句: Your weekly unemployment benefit amount will be between $72 and $563 which are minimum and maximum weekly benefit amounts in Texas, depending on your past wages. (你每周失业补助金额将介于72美元和563美元之间, 这是德克萨斯州的最低和最高每周补助金额, 其额度取决于你过去所领的工资)

19. Unfortunately, he is wrong.
[成语句型]不幸的是, 他是错的.

20. Unfortunately, there are days like this.
[成语句型]不幸的是, 总是有像这样的日子. (注: 意指你总会碰到像这样的日子)



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