二十笔实用成语 1137

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二十笔实用成语 1137

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 15, 2022 7:38 am

二十笔实用成语 1137

01. unwilling to accept that ..., be
定义: 不愿意接受/相信...的事实.
例句: She was unwilling to accept that her daughter wasn't coming back. (她不愿意接受她女儿再也回不来的事实了)

02. unworthy of one's time, be
定义: 不值得耗费时间的.
例句: He is a misogynistic buffoon unworthy of my time. (他是一个歧视女性的小丑, 不值得浪费我的时间)

03. unwritten law, the
定义: 不成文规定, 规则或法令. (注: 意指它不是非得遵守的硬性规定)
例句: It's just an unwritten law that a new president will make his previous tax returns public – seems kind of suspicious if they don't. (新任总统必须公开他以前的纳税申报资料只是一项不成文规定 – 如果他们不这样做则似乎会引人疑虑)

04. unyielding determination
定义: 不屈不挠的决心.
例句: The official document authorizing his medal stated he had demonstrated unyielding determination and extraordinary heroism. (授予他勋章的官方文件宣称, 他表现出不屈不挠的决心和非凡的英勇气概)

05. up a blind alley, be
定义: 进入僵局或死胡同, 无法取得进展或找不到解决方案.
例句: I've gone around and around with various ways to fix this, but I'm just up a blind alley at this point. (我已经做了一遍又一遍, 用尽各种方法来解决这个问题, 但我现在还是没有丝毫进展)

06. up a/the creek/river (without a paddle), be
定义: 问题缠身或身处困境中却无计可施.
例句: I have no savings, so if I get fired from my job, I'll be up the creek without a paddle. (我没有一点积蓄, 所以如果我被解雇了, 我就完蛋了, 根本没法过下去)

07. up a gum tree, to
定义: 处于难以摆脱的困境.
例句: Shouldn't we stop for gas? We'll be up a gum tree if the car dies on that desolate road ahead. (我们不应该停下来加油吗? 如果汽车抛锚在前面那条荒凉的路上, 我们就完蛋了)

08. up a storm
定义: [加强语]热火朝天地, 使劲卖力地, 热情洋溢地.
例句: Sometimes, when I'm really stressed out, I go into the kitchen and bake up a storm to focus my attention on something positive. (有时候, 当我压力大得喘不过气的时候, 我就会到厨房里热火朝天地烤一大堆糕点, 将注意力集中在积极正面的事情上)

09. up a stump, be
定义: 处于难以摆脱的困境; 瞠目结舌, 无词以对; 尴尬的; 困惑的, 迷惑的.
例句: Sociologists are up a stump over the sharp rise in juvenile delinquency. (社会学家对于这个急剧上升的青少年犯罪问题瞠目结舌, 无词以对)

10. up a tree, be
定义: 身处困境中却无法脱身; 瞠目结舌, 无词以对; 尴尬的; 喝得烂醉如泥.
例句: I'm up a tree with this homework assignment. I just don't know how to do it. (我怎么做也做不出这份家庭作业. 我就是不知道该怎么做)

11. up against
定义: 贴近, 紧临着; 对抗, 面对.
例句: Each year, more and more families are up against debt going into the holiday season. (每年, 越来越多的家庭在年底节日期间来临之际面临着债务的困境. 注: 这句话跟咱们中国人在准备要过农历新年之时却囊中羞涩的情况一样)

12. up against the wall
定义: 被逼到墙边, 无路可退; 身处困境中却无法脱身.
例句: I just feel like I'm up against a wall with all these creditors breathing down my neck. (我真是觉得我被这些债主逼得走投无路, 喘不过气来)

13. up and about/around, be
定义: 病愈可以下床活动.
例句: The surgery went very well, and the doctor is optimistic that she'll be up and around soon. (这次手术做得很顺利, 医生认为她不久就可以下床活动)

14. up and at them!
定义: [命令语]快点起床! 动作快! 加紧行动! 勤奋点!
例句: Up and at them, sleepy head! You've got a busy morning, so you'd better get a move on. (快点起床, 小懒虫! 你今天早上会很忙碌, 所以你最好动作快一点)

15. up and do something
定义: 突然地, 无预警地做某件事情. (注: 例如突然地离去, up and leave)
例句: After twenty years of marriage, she up and left him. (结婚二十年后, 她突然无预警地离开了他)

16. up and doing
定义: 病愈可以下床活动.
例句: "Doc, how long will it take until I'll be up and doing again?" "Well, you'll be in cast for at least six weeks." ("医生, 我要多久才能下床活动?" "嗯, 你至少要戴着六个星期的石膏.")

17. up and down
定义: 来来回回地; 上上下下地; 起伏不定地; 到处, 各处; 彻底地.
例句: The kids started bouncing up and down when they heard school was closed for the day. (当孩子们听说学校今天停课的时候, 他们高兴地雀跃三尺)

18. up and running, be
定义: 新开张的生意, 或新推出的产品; 投入使用; [电脑术语]功能正常. (注: 意指机器修好了可以开始工作)
例句: It only took me a few minutes to get the printer up and running after taking it out of the box. (从包装箱中取出这台打印机后, 我只花了几分钟就将它投入使用)

19. up close and personal
定义: (形容词)非常接近; (形容词)过于接近; (副词)过于亲密地, 相当详尽地.
例句: The auditors got to know our financial habits very up close and personal. (这些查帐人员开始非常详尽地了解我们的财务习惯)

20. up for debate, be; open to debate, be
定义: 有待商榷; 尚未取得共识, 尚须讨论; 人们意见不同, 没有一致看法.
例句: Kids, this is not up for debate. Either you clean your rooms, or you don't get to watch any TV today. (孩子们, 这不是可以讨价还价的事情. 你们要么打扫你们的房间, 否则你们今天不准看电视)



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