二十笔实用成语 1138

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二十笔实用成语 1138

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 17, 2022 8:10 am

二十笔实用成语 1138

01. up for grabs, be
定义: 人人皆可争取得到; 人人都有机会. (注: 意指秦失其鹿, 天下共逐之)
例句: I don't know who will get the promotion. It's up for grabs. (我不知道谁会得到升职. 人人都有机会)

02. up for it, be
定义: 准备好, 跃跃欲试.
例句: It's a big challenge, but I'm up for it. (这是一个艰巨的挑战, 但我准备好了)

03. up for sale
定义: 出售中.
例句: The Wongs are moving out. Their house is up for sale. (王家要搬走了. 他们正在出售他们的房子)

04. up for, be
定义: 想要有, 想要做; 涉及某一个过程, 尤其是被决定或是被选举; 将要被出售; 被控告出庭.
例句: His proposal is up for consideration. (他的提议正在被考虑中)

05. up front
定义: 预先地, 事先地; 在前排地, 前缘地; 直接地, 坦白地.
例句: He says he'll do the work, but he insists on being paid up front. (他说他会做这件工作, 但他坚持要先收钱才做)

06. up in arms
定义: 愤愤不平的, 准备敌对行动, 反抗的.
例句: The whole town is up in arms about the addition of a new shopping center. (全镇的人都愤怒不平地反对增加一个新购物中心)

07. up in the air
定义: 悬而未决的, 不确定的, 可能会发生变化.
例句: Whether or not I will be able to go to Seattle is still up in the air. (我是否能够去西雅图尚未决定)

08. up north
定义: 往北方, 去北方, 在北方.
例句: He's taken a teaching job up north. (他到北方教书去了)

09. up on something, be
定义: 对某事情掌握最新资料.
例句: Below we list some of the most interesting social media accounts to follow to stay up on the latest financial news stories. (下面我们列出了一些最有趣的社交媒体账号供大家去关注最新的财经新闻报导)

10. up one's alley/street
定义: 正合某人的胃口; 正符合某人的特长.
例句: I thought this little problem would be right up your alley. (我觉得解决这个小问题正符合你的兴趣)

11. up sticks, to
定义: [英国俚语]搬迁到别处.
例句: The more I think about how much we love the coast, the more I think we should just up sticks and find a place near the beach. (我越想我们这么喜爱海滨, 就越觉得我们应该搬走, 到海滩附近找个地方居住)

12. up the ante, to
定义: 提高成本或要价; 提高赌注. (注: 意指假如赢的话将会增加回报)
例句: Sellers have upped the ante in this area so much that first-time buyers can no longer afford it. (这个地区的卖家将房价提高了如此之多, 以至于首次购房者再也负担不起房价)

13. up the duff/stick, be
定义: 怀孕的.
例句: You two have only been married for a couple of months, I can't believe you're up the duff already! (你们两个才结婚几个月, 我都不敢相信妳已经怀孕了!)

14. up the pole, be
定义: 喝醉; 精神失常的, 疯癫; 陷入绝境, 困境; 怀孕.
例句: The pressure of his job nearly drove him up the pole. (工作压力差点把他逼疯了)

15. up the river, be
定义: [俚语]坐牢; 身处困境中却无法脱身.
例句: The judge who sent him up the river was indicted for accepting bribery. If Bobby had only known sooner! (把他关进监狱的法官因为受贿被起诉了. 要是鲍比早知道这事就好了!)

16. up the spout
定义: [英国俚语]怀孕的; 完全被毁损, 无法修理; 被典当掉.
例句: His marriage is going up the spout. (他的婚姻被毁了)

17. up the wall
定义: [俚语]变为激动, 抓狂; 极为烦恼, 焦虑; 深受挫折感.
例句: That car alarm next door is driving me up the wall! (隔壁的汽车警报器发出的尖锐噪音要把我逼疯了!)

18. up the wazoo
定义: [俚语]过量地, 大量, 过度.
例句: I only buy video game consoles after they've been out a while and stores aren't charging up the wazoo for them. (我都是在视频游戏机推出一段时间后才购买它们, 商店才不会疯狂哄抬价钱)

19. up till
定义: 直到...为止.
例句: Up till now, everything has gone very well. (到现在为止, 一切都非常顺利)

20. up till/until all hours
定义: 直到深夜.
例句: I sat up till all hours trying to finish my essay. (我一直做到深夜, 试图写完我的论文)



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