二十笔实用成语 1139

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二十笔实用成语 1139

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 18, 2022 4:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 1139

01. up to
定义: 达到某标准或某要求; 达到, 接近到一个点或程度; 有能力做或对付; 忙碌着或正进行某事; 由某人决定; 图谋或从事恶作剧; 某事物的最大限度.
例句: You have up to a month to complete these assignments. If you submit them after that, they'll be marked late. (我给你最多一个月的时间来完成这些作业. 如果你过了期限才交出来的话, 它们将被标记为迟交)

02. up to a (certain) point
定义: 到某个程度; 有些, 有点; 不完全, 有限地.
例句: I'm willing to help you up to a point, but after that you'll have to look after yourself. (我愿意帮助你到一个程度, 但从那之后你就得照顾你自己了)

03. up to date
定义: 最近, 最新.
例句: Please make sure the information on file is kept up to date. (请确保文件上的信息一直是最新的. 注: 根据笔者的观察, 许多的成语例如up to date, 它本身便是个副词片语或副词短语, 如果把其当作形容词的话, 则将它变成up-to-date)

04. up to here
定义: 受不了, 烦不胜烦. (注: 意指工作堆积如山, 受到某人烦扰)
例句: I've had it up to here with customers calling in about problems covered in the instruction manual. Can they not read for themselves? (我真受不了那些打电话来求助已经被说明书解答了问题的客户. 他们自己不能读说明书吗?)

05. up to no good, be
定义: 不怀好意, 使坏; 做坏事.
例句: I could tell from the look on Tom's face that he was up to no good. (从汤姆的表情我可以看出来他不怀好意)

06. up to one's ears/eye/eyeballs/neck, be
定义: 介入或涉入某事物太深; 工作堆积如山, 快吃不消了; 吃得撑不下去.
例句: We're still unpacking our new house, so we're just up to our eyeballs in boxes. (我们还在我们的新房子拆箱, 所以我们新家的箱子堆积如山)

07. up to one's eyeballs/neck in debt
定义: 债台高筑, 欠了一身债.
例句: I'm up to my neck in debt, so I can't go to the rock concert tonight. (我欠了一身债, 所以今晚不能去摇滚音乐会了)

08. up to one's old tricks, be
定义: 故技重施; 再搞欺骗或恶作剧行为.
例句: She's up to her old tricks, telling her parents one thing and her teachers another. (她又故技重施了, 跟她父母说一套, 跟她老师说另一套)

09. up to one's tricks
定义: 恶作剧, 调皮捣蛋, 耍花招.
例句: Food went missing from the school cafeteria? It sounds like Tommy is getting up to his tricks again. (学校食堂的食物不见了? 听起来像汤米又开始他的恶作剧了)

10. up to one's waist
定义: 齐腰深, 深及至腰部.
例句: Catching my breath, I pressed forward, breathing deep as the water reached my knees and waves splashed up to my waist. (喘了口气, 我继续向前努力地迈进, 当水涨到我的膝盖时我深吸口气, 波浪溅到我的腰间)

11. up to par, be
定义: 令人满意的, 达到标准的.
例句: She was checking to see if his work was up to par. (她正在检查他的工作是否令人满意)

12. up to scratch/snuff, be
定义: 令人满意的, 达到标准的.
例句: Jack, I know you've had a lot going on at home, but these reports just aren't up to scratch. (杰克, 我知道你家里最近发生了很多事情让你心烦, 但这些报告确实没法令人满意)

13. up to someone to do something, It's
定义: 由某人自行决定去做某件事.
例句: It's up to you. Do you want to go out tonight or not? (这完全由你决定. 你今晚到底想不想出去?)

14. up to that point
定义: 直到那一刻或那个程度.
例句: Up to that point we were living the standard American lifestyle of buying things on credit and making payments even when we had the money to just pay cash. (直到那一刻之前, 我们都过着标准的美国生活方式, 也就是即使有足够的钱可以直接付现, 我们还是选择刷卡购物再事后付款)

15. up to the hilt
定义: 到极限地, 完全地, 彻底地.
例句: I've had to borrow to the hilt to get the new company off the ground. (我不得不竭尽全力借钱才能使新公司起步)

16. up to the job/task
定义: 胜任这个工作, 适任的, 合格的.
例句: Now, she's got to prove she's up to the task this time with tougher competition. And the competition's making things much more difficult. (现在, 她必须在这次更激烈的竞争中证明自己能够胜任这项任务. 再说了, 这名竞争对手把事情弄得越加困难)

17. up to the mark
定义: 令人满意的, 达到标准.
例句: I haven't been feeling up to the mark lately. (我最近一直感觉不舒服. 注: 意指此人最近的身体状况欠佳)

18. up to then
定义: 直到那时.
例句: Nothing like that had ever happened up to then. (在那时之前, 还没有发生过这样的事情)

19. up to this juncture/moment/point
定义: 直至此时, 到现在.
例句: Right up to this moment, I had the luxury of time but now I've got to make a choice fast. (直到此时之前, 我一直有得是时间, 但现在我必须迅速做出选择)

20. up yours!
定义: [粗俗语]反击, 轻蔑, 厌恶的惊叹语.
例句: "Watch where you're going!" "Up yours, buddy!" ("看好你的路再走!" "去你的, 臭小子!")



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