二十笔实用成语 1140

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二十笔实用成语 1140

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 20, 2022 7:57 pm

二十笔实用成语 1140

01. upbeat about ..., be
定义: 对...乐观.
例句: He's generally been upbeat about the economy throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but he's starting to change his outlook. (在整个新冠肺炎流行期间, 他一般对经济持乐观态度, 但他开始改变自己的看法)

02. up-front with ..., be
定义: 与...坦白, 开诚布公.
例句: We have always been up-front with you. At no time did we give you reason to think this arrangement was anything other than what it is. (我们一直对你很坦诚. 我们从来没有让你感觉这个安排是别有目的的)

03. (upon) my word
定义: 我保证, 真实地, 确定地; 表示惊讶, 惊奇或怀疑的惊叹词.
例句: My word, that man on the bicycle nearly ran me over! (我的妈呀, 那个骑自行车的人差点把我撞倒!)

04. upon/on his/one's return
定义: 当他回来时.
例句: I'll have a commission check for you upon my return. (我回来的时候会给你一张佣金支票)

05. ups and downs, the
定义: 盛衰浮沉, 时高时低的变迁, 人生顺利或不顺遂的变迁.
例句: Oh, we've had our share of ups and downs, like any married couple. (哦, 我们也经历了浮沉起落, 就像任何已婚夫妇一样)

06. upset the applecart, to
定义: 破坏别人的计划.
例句: We were making a fantastic profit until a competitor upset the applecart by cutting prices. (我们本来一直在赚取巨额利润, 直到一个竞争对手利用降价打乱了市场, 也使我们无法继续赚大钱)

07. upset with someone, be
定义: 对某人不痛快, 不高兴.
例句: "Are you upset with me?" "No, not at all," I said lying through my teeth. ("你生我的气吗?" "不, 一点也不,"我满嘴说瞎话地回答)

08. upside down
定义: 颠倒过来地, 秩序倒反地, 秩序混乱地.
例句: Emergency services found the car upside down on the road. (急救人员发现那部汽车四脚朝天翻在路上)

09. upside potential, the
定义: 向上的潜力, 正面的前景. (注: 常用在金融股市上)
例句: Upside potential over time would be to the $37-$37.50 area. (逐渐地, 上涨潜力将可达到37至37.50美元左右)

10. upside the head
定义: 头顶, 脑后, 头的侧面.
例句: Officer says woman smacked him upside the head, but she says she didn't. (警官说那名女子敲打他的脑袋, 但她说她没动手)

11. upward(s) of (something)
定义: 多于, 超过.
例句: They're saying it could cost upward of $3,000 to have the car repaired. (他们说修理这部车可能要花费3,000美元以上)

12. urban blight/decay
定义: 城市的衰败.
例句: The district is an enclave of high unemployment, urban decay and crime. (该地区是高失业率, 城市衰败和犯罪的集中地)

13. urban flight, the
定义: 城市人口迁离, 逃离繁嚣城市到市郊或乡下定居, 甚至于搬到别的城市.
例句: In response to the growing desire for space over density, an urban flight has emerged in large metro areas across the nation. (鉴于人们对居住空间超过人口密度的日益增长的需求, 全国大都市地区出现了城市人口迁离的现象)

14. urban myth, a
定义: 城市神话. (注: 意指辗转相传的某人经历加上渲染成为众所周知事情; 例如交通警察只抓某种颜色的超速汽车或某城市下水道有鳄鱼)
例句: "Did you ever hear about the kid whose stomach exploded from eating Pop Rocks and drinking soda at the same time?" "Oh, that's just a silly old urban myth." ("你有没有听说过一个小孩因为同时吃爆裂糖果和喝汽水而肚子爆炸的故事?" "哦, 那只是一个傻不拉叽的古老都市神话.")

15. urban sprawl
定义: 城市扩张蔓延. (注: 意指没有计划, 没有节制的城市发展扩散到都市邻近的区域)
例句: Urban sprawl leads to fragmentation of habitats, increases the average travel distances for daily trips, and hinders a shift toward less energy-intensive transportation modes. (城市扩张导致居住环境碎片化, 增加了日常出行的平均旅行距离, 并且阻碍了趋向低能源消耗交通方式的转变)

16. use ... as an out, to
定义: 以...作为借口.
例句: I think she was just using her mother's illness as an out. (我认为她只是在利用她母亲的患病作为借口)

17. use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, to
定义: 杀鸡用宰牛刀, 用过量的手法去达到目的.
例句: The drastic campaign by the government to reduce childhood obesity is, she says, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. (她说, 政府为减少儿童肥胖问题所而开展的激烈运动无异是杀鸡用牛刀)

18. use big words, to
定义: 咬文嚼字, 跩文, 掉书袋(以企图博得别人好感).
例句: You don't need to use big words to make your point. (你不需要用咬文嚼字来表达你的观点)

19. use every means available/possible, to
定义: 使用一切可用的办法.
例句: Only by using every means available to us will we be able to save future victims from these horrible conditions. (只有利用我们可以动用的一切手段, 我们才能将未来的受害者从这些可怕的状况中拯救出来)

20. use one's head, to
定义: 仔细思考, 用脑筋想一想.
例句: You should use your head a little more and try not to make the same mistake again. (你应该多动动脑筋, 尽量别再犯同样的错误)



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