二十笔实用成语 1141

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二十笔实用成语 1141

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 22, 2022 5:42 am

二十笔实用成语 1141

01. use scare tactics, to
定义: 使用恐吓战术.
例句: Then they used scare tactics, telling the audience that fat people were apt to succumb to something called Sudden Death syndrome. (然后他们就使用恐吓战术, 告诉观众肥胖的人容易死于一种叫做猝死综合症的疾病)

02. use the/one's bully pulpit, to
定义: 使用自己受尊重的地位来发表观点并鼓动别人支持.
例句: If only politicians would use the bully pulpit to further causes that actually affect people's lives, instead of simply furthering their own political careers. (如果政客们能够利用自己受尊重的地位来推动对人们生活的实际影响, 而不只是嘉惠他们自己的政治事业)

03. use up valuable/precious time, to
定义: 耗尽宝贵时间.
例句: One of the problems with a disorganized craft room is that you are often pulling things out and putting them away, using up valuable time. (杂乱无章工艺室的问题之一是你经常把东西拿出来再将它们放回去, 浪费了宝贵的时间)

04. use up, to
定义: (物品)使用完; (体力)消耗尽.
例句: All of that cleaning totally used me up. I need a nap. (这些清洁工作让我做得筋疲力尽. 我需要休息一下)

05. use your loaf/noodle, to
定义: [俚语]仔细思考, 用脑筋想一想.
例句: Come on, Dean, I know you can figure this out on your own. Use your noodle for a change! (拜托, 狄恩, 我知道你自己能够解决这个问题. 这次就换你来仔细思考吧!)

06. use your own judgment, to
定义: 使用你自己的判断能力.
例句: Don't ask me, use your own judgment. (别问我, 你自己判断吧)

07. use/exercise one's (own) discretion, to
定义: 自行斟酌; 谨慎行事.
例句: We advise you to exercise your own discretion when dealing with such third party vendors. (当你跟这一类第三方供应商打交道的时候, 我们建议你要谨慎行事)

08. used against someone, be
定义: 被用来做出不利于某人.
例句: Anything you say or do will be used against you, and it will be used against you in the way that is most harmful to you. (你所说的或所做的任何事情都会被用来对付你, 并且会以伤害最大的方式来对付你)

09. used to, be
定义: 习惯, 适应.
例句: Is she getting used to her new job? (她适应了新工作吗?)

10. used to, one
定义: 以前曾如何如何. (注: 意指论到过去的行动)
例句: I used to be a high school principal, before I changed careers. (在我转行之前, 我曾经是一名高中校长)

11. useful as tits on a bull, be (as)
定义: 一点用都没有; 多余的, 毫无作用的. (注: 意指跟公牛的乳房一样多余的, 没用的)
例句: This umbrella is blown inside out, it's about as useful as tits on a bull. (这把伞被风吹反过来, 它根本没法遮风挡雨)

12. useful idiot, a
定义: 可资利用的傻瓜. (注: 意指甘愿为虎作伥的愚昧之人)
例句: The people who stormed the Capitol and threatened members of Congress were nothing but useful idiots. (那些冲进国会大厦并威胁国会议员的人们无非是一群可资利用的傻瓜)

13. useless as a fifth wheel, be (as)
定义: 一点用都没有; 多余的, 毫无作用的. (注: 意指跟汽车第五个轮子一样多余的, 没用的)
例句: I sat there watching the four of them work together as a team and joking around with one another, and feeling as useless as a fifth wheel. (我坐在那里看着他们四个合作无间地一起工作并且还互相开玩笑, 我感觉自己好像是个多余的人)

14. useless as tits on a boar, be (as)
定义: 一点用都没有; 多余的, 毫无作用的. (注: 意指跟跟公猪的乳房一样多余的, 没用的)
例句: Your facemask is as useless as tits on a boar. If we have to wear them, we may as well make them a fashion statement. (你的口罩一点保护作用都没有. 如果我们必须穿戴它们, 我们不妨让它们成为一种时尚宣言)

15. usual suspects, the
定义: 惯犯, 老问题; 老伙伴, 常见的一些东西.
例句: The breakfast menu had all the usual suspects, eggs, pancakes, waffles, and French toast. (这份早餐菜单上都是一些常见的食物: 鸡蛋, 煎饼, 格子松饼和法式吐司)

16. utter failure, an
定义: 彻底失败.
例句: Their business was over with before they even opened their doors. It was an utter failure! (他们的生意在他们开门之前就结束了. 这是一个彻底的失败!)

17. vale/valley of tears
定义: 人间, 世界, 尘世.
例句: When it comes time for me to leave this vale of tears, I hope I can leave some worthwhile memories behind. (当我要离开这个人间的时候, 我希望我能留下一些值得怀念的回忆)

18. vamoose, to
定义: [俚语]马上离开; [命令语]走开.
例句: We'd better vamoose if we don't want to get caught in that storm! (如果我们不想被困在那场风暴里, 我们最好快点离开!)

19. have Van Gogh's ear for music, to
定义: 音盲. (注: 艺术家梵谷割伤自己一只耳朵怎可欣赏音乐)
例句: I don't know why he thought to join the school choir. He has Van Gogh's ear for music! (我不知道他为什么想加入学校合唱团. 他是个音盲!)

20. variety is the spice of life
定义: [谚语]多样变化是生活的调味料.
例句: You should really start trying new foods instead of eating the same thing all the time. Variety is the spice of life. (你真的应该开始尝试各种新食物, 而不是一直吃同样的东西. 多样变化是生活的调味料)



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