二十笔实用成语 1142

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二十笔实用成语 1142

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 24, 2022 10:06 am

二十笔实用成语 1142

01. variety store, a
定义: 杂货店.
例句: I used to love weird little variety stores like this when I was a kid. There was always something interesting I could find. (在我的儿时, 我曾经很喜欢这种怪异神奇的小杂货店. 我总是能够找到一些很有趣的东西)

02. various and sundry, be
定义: 各式各样的, 杂项的.
例句: Shops like these specialize in various and sundry little knickknacks, but rarely anything of real value. (像这样的商店专营各种小摆饰, 但很少有真正具有价值的东西)

03. varying degrees
定义: 各种不同程度.
例句: The technology is able to convert handwriting into digital text with varying degrees of success. (此项能够将手写字迹转换为数字文本上的技术获得了不同程度的成功)

04. veep/VP, a
定义: [俚语]副总统, 副总裁, 副主席. (注: veep是VP的谐音)
例句: The veep takes over if the current president dies, resigns, or is impeached. (如果现任总统去世, 辞职或被弹劾, 则将由副总统接任总统之职)

05. veg out, to
定义: 无所事事, 完全放轻松.
例句: After such a tough week in work, all I want to do this weekend is veg out in front of the TV. (工作了这么辛苦的一个星期之后, 这个周末我想做的就是完全放轻松地看电视机)

06. vent one's spleen, to
定义: 泄愤, 拿别人出气.
例句: It was his way of venting his spleen on me, but it backfired. (他就是这样对我泄愤, 但造成了适得其反的效果)

07. venture into, to
定义: 闯入, 大胆冒险尝试.
例句: The explorers ventured into the dense jungle, hoping to find the remains of the ancient civilization they had read about. (探险者们闯入了茂密的森林, 希望能找到他们所读到的古代文明的遗迹)

08. verb. sap.
定义: 说得够清楚, 多言无益. (注: 它们是拉丁文verbum sapienti sat est的简写, 其意为: 对聪明人说一句话就足够了)
例句: Repeating the same weak, debunked arguments won't make them true, you know. Verb. sap. (你要知道, 重复同样的没说服力, 被证明是谬误的论点不会使它们成为真理. 对聪明人说一句话就足够了)

09. verbal abuse, the
定义: 辱骂, 粗俗语, 脏话.
例句: We were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse. (我们被人推搡, 并且遭到大量辱骂)

10. verge on, to
定义: 濒临, 接近, 位于...的边缘.
例句: Her snide comments verged upon insult. (她的暗讽言语近乎侮辱)

11. very much alive, be
定义: 活蹦乱跳的, 非常活跃的, 并非消失或消沉的.
例句: It should also have been noted that the classical Confucian tradition is very much alive in China today. (还应该指出的是, 古典儒家的传统在今日的中国仍旧非常活跃)

12. very much so
定义: 的确如此; 很多.
例句: "Are you enjoying your vacation?" "Very much so!" ("你假期过得愉快吗?" "很快活!")

13. very same ..., the
定义: 就是同一个... (注: very在此是副词, 用来强调与修饰形容词same)
例句: Puma and cougar are different names for the very same animal. (Puma和cougar就是同一种动物的不同名称. 注: puma和cougar这两个单字都是美洲狮之意)

14. very simple, be
定义: 很简单.
例句: John lives a very simple life for a man who has become incredibly rich. (身为一名超级富豪, 约翰过着非常简约的生活)

15. very thing, the
定义: 正是此事或物; 最理想, 最需要或最有用的东西.
例句: I have the very thing to remove that stain. (我正好有能够除去那个污渍的清洁剂)

16. very unique vs. unique
定义: [易混淆字或短语]unique本来就是独一无二的, 稀罕的, 独特的; very unique非常独一无二的也不会再使它变为更独一无二的, 所以very在这里是多余的修饰副词.

17. vested interest, a
定义: 合法权益, 既得利益, 特权集团.
例句: She has a vested interest in keeping the house in her name. (为了保障她的既得权益, 她仍将房子放在她的名下)

18. vice versa
定义: 反之亦然.
例句: Science must be at the service of man, and not vice versa. (科学必须为人类服务, 而不是倒果为因. 注: 意指科学研究乃是为了提升人类福祉而做出的努力)

19. vicious circle/cycle, a
定义: 恶性循环.
例句: I was trapped in a vicious cycle; now I'm free, life has never been better! (我曾陷入了恶性循环无法自拔; 如今我摆脱了羁绊, 生活再也没有比这个更美好!)

20. vie for, to
定义: 争取, 争夺, 竞争.
例句: It's nearly impossible to sit down for a meal with a friend without having the kids vie for your attention the whole time. (跟朋友坐下来吃个饭的整段时间内几乎不可能逃过小朋友们争相抢着你的注意)



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