二十笔实用成语 1143

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二十笔实用成语 1143

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 27, 2022 2:05 pm

二十笔实用成语 1143

01. vile and hateful, be
定义: [形容词]恶毒及憎恨的.
例句: We have not witnessed such vile and hateful displays of racism, antagonism and incivility by an American president in this lifetime. (我们这辈子还没有见过一个美国总统如此恶毒和憎恨地表现出种族主义, 敌视的态度和不文明的行为)

02. vile weather, the
定义: 恶劣的天气.
例句: These plants do not thrive in the hot season, so this vile weather is not doing them any justice. (这些植物在炎热的季节里没法茁壮成长, 所以这种恶劣的天气对它们没有任何好处)

03. villain of the piece, the
定义: 肇事者; 肇事原因.
例句: The safety supervisor cut corners on safety equipment, but the real villains of the piece are the executives of the company who demanded that he keep costs down by any means necessary. (这名安全官在安全设备上偷工减料, 但真正的肇事者是公司的高管, 他们要求他以任何必要的手段降低成本)

04. vim and vigor, the
定义: 用不完的热情, 生命力或及活力.
例句: He was full of vim and vigor after that swim. (游完那趟泳之后, 他还是活力充沛)

05. vinyl record, a
定义: 黑胶唱片.
例句: The average eBay selling price for vinyl records is around $15, though values can range from 50 cents to $50 or more. (黑胶唱片在eBay上的平均售价约为15美元, 但价格范围从50美分到50美元或更高)

06. VIP, a
定义: 重要人物, 贵宾. (注: VIP是very important person的缩写; 既可以当名词也可以当形容词)
例句: We have a VIP area set aside for our highest-spending customers. (我们为高消费客户预留了一个贵宾区)

07. virgin territory, a
定义: 处女地; 完全没有经验的领域; 完全没有开发的, 未经检验的领域.
例句: The entrepreneur made his millions when he set up one of the world's most popular search engines back when the Internet was still considered virgin territory. (这位企业家在互联网仍被视为完全未开发领域的时候建立了世界上最受欢迎的搜索引擎之一, 从而赚了数百万美元)

08. virtual reality, a
定义: [电脑术语]虚拟实境, 虚拟现实.
例句: The movie had so much virtual reality that the regular photographic scenes began to look funny. (这部电影充斥了太多的虚拟现实, 以至于常规的摄影场景开始看起来很奇怪)

09. visit a spell, to
定义: 短期地游玩, 短期地拜访.
例句: Hello, Charlie. Come in and visit a spell. (你好, 查理. 过来玩玩吧)

10. visit from the Grim Reaper, a
定义: 死亡, 死神的降临. (注: 意指把死亡人格化像一个黑衣黑头盖的人或骷髅提着一把大镰刀来讨命)
例句: A visit from the Grim Reaper reminding students of the dangers of texting while driving, and driving while impaired. (车祸死亡提醒了学生们开车时发短信和酒后驾车所发生的危险)

11. visit from the stork, a
定义: 婴儿诞生. (注: 根据西方传说, 婴儿由送子鸟, stork, 送给父母)
例句: When are you and Jim going to get a visit from the stork and give me a grandkid or two, hmm? (你和吉姆准备什么时候要生小孩, 给我生一两个孙子, 嗯?)

12. visiting hours
定义: 会客时间.
例句: Our visiting hours are 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm every day. On weekends and holidays, visiting hours will be between the hours of 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. (我们的会客时间是每天下午六点半到晚上八点. 在周末和节假日, 会客时间为下午一点半至下午三点和下午六点半至晚上八点)

13. vital signs, the
定义: 生命迹象. (注: 例如脉动率, 体温, 血压及呼吸率)
例句: I was surprised, then, to realize that I felt lost and abandoned: on my own with no supervision and no one checking my vital signs to make sure I was OK. (我当时很惊讶, 然后, 我意识到我感觉失落和被遗弃: 独自一人, 没有照顾我, 没有人检查我的生命迹象以确保我没事)

14. voice mail, a
定义: 语音邮件, 电话留言.
例句: You didn't even respond when I left you a voicemail. (你甚至没回应我给你的电话留言)

15. void/devoid of, be
定义: 毫无, 完全缺乏.
例句: The book is void of interest for readers. (这本书对读者来说毫无吸引力可言)

16. voila!
定义: [惊叹语](发音近瓦蜡)表示满意及欣喜.
例句: Finally, you just turn this crank to set it into place and, voila! The machine is ready to go. (最后, 你只需转动此曲柄即可将它设定就位, 好啦! 这台机器已经准备就绪)

17. voir dire, a
定义: [法律术语]被告与与控告两造律师初步圈选陪审员与证人.
例句: The judge did all the voir dire, or questioning, and gave both sides only 15 minutes to ask questions during the whole process. (这名法官做了所有的初步圈选或询问陪审员的工作, 并且在整个过程中只给了两造十五分钟的时间来提问)

18. vote down, to
定义: 否决, 投票击败.
例句: They voted down the proposal. (他们否决了这个提案)

19. vote of confidence, a
定义: 表达信任及鼓励.
例句: "I just don't think you have what it takes to be a professional dancer." "Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom." ("我就是不认为你具备了成为一名专业舞蹈家的条件." "哇, 谢谢妈妈给我的鼓励.")

20. vote of thanks, a
定义: 表示感谢的正式演讲.
例句: What is she expecting, a vote of thanks? The project went twice as long and cost twice as much! (她还在期待什么, 对她正式的感谢? 这个项目花费了两倍的时间和两倍的成本! 注: 意指她这个项目既耗时又费钱, 不责骂她已经不错了, 她还期待什么?)



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