二十笔实用成语 1144

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二十笔实用成语 1144

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 29, 2022 10:53 am

二十笔实用成语 1144

01. vote out, to
定义: 令某人落选或选败; 投票将某人赶出某组织.
例句: I really think we ought to vote him out of the club after the awful things he did. (在他做出了这些恶劣的事情之后, 我深深地感觉我们应该投票把他赶出这个俱乐部)

02. vote with your feet, to
定义: 用脚来投票, 以行动来表达意见或不满.
例句: After his inappropriate comment, we all voted with our feet and just walked away, leaving him standing there alone. (当他发表不当言论之后, 我们都走开以行动来表达对他的不满, 留下他一个人孤伶伶地站在那儿)

03. vox populi, the
定义: 人民心声, 民众意向, 公众取向.
例句: Social media is supposed to be an arena that amplifies the vox populi, that makes it easier to know what we the people think. (社交媒体应该是一个给予广大民众发表意见的舞台, 这样更容易让别人了解我们这些人民的想法)

04. wacko, a
定义: [俚语]怪人, 不讲理的人.
例句: She's nice but her sister's a real wacko. (她还不错但她姐姐真是个的怪胎)

05. wade into something, to
定义: 开始涉水; 干预或参与冲突, 辩论或争论; 果决和积极地工作或着手处理事情.
例句: Don't wade into their debate unless you want to talk about politics for the rest of the night. (除非你想整个晚上谈论政治, 否则就不要参加他们的争论)

06. wade through something, to
定义: 涉水越过, 吃力地读完, 费力地做完.
例句: We had to wade through pages of legal jargon before we could sign the contract. (我们在签署合同之前必须吃力地读完好几页的法律术语)

07. wag the dog, to
定义: 转移注意. (注: 意指制造事端来转移公众对主要丑闻的注意)
例句: "You don't find it fishy that the president ordered air strikes the Middle East the day after all those secret recordings leaked?" "What are you suggesting? That's he's wagging the dog?" ("就在这些秘密录音泄露的第二天, 总统下令空袭中东, 你难道不会觉得可疑吗?" "你在暗示什么? 你认为他在转移国内民众的注意?")

08. wage a campaign/war, to
定义: 发起一场运动或战争.
例句: For years the government has waged a campaign against poaching, which was often undermined by bribery of border guards and local officials. (多年来, 政府一直在推动打击非法盗猎的行动, 这些努力经常因贿赂边防警卫和地方官员而遭到破坏)

09. wages of sin, the
定义: 罪恶的代价, 罪孽的后果.
例句: She ate all of the strawberries and ended up with a terrible stomachache. That's the wages of sin, no doubt. (她把所有的草莓都吃光了, 结果肚子疼得很厉害. 那就是纵口欲的后果, 毫无疑问)

10. waifs and strays, the
定义: 无家可归的人; 无主的流浪动物.
例句: It's heartbreaking to see so many waifs and strays wandering the city streets, with no one to care for them. (看到这么多流离失所, 无家可归的人在街头流荡, 没有人照顾, 真是看得令人心酸)

11. wail like a banshee, to
定义: 厉声尖锐嘶地叫.
例句: Kids, stop wailing like a banshee back there! I need to focus on driving and I can barely hear myself think! (小朋友, 别在后座尖声嘶叫啦! 我需要专心开车, 我几乎都听不到自己在想什么!)

12. wait a good hour, to
定义: 等了足足一个小时. (注: good在此是整整或足足的意思)
例句: Last time, I waited a good hour to get a photo with you until security kicked me out and I never got it. This completely makes up for it. (上次, 我等了足足一个小时想和你合照, 直到保安把我赶了出去, 我还是没拍到. 这次的合照完全弥补了我上次的损失)

13. Wait a minute! Hey! wait.
[成语句型]等一下! 喂! 等等我.

14. wait a minute/moment/second, to
定义: 等一下.
例句: Wait a minute, I'm confused. What exactly happened when you went to the mall? (等一下, 我没弄清楚. 你去商场的时候到底发生了什么事?)

15. wait and see, to
定义: 静观其变, 先看看情势发展再定夺.
例句: I guess I just have to wait and see until the doctor calls with the test results. (我想在医生打电话来告知检验结果之前, 我只能静观其变)

16. wait around, to
定义: 在附近等待; 静观其变, 先看看情势发展再定夺.
例句: You can come with me if you want, but you'll be waiting around in the car most of the time while I do my errands. (如果你愿意, 你可以跟我一起走, 但我办事的时候, 你大部分时间都要在车子里等着)

17. wait at table, to
定义: (如服务人员般)伺候客人, 上菜, 端茶.
例句: She got a summer job at a resort waiting at table. (她在一个度假胜地找到了一份服务员的暑期工作)

18. wait behind, to
定义: 等到别人都离开之后.
例句: The teacher made us wait behind after class. (老师要我们下学后留下来)

19. wait for the other shoe to drop, to
定义: 等待似乎不可避免的事件发生.
例句: Mom said that Dad would punish us when he got home from work, so now we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. (妈妈说爸爸下班回家就会处罚我们, 所以现在我们就提心吊胆地等待他的回来)

20. wait for the truth to come out, to
定义: 等待真相被揭晓.
例句: Someone sent this to me with all this he-said/she-said drama. I cannot wait for the truth to come out. (有人把这个双方各执一词, 戏剧性故事一起寄给我. 我真等不及真相被揭晓)



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