二十笔实用成语 1146

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二十笔实用成语 1146

帖子 royl » 周五 11月 04, 2022 8:32 pm

二十笔实用成语 1146

01. wake up, to
定义: 起床; 被吵醒; 清醒; 令人警醒; 令人警惕.
例句: The board of directors refuses to see the imminent danger facing the company. At this point, it will take a financial disaster to make them to wake up. (董事会不愿去关注公司面临迫在眉睫的危险. 此时, 需要一场金融灾难才能让他们清醒)

02. wake-up call, a
定义: (旅馆)唤醒电话; 警告, 警示, 警钟.
例句: Harold's sudden chest pain was the wake-up call he needed to finally see his doctor. (哈罗德突发的胸部疼痛是造成他最终去看医生的一记警钟)

03. walk a fine line, to
定义: 小心翼翼地维持平衡, 谨慎行事避免树立敌人或陷入困境.
例句: He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude. (他小心翼翼地维持自己的言语风趣但又不流于粗鲁)

04. walk a mile in someone's shoes, to
定义: 设身处地, 以他人处境着想; 应先了解某人的处境再批评他.
例句: I know that certain people can come across as selfish or mean-spirited, but you should try walking a mile in their shoes before you dismiss them too quickly. (我知道有些人可能会给别人自私或卑鄙的印象, 但仓促地解雇他们之前, 你应该设身处地, 试着了解他们的处境)

05. walk a thin line between something, to
定义: 平衡, 不偏袒两个竞争想法或团体.
例句: As a new parent, you have to walk a thin line between looking out for your child's welfare and being overprotective. (作为一名初为人父母, 你必须在照顾孩子的福祉上和过度保护之间做个平衡)

06. walk a tightrope, to
定义: 谨慎行事避免树立敌人或陷入困境.
例句: I'm walking a tightrope at the moment; one more mistake and I might lose my job. (我现在正在谨慎行事; 再犯一个错误, 我就可能会失业)

07. walk a/the razor edge, to
定义: 小心翼翼地维持平衡, 谨慎行事避免树立敌人或陷入困境.
例句: In a recession, a luxury retailer must walk a razor's edge between lowering operating costs and maintaining its status as a purveyor of elite brands. (在经济衰退时期, 奢侈品零售商必须在降低运营成本和保持其作为高档品牌供应商的地位之间维持一个巧妙平衡)

08. walk all over someone, to
定义: 果断击败某人; 蹬鼻子上脸, 得寸进尺, 得意忘形; 任意占某人便宜; 践踏别人尊严, 践踏别人尊严.
例句: You need to discipline your students so that they don't walk all over you. (你需要好好地管教你的学生, 这样他们就不会蹬鼻子上脸, 得寸进尺)

09. walk and a half, a
定义: 要走很长的路.
例句: The parking lot was huge and it took a walk and a half to make it from your car door to the arena entrance. (那个停车场大得要命, 从你的车门走到体育场入口那要走很长的路)

10. walk and chew gum at the same time, to
定义: 同时可以做两件事. (注: 如果以否定语气说则意指某人蠢到不能同时做两件轻而易举之事)
例句: I'm quite capable of watching the grill while I water the flowers. I can walk and chew gum at the same time thank you very much. (当我给花浇水的时候, 我完全能够照顾烤架上烧烤的东西. 我可以同时可以做两件事, 谢谢你的关心)

11. walk away from, to
定义: 轻易赢过, 轻易克服; 安然无恙地脱离灾难; 甘愿放弃或遗留某事或物.
例句: Luckily, we were able to walk away from the deal before any money had changed hands. (幸运的是, 我们能够在任何资金转手之前退出了交易)

12. walk away with, to
定义: 顺手牵羊, 偷走; 轻易赢得, 轻易取得.
例句: I forgot to lock my bike as I went into the shop, and in the space of five minutes someone had already walked away with it. (我进店前忘记锁自行车, 不到五分钟有人就把它顺手牵羊偷走了)

13. walk before you (can) run, to
定义: 一步一步来, 循序渐进.
例句: Don't get ahead of yourself. You have to walk before you can run. (不要急于求成. 你必须循序渐进, 一步一步来)

14. walk down the aisle, to
定义: 结婚, 步上婚姻殿堂.
例句: I still can't believe that Nora and Scott walked down the aisle. I never thought I'd see those two get married! (我仍然无法相信诺拉和斯考特步上婚姻殿堂. 我从没想到我会看到他们两人结婚!)

15. walk down, to
定义: 走下; 陪同某人走下; 沿着某路线步行; 陪同某人沿着某路线步行; 走去某处; 陪同某人走去某处.
例句: I can walk you down to the bank to show you where it is. (我可以带你去银行, 指给你看它在哪里)

16. walk in on someone, to
定义: 闯入私人空间; 打断某人或某事.
例句: I think I walked in on a conversation that I wasn't supposed to hear. (我想我闯进了一个我不应该听到的谈话)

17. walk in someone else's shoes, to
定义: 设身处地, 以他人处境着想.
例句: If you haven't spent time in someone else's shoes, how can you judge them? (如果你没有设身处地, 以他们的处境着想, 你怎么可以论断他们?)

18. walk in the park, a
定义: 轻易做的工作.
例句: I've been running marathons for years now, so this 5K run will be a walk in the park for me. (我已经跑了马拉松很多年了, 所以这次的五千公尺长跑对我来说相当轻松. 注: 一般马拉松长跑的距离是26英哩又385码, 而五千公尺长跑的距离等于3英哩又188码, 所以短了许多)

19. walk into, to
定义: 走入, 走进; 走路时撞上; 不知不觉地牵涉入某事, 被人哄骗而落入圈套; 轻易得手(例如工作).
例句: Unfortunately, many people who are not well versed in technology walk right into these con-artists' scams. (不幸的是, 许多不精晓科技的人便不知不觉地陷入了这些骗徒所设的骗局)

20. walk it, to
定义: 走过去; 轻易地达成或获胜.
例句: If you play like that on the day of the match, you'll walk it. (如果你在比赛那天那样的打球, 你会轻易地获胜)



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