二十笔实用成语 1148

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二十笔实用成语 1148

帖子 royl » 周五 11月 11, 2022 3:35 pm

二十笔实用成语 1148

01. walk/tread on air, to
定义: 喜不自胜, 乐不可支, 感觉轻飘飘.
例句: She has been walking on air all morning since she heard that she had passed her CPA exams. (自从她听说她通过了注册会计师考试以来, 她整个早上都兴奋得乐不可支, 感觉轻飘飘的)

02. walk/tread on thin ice, to
定义: 如履薄冰, 小心翼翼; 情势危急, 随时都会发生危险.
例句: You're walking on thin ice by continuing to come in late like that. If the boss notices, you'll be fired for sure. (像你这样不停地迟到会给你带来大麻烦. 如果让老板注意到, 你肯定会被炒鱿鱼)

03. walking encyclopedia, a
定义: 活百科全书, 知识极为广博的人, 学富五车者.
例句: Lily's like a walking encyclopedia when it comes to reptiles. (谈到爬行动物, 莉莉就像一部活生生的百科全书)

04. walking papers, one's
定义: 解雇通知, 辞退通知.
例句: They are closing down my department. I guess I'll get my walking papers soon. (他们正在裁撤我的部门. 我想我很快就会拿到我的解雇通知)

05. wallow in money, to
定义: 在钱堆里打滚, 日进斗金, 财源滚滚.
例句: Unless you are wallowing in money, you shouldn't buy such an expensive car. (除非你日进斗金, 否则你不应该购买这么昂贵的汽车)

06. wallow in, to
定义: 过度沉迷; 在...里打滚; 拥有富裕某资源.
例句: Claire spent the entire day wallowing in self-pity. (克莱尔一整天都沉迷在怨天尤人, 自艾自怜中)

07. walls have ears, the
定义: 隔墙有耳, 有人在偷听.
例句: Let's talk in my office. Out here, the walls have ears. (我们还是到我的办公室谈吧. 这里隔墙有耳)

08. Walter and I are through.
[成语句型]华特跟我已经告吹/分手. (注: 意指一位女子与她男友或丈夫姻缘已尽, 分手了)

09. Walter Mitty, a
定义: 华德•密提. (注: 意指不安于现状的平庸之人以幻想来寻求刺激冒险生活的代名词)
例句: Joe worked for the same company for over 50 years and never even left his home state, but he was always something of a Walter Mitty, dreaming about a life of adventure. (乔在同一家公司工作了五十多年, 甚至从没离开过他的家乡, 但他总是像华德•密提一样, 梦想着冒险刺激的生活)

10. waltz off (with something), to
定义: 开溜, 脚底抹油, 溜之大吉; 轻松不费事地赢得; 顺手牵羊, 偷走.
例句: You can't just drop a bombshell like that and then just waltz off. You've got to give me some more details! (你不能就这样撂下一个重磅爆料然后便脚底抹油, 溜之大吉. 你必须要给我更多细节!)

11. waltz through, to
定义: 轻松顺利地取得, 通过或达成.
例句: I waltzed through a number of entry-level jobs when I was just out of college, gaining the experience I needed to pursue a career I actually wanted. (我刚从大学毕业出社会的时候, 我做了一些新手工作, 顺利取得了追求我真正想要职业所需的经验)

12. waltz up, to
定义: 胆大皮厚地接触(通常指陌生人).
例句: He just waltzed up to her and introduced himself. (他就这么大胆地走近她, 向她自我介绍)

13. wander around, to
定义: 漫无目的地闲逛; 蹉跎时间.
例句: We had a few hours to kill before we had to catch our train, so we just wandered around downtown for a while. (搭乘我们火车之前, 我们还有几个小时需要打发, 所以我们就在市中心闲逛了一阵子)

14. wander off the point, to
定义: 离题.
例句: He has a tendency to wander off the point when he's talking. (他说话的时候往往会跑题)

15. wangle one's way into, to
定义: 以机智或诡计使自己居于优势.
例句: I didn't think we'd be able to do it at first, but after Roger talked to the bouncer, we were able to wangle our way into the night club. (我刚开始不认为我们有办法做得到, 但是罗杰和酒店保安交谈之后, 我们就设法善用机智混进了夜总会了)

16. wangle one's way out of, to
定义: 以机智或诡计使自脱身困境.
例句: He's always trying to wangle his way out of working the graveyard shift, but it won't work this time. (他总是设法施展诡计逃避大夜班的工作, 但这一次却行不通)

17. wanna
定义: 想要. (注: wanna是want to的简称)
例句: "What do you wanna do next?" "I wanna check my e-mail." ("接下来你想做什么?" "我想查看我的电子邮件.")

18. want a piece of someone, to
定义: 想要伤害报复某人或跟某人打架; 对(异性)某人产生欲念.
例句: What are you looking at, punk? Do you want a piece of me? (你看什么, 小子? 你想要跟我打架吗?)

19. want ad, a
定义: 招聘广告, 征人广告.
例句: I responded to a want ad in a local paper to take a job selling kitchen knives door-to-door. (我回应了当地报纸上的征人广告, 接受了一份挨家挨户销售厨房刀具的工作)

20. want back into, to
定义: 希望重回某团体, 比赛.
例句: If you want back into her life, you need to prove to her father that you deserve it. (如果你想重新进入她的生活的话, 你需要向她父亲证明你值得受到她的宽恕)



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