二十笔实用成语 1149

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二十笔实用成语 1149

帖子 royl » 周六 11月 12, 2022 9:29 pm

二十笔实用成语 1149

01. want for nothing, to
定义: 无所匮乏, 衣食不缺, 富足安适.
例句: We weren't rich or anything growing up, but we were happy, healthy, and wanted for nothing. (我们小时候并不富有, 但我们快乐, 健康, 而且衣食不缺)

02. want for, to
定义: 想要...; 需要...; 缺乏...; 通缉.
例句: I want a gift for my wife. What would you suggest? (我想送我妻子一份礼物. 你有什么建议?) They want him for a number of crimes. (他们以多项罪名通缉他)

03. want in on, to
定义: 想要参与, 想要入伙, 想要加入.
例句: Ever since they've seen our success, they all want in on it. (自从看到我们生意成功之后, 他们都想要入伙)

04. want in, to
定义: 很想加入; 很想成为...的一份子或一部分; 要求...出席或出现; 要求...成为的一份子或一部分.
例句: The dog wants in. (这只狗想要进屋)

05. want it so bad one can taste it, to
定义: 渴望, 朝思暮想.
例句: I've got to want that trophy so bad I can taste it! (我朝思暮想着赢得那座奖杯!)

06. want more ...?
定义: 还要更多(东西, 食物)吗? (打架时问)要挨更多揍吗?
例句: "Want more coffee?" "Please." ("还要添咖啡吗?" "好." 注: 这里的Please等于客气地答覆Yes. 当然你也可以回答"Yes, please."; 因为礼多人不怪)

07. want no part of/in something, to
定义: 拒绝与某件事有任何的牵连或参与.
例句: I told them I didn't agree with what they were doing and wanted no part of it. (我告诉他们我不同意他们的所作所为并且不想参与其中)

08. want nothing to do with someone, to
定义: 不想跟某人有任何关系或纠葛; 不愿参与某人之事.
例句: After the way he's treated me, I want nothing further to do with him. (遭到他那样地对待我之后, 我不想再跟他有任何瓜葛了)

09. want out, to
定义: 想要离开或出去, 辞职, 撤股, 分手, 脱离组织, 要...离开, 搬走, 离职, 退出组织.
例句: If they want me out, they're going to have to fire me. (如果他们想让要我离开, 他们非得解雇我不可)

10. want rid of, to
定义: [英国]摆脱, 除去, 拔除, 抛弃.
例句: I could tell that he wanted rid of me. (我看得出来他想摆脱我)

11. head on a plate/platter, one's
定义: 严惩某人.
例句: What do you care if this plan backfires? I'm the one in charge and it'll be my head on a platter! (就算这个计划搞砸了, 你有什么好在乎的? 反正我是负责人, 要惩罚也是惩罚我!)

12. want to be taken seriously, to
定义: 想要别人把你当回事, 相信你或尊重你.
例句: If you want to be taken seriously, don't do things that make people think less of you. (如果你想要别人尊重你, 那就不要做让人看不起你的事情)

13. want to curl up and die, to
定义: 真是羞愧的不得了, 想挖个地洞钻进去.
例句: Tommy just asked me out in the middle of class in front of everyone. I want to curl up and die. (汤米刚刚在班上当着大家的面约我出去. 我真是羞的不得了)

14. wants and needs, the
定义: 欲望与需要.
例句: My wife, a person of few wants and needs, expressed a gift wish for a modestly-priced smartphone, a wish I would love to oblige. (我的妻子, 是个清心寡欲的人, 表示了想要一部价格适中智能手机的礼物愿望, 一个我很乐意满足她的愿望)

15. war of nerves, a
定义: 恐吓战. (注: 以恐吓, 威胁和精神压力令对方屈服的斗争)
例句: Her lawyer said the university had waged a war of nerves to persuade his client to resign. (她的律师说, 为了促使他的客户辞去工作, 这所大学发动了一场威胁恐吓战)

16. war of words, a
定义: 口舌之战, 叫骂战, 口水战.
例句: A war of words has blown up over who is to blame for a confrontation between police and fans outside the venue. (为了谁须为场外警察和球迷发生冲突之事负责, 一场口水战已经爆发)

17. war to the knife, a
定义: 你死我活, 毫不留情的搏斗.
例句: It was a war to the knife, without truce, without respite. (这是一场你死我活的战争, 没有休战, 没有喘息的机会)

18. warm and fuzzy feeling, a
定义: 温馨舒畅的感觉.
例句: I love this movie. It always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling whenever I watch it. (我很喜欢这部电影. 每次看它都给人一种温馨舒畅的感觉)

19. warm as toast, be (as)
定义: 温暖舒适的.
例句: I've got the heater on a timer, so the house should be as warm as toast by the time we get home. (我在暖气机上设了一个定时器, 所以当我们回到家的时候, 房子的温度应该是温暖舒适的)

20. warm one's heart, to
定义: 令人感到温馨有爱.
例句: It warms my heart to see them together again. (看到他们的复合令我倍感温馨)



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