二十笔实用成语 1150

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二十笔实用成语 1150

帖子 royl » 周日 11月 20, 2022 12:10 am

二十笔实用成语 1150

01. warm over, to
定义: 重热食物, 炒冷饭; 老事重提; 重新使用旧物.
例句: I don't know why you felt it necessary to warm that debate over again. We've decided on our next course of action, and we're going to stick to it! (我不知道你为什么觉得有必要重提那场辩论. 我们已经决定好下一步行动步骤, 我们将会遵循它做下去!)

02. warm reception/welcome, a
定义: 温馨, 周到的接待或问候; 热烈欢迎.
例句: The new policy hasn't exactly gotten a warm welcome from citizens. (这套新政策并没有得到市民的热烈欢迎)

03. warm the cockles of one's heart, to
定义: 令人感到温馨愉快.
例句: Thank you so much, your kind words really warmed the cockles of my heart. (非常感谢你, 你的美言真的令我感到温馨愉快)

04. warm to, to
定义: 逐渐喜爱或对某人或某事产生好感; 造成...更有吸引力或似乎更有利.
例句: I think they are warming to my idea. (我认为他们正在逐渐地接纳我的想法)

05. warm up the car, to
定义: 暖车, 引擎跑热.
例句: The car maker has made a special mode to warm up the car while parked so there is no need to be afraid that waiting for a couple of minutes will shorten the engine's life. (这家汽车厂制造了一种可以在停车同时暖车的特殊模式, 因此无需担心等待几分钟会缩短发动机的使用寿命)

06. warm up, to
定义: 温度增加; 使温度升高; 将机械加温令其进入工作状态; 做热身运动, 做准备; 暖车, 准备要开车; 慢慢开始喜欢某人或某事; 让观众活跃起来; 增强热度; 令某人满意.
例句: You're going to hurt yourself if you don't warm up before the game. (如果你赛前不做热身运动便会伤到自己的身体)

07. warmest thanks and regards
定义: 最热忱地感谢及问候.
例句: I would like to express my warmest thanks and regards to the entire staff especially Mr. Wong who was very humble and helpful. (我要向全体员工表达最热忱的感谢和问候, 尤其是非常谦虚和乐于助人的王先生)

08. warn against, to
定义: 警告(某人)不要做危险的事情.
例句: My mother always warned me against hanging out with hoodlums like you, and now I know why. (我妈妈总是警告我不要和像你这样的流氓厮混在一起, 现在我才明白为什么了)

09. warn off, to
定义: 警告某人远离某处或危险.
例句: The county government put up signs warning off any potential hikers from the area. (县政府张贴告示, 警告任何潜在的徒步旅行者远离该地区)

10. warning signs, the
定义: 警告标志; 警讯; 预警征兆.
例句: If a teen is in trouble, there are warning signs to watch for that signal help is needed. You might also notice a change in your teen's behavior in the meantime. (如果一名青少年遇到麻烦, 有些带着求助讯号的预警征兆是是你需要注意的. 与此同时, 你可能也会注意到孩子行为的变化)

11. warp and woof, the
定义: 基本面, 底层结构或基础.
例句: He foresaw great changes in the warp and woof of the nation's economy. (他预见到国家的经济基本面将发生巨大的变化)

12. warp speed, the
定义: 极速.
例句: Although no one's come up with a starship that would travel at warp speed, no one's disproved the possibility of such a feat. (虽然没有人想出以极速飞行的星际飞船, 但也没有人反驳这种壮举的可能性)

13. warped sense of humor, a
定义: 扭曲, 变态的幽默感.
例句: Only someone with a warped sense of humor would think the accident is funny. (只有带有变态幽默感的人才会认为这件事故有趣. 注: 意指只有心理变态的人才会把这个悲剧性的事故当成有趣)

14. wary vs. weary vs. leery
定义: [易混淆字或短语]wary(形容词)谨慎的, 周到的, 机警的; weary(形容词)疲倦的, 厌倦的, 萎靡的; leery(形容词)机敏的, 细心的, 猜疑的, 迟疑的.

15. was meant to be
定义: 本来是, 本来意谓着; 本被视为; 命中注定为或要成为.
例句: I'm not surprised to hear that those two are engaged – it was meant to be. (听到这两人订婚之事, 我并不感到惊讶 – 这本来就是命中注定的)

16. wash away, to
定义: 冲走; 冲洗干净; 忘却, 令其消失(特指负面情绪或记忆); 消除, 缓解或弥补一些负面的感觉, 记忆或经历.
例句: He began spraying the driveway with a hose to wash the dirt away. (他开始用水管将车道的污泥冲洗干净)

17. wash down, to
定义: 喝酒或喝水将食物或药物吞入胃; 以水或液体来冲洗, 清洁或消毒.
例句: If she struggles to swallow that pill, give her some more water to wash it down. (如果她吞咽那片药丸有问题的话, 多给她一些水帮助她咽下它)

18. wash off, to
定义: 用清洁剂和水冲洗或刷洗干净; 冲洗掉, 冲刷; 消除, 缓解或弥补一些负面的感觉, 记忆或经历.
例句: Be sure to wash the mud off your boots before you bring them into the house. (你把靴子带进屋之前, 一定要把靴子上的泥沙刷洗干净)

19. wash one's dirty laundry (in public), to
定义: 家丑外扬, 公开谈论自己私人糗事.
例句: It always makes me uncomfortable when Tom starts washing his dirty laundry whenever our friends get together. (每当我们朋友在一起聚会的时候, 汤姆便开始在众人面前谈论他私人的糗事, 这总是让我感到不舒服)

20. wash one's hands of, to
定义: 拒绝介入, 负责任或与某事有关联; 远离某人或某事.
例句: I've done all I can for him, and now I'm washing my hands of him. (我对他尽了全力, 已经仁至义尽, 现在我正在远离他, 不想跟他再有任何瓜葛)



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