二十笔实用成语 1151

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二十笔实用成语 1151

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 24, 2022 1:09 am

二十笔实用成语 1151

01. wash out, to
定义: 清洗, 清除泥土; 造成褪色, 苍白或缺乏活力; 精力消耗殆尽, 体力崩溃; 排除, 淘汰; 冲掉, 冲蚀或冲毁; 因下雨而停赛; 失败, 未能达到标准或要求; 输掉或亏掉很多钱.
例句: I'm going to try to wash out the wine stain from the carpet. (我要想办法洗掉地毯上的酒渍)

02. wash over, to
定义: 液体覆盖, 淹没; 深受影响, 完全进入某个感觉, 表情突然形于脸上; 被注意到, 听到或理解而没有任何明显的情感影响.
例句: As the sun began to rise over the horizon, a deep sense of calm and well-being washed over me. (当太阳开始从地平线升起之时, 一股深深的平静和幸福感充满了我的心)

03. wash up, to
定义: 冲洗; 精疲力竭; 完蛋; 清洗脸手; 清洗碗盘; 被浪潮冲上岸.
例句: I've been out digging in the garden all morning, so I'd like to wash up before we go anywhere tonight. (我整个早上都在花园里挖土, 所以我想在今晚去任何地方之前先清洗一番)

04. wash, a
定义: 平分秋色, 平手, 谁也欠不欠谁, 差不多, 不用算了.
例句: You won the first game and I won the second, so it's a wash. (你赢了第一局, 我赢了第二局, 所以咱们平手)

05. washed ashore, be
定义: 被浪冲上岸边.
例句: Seaweed has always washed ashore on the coast; it is a natural occurrence. The fact that this season it's doing so in much larger quantities doesn't mean that our beaches are polluted. (海藻一直被冲上海岸; 这是自然现象. 事实上, 本季节它堆积的数量虽然大得多, 但并不意味着我们的海滩受到了污染)

06. washed overboard, be
定义: 被浪卷入海里.
例句: The boat pitched and rolled in the waves, and three unfortunate souls washed overboard before the storm eventually broke. (船在海浪中翻滚, 三人不幸在暴风雨最终爆发之前被海浪卷入海里)

07. Wasn't that just great?
[成语句型]那个真棒, 不是吗?

08. WASP, a
定义: 白种盎格鲁撒克森基督徒(特指男人), 美国的主流族群. (注: WASP是White Anglo-Saxon Protestant的缩写)
例句: Most of the members of the club are wealthy WASPs. (这个俱乐部大多数成员都是富有的白种盎格鲁撒克森基督徒)

09. wassup/wazzup
定义: [问候语]你好吗? 有什么新鲜事? 发生了什么事? (注: wassup及wazzup是what's up缩写)
例句: Hey, Brent, wassup? How have you been? (嘿, 布伦特, 你好吗? 你近来怎样?)

10. waste away, to
定义: 日益消瘦, 憔悴, 虚弱; 浪费, 挥霍.
例句: I feel like we've been wasting away every weekend watching TV. Let's try to get out of the house tomorrow. (我觉得我们每个周末都耗在看电视上. 明天我们尝试着去外面逛逛吧)

11. waste little/no time, to
定义: 毫不犹豫; 随即马不停蹄; 动作快, 反应快.
例句: Wow, Sarah wasted no time finding a new boyfriend after she and Rob split up. (哇, 莎拉和罗布分手后便随即马不停蹄地寻找新男友)

12. waste not, want not
定义: [谚语]不浪费就不致匮乏.
例句: Always save the fabric scraps left over from your sewing projects; you can use them to make something else. Waste not, want not. (总是保留缝纫剩下的碎布; 你可以用它们来做别的东西. 不浪费就不致匮乏)

13. waste of skin, a
定义: 浪费生命的人, 没出息的人.
例句: Tom is a waste of skin and I have no respect for him. He is so terrified to fail that he cannot bring himself to try most things that people attempt to do in life. (汤姆是个没出息的人, 我非常看不起他. 他非常害怕失败, 以至于他不愿意尝试人们在生活中尝试做的大多数事情)

14. waste of time, a
定义: 浪费时间. (注: 意指了无新意的课程, 枯燥无味的节目, 冗长没结果的谈判等没意义的活动)
例句: It's a waste of time trying to convince him. He'll never change his mind! (试图说服他根本在浪费时间. 他决不会改变主意!)

15. waste one's breath, to
定义: 白费唇舌, 对牛弹琴. (注: 意指浪费精力去劝导某人)
例句: Don't waste your breath, he's too racist to accept an Asian student in his elitist club. (别白费唇舌, 他太种族歧视, 不可能接受亚洲学生进入他的精英俱乐部)

16. waste one's time, to
定义: 拖延, 拖拖拉拉; 浪费时间, 徒劳无功; 白费唇舌, 徒劳无功.
例句: If you don't have anything useful to contribute, then please just get out of here and stop wasting my time. (如果你拿不出任何有用的贡献, 那么请离开这里, 不要再浪费我的时间了)

17. watch and learn, to
定义: 学着点. (注: 意指仔细观摩我或某人所做的事)
例句: Victor took the pool cue, laughed haughtily, and said "watch and learn." (维克特接过台球杆, 傲慢地笑着说: "跟我学着点.")

18. watch for, to
定义: 等待, 提防, 密切注意, 拭目以待.
例句: I've been watching for the delivery man all day. I don't want to miss him again. (我整天都在密切注意送货员. 我不想再错过他)

19. watch from up above, to
定义: 从高处往下看.
例句: While I watched from up above, people moved around like tiny pieces of Lego blocks. (当我从高处往下看时, 人们像乐高积木一样四处走动)

20. watch grass grow, to
定义: 枯燥无味, 无事可做.
例句: Ideally, monitoring inflation should be as boring as watching grass grow. But in the world of the $12 lettuce, it's good to know that we'll soon be keeping tabs on prices every month. (理想情况下, 关注通货膨胀应该是个枯燥无聊的工作. 但在12美元一颗生菜的世界里, 很高兴知道我们很快每个月都要密切注意各种物价了)
维州生菜价格持续飙升, 在这些地方能抢到生菜就不错了



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