二十笔实用成语 1153

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二十笔实用成语 1153

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 28, 2022 4:43 pm

二十笔实用成语 1153

01. water the lawn/garden/plants, to
定义: 浇草坪, 浇花园, 浇花草. (注: 在此要强调一个重要的概念, 如果你要浇水你会先想到'浇'这个动词, 然后再找英文的浇也就是spray, 加上'水'之后就成为spray water; 但很少人会用spray water在浇花草上, 所以您的中式英文法则碰壁之后就要试图改变观念并换个方法来使用正确英语)
例句: It hasn't rained in five weeks. Water the lawn this afternoon, please. (已经有五个星期没有下雨了. 拜托你今天下午浇草坪)

02. water under the bridge
定义: 已成为不可改变的定局; 无法挽回的事情; 已成定局, 木已成舟. (注: 意指既成也无法改变的事)
例句: It was terrible that your house was robbed but it is water under the bridge now and you must move on. (你家被抢劫虽然令人扼腕, 但现在这事木已成舟, 无法改变, 你以后还是要继续过日子呀)

03. water cooler talk/gossip, the
定义: (员工短暂休息聚集在)饮水器旁的闲聊, 交换公司内部小道消息.
例句: Many of us miss the water cooler talk, but that doesn't mean it's gone forever. It's the water cooler talk that pulls us together. (我们很多人都想念饮水机旁的聊天, 但这并不意味着它永远消失了. 由于饮水机旁的谈话使我们团聚在一起)

04. watering hole, a
定义: 动物饮水池塘; 社交聚集场所像酒吧或夜总会可供客人饮酒.
例句: This is by far my favorite watering hole in the entire city. (这是迄今为止我在这个城市里最喜欢的社交聚集场所)

05. watershed moment, a
定义: 转捩点, 分水岭.
例句: The scandal ended up being a watershed moment for the industry, forever altering the relationship between the federal government and financial institutions. (这件丑闻最终成为该行业的转捩点, 永远改变了联邦政府与金融机构之间的关系)

06. wave a pistol, to
定义: 挥舞着手枪.
例句: Tulsa PD said on Wednesday afternoon they responded to the call of a man waving a pistol around an east Tulsa neighborhood. (塔尔萨警察局周三下午表示, 他们回应了一名男子在塔尔萨东部社区附近挥舞手枪的报警电话)

07. wave aside, to
定义: 挥手示意某人靠边或离开; 斥为无稽之谈, 置之不理, 不屑一顾.
例句: The police officer stood at the entrance of the building, waving onlookers and reporters aside. (这名警察站在大楼的入口处, 挥手示意一旁的围观群众和记者靠边站. 注: 意指警察要人群让开, 别挡住大楼的入口)

08. wave down, to
定义: 挥手召唤人或汽车停下或过来.
例句: We're already running late, so I waved down a passing taxicab. (我们已经迟到了, 所以我挥手拦下一部路过的出租车)

09. wave of the future, the
定义: 引领未来潮流的人, 事或物.
例句: With rising costs of construction and shrinking budgets, factory-built buildings represent the wave of the future. (随着建筑成本的高涨和预算的缩减, 工厂預鑄房屋代表了未来的潮流)

10. wave off, to
定义: 挥手示意某人往后站或离开; 斥为无稽之谈, 置之不理, 不屑一顾; 挥手道别.
例句: We used to be able to go all the way to the gate of the airplane to wave people off, but now you can't even go through security with them. (我们以前可以一路走到登机门口跟亲友挥手道别, 现在连安检都过不了)

11. wave on, to
定义: 用手示意某人继续走下去或做下去.
例句: The police officer waved us on as soon as the other cars had passed through the intersection. (当其他车辆穿过十字路口之后, 这名警察便立即挥手示意要我们继续开过去)

12. wave the flag, to
定义: 挥舞旗帜; 公开支持, 拥护或保卫某人或某事或你的国家.
例句: My country is often a target for insults or gibes abroad, so whenever I go traveling, I make a point of waving the flag for it. (我的国家经常成为国外侮辱或嘲笑的对象, 所以每当我去旅行时, 我都会特意挥舞我国旗帜)

13. wax and wane, the
定义: 盈亏, 兴衰, 涨跌, 起落. (注: 意指大小, 数目, 力量或强度因时而异)
例句: My fortune has waxed and waned over the years, but I live simply anyway, and it has never affected me much. (这些年来我的财富起起落落, 但我还是过着简朴生活, 财富的多寡一直对我没什么影响)

14. wax eloquent, to
定义: 说话官冕堂皇, 滔滔不绝, 畅所欲言.
例句: Perry never passed up a chance to wax eloquent at a banquet. (佩里从不放过在宴会上滔滔不绝, 畅所欲言的机会)

15. wax poetic, to
定义: 出口成章, 谈吐风雅; 夸张地或冗长地说话.
例句: The entertainer has a habit of waxing poetic during interviews, which delights some people and infuriates others. (这名艺人在接受采访时有一种夸张冗长的说话习惯, 这令一些人满意, 也激怒了另一些人)

16. way back
定义: 许久之前, 多年前.
例句: We've known each other since way back. (我们很久以前就认识了)

17. way back when
定义: 很久以前.
例句: Way back when, there were only a few channels on TV. Now there seem to be thousands! (很久以前, 电视上只有几个频道. 现在好像有数千条频道!)

18. the way I look at it
定义: 依我的看法, 依我的想法.
例句: The way I look at it, if you don't want someone to know something, don't say it. (依我的看法, 你如果不想让某人知道某事, 那就别说出来)

19. the way I see it
定义: 依我的看法, 依我的想法.
例句: I don't know what she's so mad about. The way I see it, I did nothing wrong! (我不知道她为什么这么生气. 依我看来, 我根本没错!)

20. way of life, a
定义: 生活方式; 风俗习惯; 不得不接受的生活现况.
例句: It's a shame that violence and drug use become a way of life for some troubled teens. (可惜的是, 暴力和吸毒已成为一些问题青少年的生活现况)



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