二十笔实用成语 1154
01. way off beam, be
定义: 太离谱; 错得厉害; 不准确.
例句: I'm saddened that he would choose to make remarks about our performance that are so off beam. (我很难过他居然选择对我们的工作表现发表如此离谱的评价)
02. way off, be
定义: 错得离谱; 很不了解; 很不准确.
例句: Tom is way off about Jenny if he thinks she's the type to rat us out. (如果汤姆认为珍妮是出卖我们的人, 那他就大错特错了)
03. way out in left field, be
定义: 太怪异, 太离谱, 错得厉害, 极为疯狂或突兀的.
例句: The boss is way out in left field on this issue. (老板对这个问题的看法错得离谱)
04. way out of line, be
定义: 言行太过份的, 太离谱, 不能被接受的, 完全不符合期望的. (注: way在此为副词much, 非常, 太之意)
例句: Bill, that remark was way out of line. Please be more respectful. (比尔, 你那句话太过份了. 请你对人多尊重一些)
05. the way things turn out
定义: 事情结局.
例句: If you're too scared, then don't complain about the way things turn out for you. You are completely responsible for everything that happens in your life. (如果你过于畏首畏尾, 那你就不要抱怨你所造成的事情结局. 你要对你生命中所发生的完全负责)
06. way to go!
定义: [赞赏语]做得好! 做得漂亮!
例句: "Dad, I got an A+ on my midterm exam!" "Way to go, sweetie!" ("爸爸, 我的期中考试得了A+!" "做得漂亮, 乖闺女!")
07. way too ...
定义: 非常地..., 过多地...
例句: Unfortunately, these speakers are way too expensive for my budget. (不幸的是, 这些音箱的价格超出我的预算太多了)
08. way too cool
定义: 非常酷, 非常好. (注: way在此为副词much, 非常, 太之意)
例句: This is way too cool not to share with you guys. I got an early Christmas present, a Siberian Husky puppy. (这个太酷了, 我不得不和你们分享. 我提前收到了一份圣诞礼物, 一只西伯利亚哈士奇小狗)
09. have a way with words, to
定义: 很会说话; 说话很有一套.
例句: Ask Perry to make the announcement. He has a way with words. (请佩里来宣布这个消息. 他说话很有一套)
10. the way of the world
定义: 世道常情. (注: 意指世上人们一般的行为举止和趋势)
例句: Marriages don't always last forever. That's the way of the world, I'm afraid. (婚姻并不总是长久不渝的. 我恐怕这就是世道常情)
11. ways and means
定义: 完成某事的方法和工具; 为实现某事可支配的方法和资源; 美国会设立的筹款委员会.
例句: "How will you get the money?" "Don't worry, there are ways and means." ("你将如何筹到这笔钱?" "别着急, 有得是办法.")
12. We are much obliged for your help.
[成语句型]我们很感激你的帮助. (注: 受助者也带有欠一份情的心理)
13. We are not done yet.
14. We are not there yet.
[成语句型]我们还没到那儿; 我们还没做完.
15. we are witnessing ...
定义: 我们正在亲历..., 我们正亲眼目睹…
例句: Today, we are witnessing history in the making. And we are not watching it from the sidelines, we are part it! (今天, 我们正在见证历史的创造. 而且我们不但不是在旁观, 我们还参与了此事!)
16. We argue about petty things too much.
17. we can't afford any chance of ...
定义: 我们经不起任何...的可能.
例句: We can't afford any chance of error although we still make mistakes from time to time. (我们不能承受任何失误的可能, 尽管我们仍然时不时地犯错误)
18. We didn't get the job done.
19. We have a situation here.
20. We have discussed this issue at length.
二十笔实用成语 1154
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