二十笔实用成语 1155

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二十笔实用成语 1155

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 03, 2022 9:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 1155

01. we have never met
定义: 我们从未谋面.
例句: Although we have never met in the flesh, we soon found that we have a lot in common. (虽然我们从未见过面, 但很快就发现我们有许多共同之处)

02. We have one in the oven.
[成语句型]我们家要添宝宝. (注: 意指太太已怀孕)

03. We have proved we're the better team.

04. We have to learn from the past.

05. We really can't decide. Can you advise us?
定义: [成语句型] [餐厅用语](客人)我们真不知道要点些什么, 你能建议什么菜吗?

06. We shouldn't have voted for them in the first place.
[成语句型]当初就不应该选他/他们. (注: them是不分性别的第三人称不定代词, 既可以使用于复数, 也可以使用于单数)

07. We sing our hearts out.

08. we wuz robbed
定义: [抱怨俚语]我们被偷了. (注: 本句本是一句非标准英文, We was robbed. 意指被别人以卑鄙手法偷走了胜利)
例句: People will no doubt flock to social media to scream that "we wuz robbed" after the outcome of the match. (毫无疑问在比赛结果结束之后, 人们便会涌向社交媒体上大喊"我们的胜利被偷走了.")

09. weak as a kitten, be (as)
定义: 像小猫一样孱弱.
例句: The heart attack left Tom bedridden and weak as a kitten for nearly a month. (心脏病发作让汤姆卧床不起, 孱弱得像只小猫将近一个月)

10. weak at/in the knees, be
定义: 听见噩耗, 见到心动的异性, 或受某人或某事的影响所产生强烈的情绪反应.
例句: Just thinking about Samantha makes me feel weak in the knees. (一想到珊曼莎我就心动不已)

11. weak in the head, be
定义: 脑子笨的, 弱智的.
例句: She's a bit weak in the head, if you ask me. (她的脑袋有点不灵光, 如果你问我的话)

12. weak moment, in a
定义: 在软弱的一刻, 缺乏抵抗的一刻.
例句: I admit that, in a weak moment, I accepted a bribe to allow development to proceed without proper safety measures in place. (我承认在软弱的时刻, 我接受了贿赂, 允许在没有适当安全措施的情况下进行开发)

13. weak stomach, a
定义: 容易被血腥, 恶心, 骇人或令人反感的事情所困扰.
例句: It's a very violent movie. Don't watch it if you have a weak stomach. (这是一部非常暴力的电影. 怕看血腥场面的人不要看)

14. weakest link, the
定义: 最弱环节, 一团体中最弱, 出力最少, 或最不可靠的一份子.
例句: Derek hardly ever comes to class, so I'm not surprised he was the weakest link in our group project. (德里克几乎从不来上课, 所以我一点也不惊讶他是我们小组项目中最弱的一环)

15. weapons of mass destruction, the
定义: 大规模杀伤性武器. (注: 意指像核弹, 生化等武器)
例句: A critical priority for the whole world is to stem the proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and their missile delivery systems. (全世界的当务之急便是阻止核武器和其他大规模杀伤性武器及其导弹运载系统的扩散)

16. wear a plastic smile, to
定义: 商业性的笑容, 皮笑肉不笑.
例句: I have learnt to wear a plastic smile and behave well with everyone. My heart is full of spite but I mask it with sugarcoated words. (我学会了面带商业性的笑容, 对每个人都应对得体. 我心中充满了怨恨, 但我用柔和言语掩盖了它)

17. wear and tear
定义: [名词]正常损耗. (注: 意指正常使用及日晒雨淋造成损失, 伤害及贬值)
例句: It has some wear and tear, but after 100,000 miles I'd say my car is in pretty good shape. (它有一些正常磨损, 但开了十万英哩之后, 我不得不说我车子状况非常良好)

18. wear another hat, to; wear a different hat, to
定义: 同时可担任数个职位; 兼职.
例句: Few know that the renowned actress wears another hat as an accomplished neuroscientist. (很少人知道这位著名女演员也还是一名成就卓著的神经科学家)

19. wear away, to
定义: 腐蚀, 侵蚀, 冲刷, 磨损, 耗损, 消磨, 衰败.
例句: The flooding wore away the topsoil. (这次大水冲刷掉了表面土层)

20. belt and braces/suspenders
定义: 谨言慎行, 不冒险; 多重保险.
例句: Although I'd set the alarm clock, I still asked the front desk for a wake-up call. I felt I had to go belt and braces to ensure that I'm not late for the big meeting tomorrow. (我虽然设定了闹钟, 但还是要求前台叫醒我. 我觉得我有必要做好双重保险以确保明天这场重要会议不迟到)



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