二十笔实用成语 1156

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二十笔实用成语 1156

帖子 royl » 周一 12月 05, 2022 9:59 pm

二十笔实用成语 1156

01. wear down, to
定义: 磨损, 侵蚀, 腐蚀, 冲刷; 令其疲惫不堪或厌烦不堪.
例句: I started wearing down from so much walking around town. (在城里走了那么多的路, 我开始疲惫不堪)

02. wear makeup, to
定义: 脸上有化妆.
例句: Most of us rated ourselves as more attractive when we're wearing heavy makeup even though others don't think so. (当我们化着浓妆时, 我们大多数人认为自己更具吸引力, 尽管其他人并不这么认为)
这位女士告诉她的男同事别嫌她, 她的浓妆不是化给他看的

03. wear more than one hat, to
定义: 身兼数职.
例句: The mayor is also the police chief. She wears more than one hat. (这位市长也兼警察局长. 她身兼数职)

04. wear no makeup, to
定义: 素颜, 脸上没化妆.
例句: At my place of work a male coworker said I look so much better wearing no makeup. (在我工作的地方, 一名男同事说我的素颜好看多了)

05. not have a stitch of clothes
定义: 赤身裸体, 一丝不挂.
例句: My roommate didn't have a stitch of clothes on as I walked into the kitchen. I nearly dropped my mug of tea! (当我走进厨房时, 我的室友赤身裸体, 一丝不挂. 一惊之下, 我差点把杯子给掉在地上!)

06. wear off, to
定义: 磨损, 侵蚀, 腐蚀, 冲刷; 效果(药性)逐渐消失, 逐渐减少.
例句: I'm giving you a mild sedative to help you calm down. It should wear off in about an hour. (我给你一服温和的镇静剂来帮助你冷静下来. 它的药性应该会在大约一个钟头内消失)

07. wear on, to
定义: 穿戴, 穿着; 磨损, 侵蚀, 腐蚀, 冲刷; 时间慢慢消耗, 渐渐失去耐性; 激怒, 挫败或折磨某人.
例句: His constant complaining is beginning to wear on my nerves. (他不停地抱怨让我开始渐渐失去耐性. 注: 意指我被烦得都不想再听下去)

08. wear one's heart on one's sleeve, to
定义: 过份率直, 心事挂在脸上, 公开表示心情或爱慕.
例句: My father was always very closed off regarding his feelings, so when I had kids, I made a point of wearing my heart on my sleeve with them. (我父亲总是把自己的感受深藏在心里, 不肯表现出来, 所以当我有孩子的时候, 我会特意让他们知道我的心情感受)

09. wear out one's welcome, to
定义: 作客逗留太久, 令人生厌.
例句: You should find your own apartment before you wear out your welcome at your sister's place. (在你逗留姐姐家太久, 令她生厌之前, 你最好先找好自己的公寓)

10. wear out, to
定义: 衰竭, 疲软; 磨损至不能使用; 抹去, 表面磨灭无法看清楚; 忍受过去, 存活下来; 磨蹭时间, 打发时间.
例句: It's amazing how quick my kids wear their shoes out. (令人惊奇的是我孩子有多快地把他们鞋子穿坏)

11. wear sackcloth and ashes, to
定义: 忏悔, 为自己所做的坏事表示悔意.
例句: Darren has been wearing sackcloth and ashes ever since his girlfriend broke up with him for cheating on her. (自从他的女朋友因为他的出轨而跟他分手之后, 达伦就一直在为自己所犯的错而忏悔)

12. wear someone to a frazzle, to
定义: 令某人身心俱疲.
例句: I wore myself to a frazzle trying to accommodate all our relatives over Christmas. It was nice having them here, but I'm so glad they're gone! (我圣诞节期间尽力地招待了所有的亲戚, 弄得我身心俱疲. 很高兴他们来家里团聚, 但我也很高兴他们离开了!)

13. wear the pants/trousers, to
定义: 成为一家之主, 当家作主.
例句: Betty wears the pants in the Lee family. She's the boss. (贝蒂是李家的一家之主. 她说了算)

14. wear thin, to
定义: 渐渐变弱, 变薄; 减少或变得不那么有效; 逐渐不耐烦, 忍无可忍; 随时会屈服或垮下来; 变为索然无味, 不具说服力.
例句: Don't you think that joke's wearing a bit thin? (你不觉得那个笑话有点索然无味吗? 注: 意指这则笑话说了太多次, 都没什么新鲜感)

15. wear well, to
定义: 经得起长期使用, 考验或批评; 历久不衰; 穿着某物时看起来非常时尚或有吸引力; 特别适合某种风度, 态度, 头衔, 角色等.
例句: I bought this old car nearly 20 years ago, and it is still wearing well to this day. (这辆旧车是我将近二十年前买的, 到现在情况还不错)

16. wear your fingers to the bone, to
定义: 长时间辛勤工作.
例句: I have worn my fingers to the bone renovating this house, and I'm glad to say that it has all been worth it. (翻新这栋房子我已经筋疲力尽了, 我很高兴地说这一切的努力都值得了)

17. weasel out, to
定义: 狭缝中脱身; 狡猾地脱离尴尬状况; 狡猾地逃避责任或承诺; 利用诡计取得或占便宜.
例句: Oh no, you're not weaseling out of doing the dishes this time. (哦不行, 这次你休想逃避这个洗碗的工作)

18. weasel words
定义: [名词]含糊其辞, 顾左右而言他, 避答问题, 企图蒙骗过关.
例句: If you read the transcript of his press conference, you'll see that there's barely any substances. It's nearly all weasel words. (如果你看过他的新闻发布会的文字记录, 你便会发现它言之无物. 几乎都是顾左右而言他, 含糊其辞)

19. weather forecast for tomorrow, the
定义: 明天天气预测.
例句: The weather forecast for tomorrow is calling for a 70% chance of severe thunderstorms and new rainfall amounts of between 1 and 2 inches. (明天的天气预报称有百分之七十的机会强烈雷雨, 新的降雨量将介于一至二英吋之间)

20. weather the storm, to
定义: 安然度过风暴, 危机或艰苦日子.
例句: That was the hardest year of my life, but in the end, I was able to weather the storm with the support of my family. (那是我人生中最艰苦的一年, 但最终我在家人的援助之下渡过了难关)



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