二十笔实用成语 1158

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二十笔实用成语 1158

帖子 royl » 周一 12月 12, 2022 7:12 am

二十笔实用成语 1158

01. weirdo, a
定义: 荒诞不经之人, 怪人, 怪物.
例句: This weirdo has been following us since we got here. It was scary! (自从我们到了这里之后, 这个怪人就一直跟着我们. 真可怕!)

02. Welcome and stick around.

03. Welcome to Papa's. Here are your menus.
定义: [餐厅用语](服务员)欢迎来琶琶斯餐厅, 这是你们的菜单.

04. welcome to, be
定义: 欢迎进入某地, 使用某物, 做某事, 加入或参与.
例句: You're welcome to the spare bed if you want to spend the night here. (欢迎你使用这张备用床位如果你想在这里过夜的话)

05. well and good
定义: 完全可以接受或适当. (注: 意指经常用在: 虽然可以接受, 随后会接上"但是"的反论)
例句: "As you can see, this will be the most advanced smart phone available on the market." "That's all well and good, but will it be affordable to the average consumer?" ("如你所见, 这将是市场上最先进的智能手机." "这都很好, 但是一般消费者能够负担得起吗?")

06. We'll be doomed if you don't come up with something.

07. well begun is half done
定义: [谚语]好的开始是成功的一半.
例句: "I'm afraid I'll never be able to finish writing this report." "You've already written a good introduction. Well begun is half done." ("我恐怕我永远也写不完这份报告了." "你已经写了一篇很好的序言. 好的开始就是成功的一半.")

08. well cared for, be
定义: 受到悉心照顾的, 受到专心保养的.
例句: It was such a good feeling to drop my son off at day camp knowing that he was going to be well cared for. (知道了我儿子会得到悉心的照顾, 我非常安心地把他送到日间夏令营)
允许孩子白天来参加活动, 晚上回家的日间夏令营

09. we'll come to that later
定义: 我们稍后再讨论, 研究或回答那个问题.
例句: There are other reasons why the substance can be dangerous or poisonous, but we'll come to that later. (此种物质之所以危险或有毒是有其他的原因, 但我们会稍后讨论它)

10. well done, be
定义: 做得不错, 令人满意的.
例句: You managed to pack all of that stuff into the car? Well done. (你能够把所有的东西都装上了车吗? 做得不错)

11. We'll make do with what we have.

12. Well no offense but you would be wrong.
[成语句型]不好意思, 但你是错的.

13. well out of
定义: [动词]从某物涌出; [形容词]幸运地没有涉入, 幸运地脱离某一情况或关系.
例句: The tears kept welling out of her eyes. (泪水不停地从她的眼眶里涌出); That was a terrible scheme, but I'm glad to be out of it. (那是一个可怕的阴谋, 但我很高兴能脱离它)

14. well over ...
定义: 相当高于..., 远超过…
例句: It'll be well over 100 degrees F most days, but I'll be on the roof working during the daylight hours. (未来大多数时候的温度将会超过华氏100度, 但我白天都会在屋顶上工作)

15. well over, to
定义: (填满)涌出, 溢出.
例句: Her eyes welled over and tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched him walk away. (当她眼见着他离开, 她眼泪夺眶而出, 泪水顺着脸颊滑落下来)

16. well put/said
定义: 说得好, 说得有道理.
例句: "There's too much negativity in online forums, and it can benefit one's mental health to take a break from it and focus on engaging with people in face-to-face situations." "Well said!" ("线上论坛充满了负面情绪, 最好暂时离开并专注于与人面对面的交流, 则有益于心理健康." "说得有道理!")

17. well rid of ..., be
定义: 为了你的未来, 你最好摆脱, 除去, 拔除, 抛弃某人, 事或物. (注: 意指没有..., 你会更好)
例句: You'll be well rid of that negligent tenant who never pays his rent on time. (为了你未来的方便, 你最好弄走那个从不按时交房租的粗心房客)

18. We'll see about that.
[成语句型]咱们走着瞧. (注: 意指我会尽力阻止这件事让它不成功)

19. we'll see
定义: 我们拭目以待; 再说吧, 再看看吧.
例句: I'm trying to upload a video each day or maybe one every week. I'm not sure but we'll see. (我正在尝试每天或每周上传一个视频. 我不确定是否能做得到, 但我们拭目以待吧)

20. well up in/on ..., be
定义: 对...熟悉, 精通..., 对...通盘了解.
例句: I'm very well up in financial matters. (我在财金业务方面非常擅长)



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