二十笔实用成语 1160

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二十笔实用成语 1160

帖子 royl » 周二 12月 20, 2022 8:36 pm

二十笔实用成语 1160

01. well-placed source, a
定义: 消息灵通人士, 消息灵通来源.
例句: A well-placed source said: "This man who filed the complaint was simply a witness and not an injured party." (一位消息灵通人士说: "投诉的人只是证人, 而不是受害方.")

02. well's run dry, the
定义: 资源枯竭, 补给用尽. (注: well's是well has的缩写)
例句: "I'll take another beer, please." "Sorry, Bob, the well's run dry. We're waiting on our next delivery before we'll get anymore." ("请给我再来一杯啤酒." "对不起, 鲍勃, 啤酒已经卖完了. 我们正等待下一批货的送到才有啤酒可卖.")

03. wend one's way, to
定义: 往...(方向)走去.
例句: It's been a great party, but it's starting to get late, so I think I'll start wending my way home. (这是一个玩得很尽兴的派对, 但现在有些晚了, 所以我想我该回家了)

04. were it not for ...
定义: 假如没有..., 假如不是...
例句: I actually owe John a lot. Were it not for him, I never would have met the love of my life! (我确实亏欠约翰很多. 要不是因为他, 我便永远不会遇到我生命中的挚爱!)

05. Were it not for my support, you wouldn't have been able to make it.
[成语句型]如果没有我的支持, 你不可能会成功. (注: 请注意两件事, 1. 在假设语中的主动词应用过去式, 像Were it not for my support; 2. 在假设语中"当初应该如何如何"可以用should have, would have, could have等等并随后加过去分词即可)

06. we're not talking about ...
定义: 我们现在并不在谈...
例句: We're not talking about me or you but about an idea or current event, maybe a good book one of us has read. (我们不是在谈论我或你, 而是在谈论一个观点或者当前发生的事件, 或许是我们中某人读过的一本好书)

07. We're safe beneath his protective wings.

08. wet as a drowned rat, be (as)
定义: 像个落汤鸡, 全身湿透地狼狈不堪.
例句: The poor kid came in from the storm as wet as a bunch of drowned rats. (这些可怜的孩子从狂风大雨中冲进来, 浑身湿透地像一群落汤鸡)

09. wet behind the ears, be
定义: 经验不足, 乳臭未干, 涉世未深, 言行幼稚.
例句: You'll never win the case with him as your lawyer. He's just out of law school and still wet behind the ears! (如果你请他作律师的话, 你永远赢不了这件官司. 他才刚从法学院毕业, 经验还是不足!)

10. wet blanket, a
定义: 扫兴的人或事.
例句: If I were you, I wouldn't invite Nicole to the party. She's such a wet blanket that she'll probably just complain the whole night. (如果我是你的话, 我不会邀请妮可来这个聚会. 她是个扫兴的人, 可能会一晚都在抱怨)

11. wet dream, a
定义: 美梦; 梦寐以求的经历, 状况或奇遇; 春梦; 造成梦遗的性爱梦.
例句: From the toothy chrome grill to the white sidewall tires, it was every antique car buff's wet dream. (从露齿的镀铬格栅到白色胎侧轮胎, 这是每个古董车爱好者梦寐以求的观展机会)

12. wet nurse, a
定义: 乳母, 奶妈.
例句: The boy's childhood was spent first with a wet nurse and later at a number of boarding schools in the South. (这名男孩的童年首先是在一个奶妈那里度过的, 之后便在南方数间寄宿学校度过)

13. wet one's whistle, to
定义: 喝水解渴; 喝酒, 以润喉为由喝酒.
例句: If you're looking for Barney, he's down at the pub wetting his whistle. (如果你在寻找巴尼的话, 他正在那间酒吧喝酒)

14. wet the bed, to
定义: 睡觉时尿床.
例句: Some kids wet the bed because they have emotional problems. (有些孩子尿床是因为他们有情绪上的问题)

15. wet work, a
定义: 涉及水或液态物质的工作; 谋杀, 暗杀.
例句: If anyone fancied the idea of doing a wet work on me then the bomb would go off in hours. (如果有人想要暗杀我的话, 那么炸弹将会在几个钟头内爆炸)

16. we've got a right one here!
定义: [讽刺语]我们这里就有一个(笨蛋). (注: 常用于当你发现某人很愚蠢所说的)
例句: You think the Earth is flat? We've got a right one here! (你认为地球是平的? 我们这里有一个!)

17. We've got an hour or two to kill.

18. We've still got plenty of food left.

19. whack off, to
定义: 迅速完成; 粗糙地斩断, 切断或剪断; [粗俗语]自慰, 手淫.
例句: Will you go out back and whack those branches off the tree? They're obstructing our view of the sea. (麻烦你到后面去把那些树枝从那棵树上砍下来好吗? 它们挡住了我们观海的视野)

20. whack up, to
定义: 痛殴, 击打; 严厉控制或支配; 仓促地拼装或制造出来; 虐待; 造成伤害.
例句: The poor animal spent most of its life in a cage getting whacked up by its owners, before we managed to rescue it. (在我们设法营救它之前, 这只可怜动物大部分时间都被关在笼子里, 一直被它主人虐待)



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