二十笔实用成语 1162

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二十笔实用成语 1162

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 25, 2022 8:54 pm

二十笔实用成语 1162

01. what an idiot!
定义: [骂人语]真是个白痴! (注: 常用于被某人拖延耽误时间或对某人无聊话语不耐所发出的抱怨)
例句: Could've bought that car two years ago for $20,000, what an idiot I was. (本来可以在两年前花20,000美元买下那辆车, 我当时真是个白痴)

02. what appears to be ...
定义: 看起来好像是...的东西. (注: 在此what就是something的代名词, 所以what appears to be就是something that appears to be)
例句: The investigation has gone underway after the shooting at what appears to be a Halloween party, police say. (警方称, 在看似好像万圣节派对举行之时所发生的枪击事件之后, 此案件调查便已经展开)

03. what are the odds?!
定义: 真是不可思议, 极不可能的; 机率有多少? 成功的机会有多少? 有什么差别? 有什么关系? 这又有什么要紧?
例句: Wow, I just won money on a scratch card for the third time in a row! What are the odds?! (哇, 我连续三次在刮刮乐上赢了钱! 真是巧合地不可思议?!)

04. What are we doing here?
定义: 我们来这里做什么?
例句: Dad what are we doing here? Aren't we supposed to go see my school? (老爸, 我们还在这里干什么? 我们不是应该去看看我的学校吗?)

05. What are you alluding to?
定义: 你在暗示什么? 你在影射什么?
例句: What exactly are you alluding to? Just come right out and say it! (你到底在影射什么? 有话就直接说出来!)

06. What are you doing here?
定义: 你在这里做什么?
例句: "What are you doing here, I thought you were moving back to Austin?" "We were, but we had a change in plans." ("你还在这里干什么, 我以为你要搬回奥斯汀?" "我们本来是要搬回去, 但我们改变了计划.")

07. what are you driving at? what are you trying to say?
定义: 你想要说什么? 你是什么意思?
例句: What is she driving at, bringing up my taxes like that? (她把我的缴税的事情那样地拿出来谈论是什么意思?)

08. what are you getting at?
定义: 你想要说什么? 你在暗示什么? 你在影射什么?
例句: What exactly are you getting at? I have never taken a bribe in my entire life, if that's what you mean! (你到底想要影射什么? 我这辈子从来没有收受过贿赂, 如果你想的是那个方面的话!)

09. what are you going to do about it?
定义: 你要怎么办? 你打算怎么办? (无奈语气)你能怎么办? 你能把它怎么办? (挑衅语气)看你能怎样?
例句: "So, what are you going to do about it?" "I don't know yet. I'll look into this matter and get back to you right away." ("那么, 你打算怎么办?" "我还不知道. 我会先调查此事然后马上给你回电话.")

10. what are you implying?
定义: 你在暗示什么? 你在影射什么?
例句: What are you implying by that? Are you saying I should be grateful for what I have? (你这是在暗示什么? 你是说我应该对我现在所拥有的一切心怀感激吗?)

11. what are you talking about?
定义: 你在说什么? 你在胡说些什么?
例句: "I don't know what are you talking about?" "Yes, you do. You're just playing dumb with me." ("我不知道你在说什么?" "你明明知道我在说什么. 你只是在跟我装傻")

12. what are you trying to prove?
定义: 你想要证明什么?
例句: "What are you trying to prove by wearing a mask while in public?" "Nothing. I just want to be properly protected. Is that OK with you?" ("你在公共场合戴口罩想证明什么?" "我不想证明什么. 我只想妥善地保护我自己. 这样可以吗?")

13. what are you trying to pull?
定义: 你想要玩什么花招?
例句: What are you trying to pull, anyway? You say you want to sell, but you have nothing to offer?! (总之, 你想要玩什么花招? 你说你想要卖, 但你又没有什么现货可卖的?!)

14. what are you up to?
定义: 你想要干什么? 你在忙什么?
例句: "Hey, Tom, long time no see!" "Hi Jerry, good to see you. What are you up to these days?" ("嘿, 汤姆, 好久不见!" "嗨, 杰瑞, 很高兴见到你. 你最近在忙什么?")

15. what are you waiting for?
定义: 你还在等什么? (注: 意指你还不赶快...做某件事, 要不然就来不及)
例句: If you have so much work to do, then what are you waiting for? (你如果有这么多工作要做, 那你还在等什么呢?)

16. what brings you here?
定义: 什么风把你吹来?
例句: "Well, what brings you here today?" "I wanted to inquire about setting up a savings account for my son." ("嘿, 什么风把你吹来?" "我想咨询有关为我儿子开设一个储蓄账户的事宜.")

17. what can I say?
定义: 我还能说什么? 你已经做好决定.
例句: What can I say? You have made up your mind. (你已经做好决定了. 我还能说什么?)

18. what can I tell you?
定义: 我能告诉你什么? 我能说什么?
例句: "How on earth did you get an A- without studying for the exam?" "What can I tell you? I'm just that good!" ("你到底是怎么做到的, 没准备考试却拿到A-的成绩?" "我能说什么? 我就是这么利害!")

19. what can you expect from a hog but a grunt?
定义: 你还指望狗嘴能吐出象牙吗? (注: 不可能指望某人的做出与本性不合的行为)
例句: Why are you surprised by his rude behavior? What can you expect from a hog but a grunt? (你为什么对他的粗鲁行为感到惊讶? 你还指望狗嘴能吐出象牙吗?)

20. what could be better than this?
定义: 还有什么能比这个更好.
例句: I was so content with my life and one day I asked God, "What could be better than this?" And then I met you. (我那时对自己的生活相当满足, 有一天我问上帝, "还有什么比这更好的呢?" 然后我遇到了你)



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