二十笔实用成语 1163

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二十笔实用成语 1163

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 29, 2022 3:49 pm

二十笔实用成语 1163

01. what date is today? what's today's date?
定义: 今天是几月几号? (注: 在美国报日子是先月份, 日子, 最后报年份)
例句: "What date is today?" "Monday, December 26, 2022." ("今天是几月几号?" "2022年12月26日, 星期一.")

02. what day is today?
定义: 今天是星期几?
例句: "What day is today?" "Today is Saturday." ("今天星期几?" "今天是星期六.")

03. what did I tell you?
定义: 我不是告诉过你吗? (注: 意指你要是当初听我的话, 你就不会出问题了)
例句: "I've got terrible stomach-ache." "What did I tell you? You should never have drunk the cold tap water." ("我胃痛得厉害." "我不是告诉过你吗? 你不应该喝冰冷的自来水.")

04. what did you do that for?
定义: 你做这个干什么? 你为什么做这个? (注: 意指你不同意此人的做法)
例句: "What did you do that for? Don't you know it's wrong to lie." "Sorry Mom, I didn't mean to do that." ("你为什么这样做? 你难道不知道撒谎是错误的吗?" "对不起妈妈, 我不是有意的.")

05. what did you do with something? what have you done with something?
定义: 你把我的...放在哪儿了? 为何或以何种方式改变了...?
例句: "What have you done with my scissors?" "They were on the kitchen table the last time I saw them." ("你把我的剪刀放在哪儿了?" "我最后一次看到他们时, 他们在厨房的桌子上.")

06. what did you do? what have you done?
定义: 你做了什么? 你闯了什么祸?
例句: What have you done now, you troublemaker? (你闯了什么祸, 你这个捣蛋鬼?)

07. what did you have?
定义: (论及过去)你吃了什么?
例句: What did you have for dinner tonight? (你晚餐吃了些什么?)

08. what did you say?
定义: 你刚刚说什么? (注: 我没听清楚)
例句: "What did you just say?" I yelled back. ("你刚刚说什么?" 我大声回应)

09. what do I do now?
定义: 我现在该怎么做? (注: 意指求助于别人因为我不知下一步该怎么做)
例句: What do I do now? To give up or go on? (我现在该怎么做? 放弃还是继续做下去?)

10. what do we get out of this?
定义: 我们从这事会得到什么好处?
例句: "What do we get out of this deal?" "Nothing but ruining our environment and chasing off the orca." ("我们从这笔交易中会得到什么好处?" "除了破坏我们的环境和赶走虎鲸之外别无所有.")

11. what do you do for a living?
定义: 你是做哪一行的? (注: 意指你的职业是什么?)
例句: "What do you do for a living?" "I'm a self-employed metalsmith." ("你是做哪一行的? " "我是一名个体经营的金属匠.")

12. what do you expect?
定义: 你还能期待些什么? (注: 这句话可以用于谈论货品便宜但质量不好, 你不能期待什么)
例句: What do you expect? He cheated once before, so it's no surprise he did it again. (你还能期待些什么? 他以前曾经出轨过一次, 所以他再次出轨也就不足为奇了)

13. what do you like?
定义: 你喜欢什么? (注: 例如询问别人要吃什么食物)
例句: "What do you like to eat? Sea food or steak?" "How about both?" ("你喜欢吃什么? 海鲜或牛排" "两者都吃怎么样?")

14. what do you make of this?
定义: 这事你看法如何?
例句: "What do you make of the new guy?" "He's a little quirky, but I think he's genuinely nice." ("你觉得新来的这个人怎么样?" "他虽然有点古怪, 但我觉得他人还真的不错.")

15. what do you mean by this?
定义: 你这是什么意思?
例句: What do you mean by this? Would you care to explain it? (你这是什么意思? 你可以解释一下吗?)

16. what do you mean?
定义: 你是什么意思?
例句: What do you mean you can't do that? You've spent too much time listening to all the negative nay-sayers. (你说你不能那样做是什么意思? 你花太多时间听信那些负面反对者的想法了)

17. What do you need me for? You are going to do it anyway.
[成语句型]你还需要我干嘛? 你反正执意要做这件事.

18. what do you say?
定义: 你觉得如何? 你好吗? 你决定如何? 你的意思是怎样? (敦促小朋友说谢谢)你该怎么说?
例句: "I can offer you seven hundred dollars for your old car. What do you say?" "I'll take it!" ("我可以出价七百美元买你的旧车. 你觉得如何?" "我接受你开的价!")

19. what do you take me for?
定义: 你把我当什么人? (注: 意指你把我当傻瓜吗? 你认为我是这种人吗?)
例句: "What do you take me for?" "Some kind of an ATM?" ("你把我当成了什么?" "自动取款机吗?")

20. what do you think about that?
定义: 你认为那个事情如何? 厉害吧? (注: 更多地用作强调某人认为某事非凡, 有趣或令人印象深刻的方式, 而不是实际询问他人的意见或反应)
例句: Did you know that the Grand Canyon is so huge, it could contain every other river on Earth and not even be half full? What do you think about that? (你知道吗, 大峡谷如此之大, 它可以容纳下地球上所有的河流, 甚至还填不到一半满? 厉害吧?)



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