二十笔实用成语 1164

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二十笔实用成语 1164

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 31, 2022 1:47 pm

二十笔实用成语 1164

01. What do you think you're doing with my things?

02. what do you think?
定义: 你认为如何? (注: 意指寻求你的意见)
例句: "What do you think, Carl?" "I say terminate the project now and cut our losses." ("你怎么看, 卡尔?" "我认为现在就终止这个项目, 停止我们的损失.")

03. what do you want from me?
定义: 你到底要我怎样? (注: 意指某人强人所难, 令人不满)
例句: "What do you want from me?" "All I want is to be your friend, Mary." ("你到底要我怎样?" "我只想做你的朋友, 玛丽.")

04. what does (someone) care?
定义: 他/她关心这事干嘛呀? 这事跟他/她有什么关系? (注: 意指他/她跟这件事无关, 多管闲事)
例句: "She said we should date more." "Well, what does she care?" ("她说我们应该多约会交往." "这事跟她有什么关系?")

05. what does future hold for him?
定义: 他的未来将是如何?
例句: We do worry about what the future holds for him. (我们的确担心他的未来)

06. what does this tell you?
定义: 这件事告诉你什么? (注: 意指这件事显示出什么意义)
例句: "What does this tell you?" "It tells me that we're creating an issue that doesn't exist. " ("这件事告诉你什么?" "它告诉我我们正在制造一个不存在的问题.")

07. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
定义: [谚语]什么事或物不能杀死你将会让你更强壮. (注: 意指大难不死, 必有后福)
例句: I just know that you'll survive this illness and be better than ever afterward. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? (我就知道你会挺过这场病并且比以往任何时候都强壮. 此即所谓的大难不死, 必有后福, 是吗?)

08. what else can I say?
定义: 我还能说什么?
例句: What else can I say? Here, I had the best time in my life, fell in love with the food and friendly atmosphere. (我还能说什么? 我在这里度过了生命中最美好的时光, 爱上了这里的美食和友好的氛围)

09. what else could it be?
定义: 还会是什么? 还会有谁?
例句: If it's not Chronic Kidney Disease and it's not Acute Kidney Injury, what else could it be? (如果不是慢性肾脏病也不是急性肾损伤, 那还会是什么?)

10. what else did he say?
定义: 他还说了什么?
例句: "What else did he say?" "He warned me about you." "He couldn't have. He doesn't know the first thing about me." ("他还说了什么?" "他警告我要当心你." "不可能. 他对我完全不了解.")

11. what else is new?
定义: 还有什么新的? 能不能谈点别的? (注: 意指又听到了无新意的老套)
例句: "Taxes are going up again." "What else is new nowadays?" ("税又涨了." "这年头还有什么不涨的.")

12. what exactly did he say?
定义: 他到底说了什么?
例句: What exactly did he say or do that upset her that badly? (他到底说了什么或做了什么让她如此气急败坏?)

13. what exactly is he accused of?
定义: 他究竟是被指控是什么?
例句: What exactly is he accused of and why do you think he should be found guilty of that charge? (他究竟被指控了什么罪, 你为什么认为他应该被判有罪?)

14. what for?
定义: 为什么? 什么理由? 要干什么? 什么目的?
例句: "We'll have to stop by the grocery store on the way home." "What for?" "We need milk and eggs." ("我们必须在回家的路上顺便去一趟杂货店." "为什么?" "我们需要买牛奶和鸡蛋.")

15. what gives with ...?
定义: 发生什么事? 告诉我或解释某事.
例句: What gives with Jack? Why is he so glum? (杰克怎么了? 他为什么这么闷闷不乐?)

16. what gives you the right to ...?
定义: 你有什么权力...? 你凭什么...?
例句: What gives you the right to tell me what to do? (你凭什么对我指手画脚?)

17. what gives?
定义: 到底是怎么回事? 告诉我问题是什么? 我做错了什么? 怎么了?
例句: Hey, what gives? My computer just shut off on its own! (嘿, 怎么回事? 我的电脑居然自动关机了!)

18. what goes around comes around
定义: [谚语]种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆. (注: 意指行善有好报, 作恶有恶报)
例句: What goes around comes around. Tom picked on me back in high school, and now he has his own bully. (善有好报, 恶有恶报. 汤姆在高中时欺负我, 现在轮到他被别人欺负)

19. what goes up must come down.
定义: [谚语]有起就有落, 有升必有跌. (注: 意指人生有高也有低, 没有永久的顺利)
例句: The financial growth these companies are recording is exponential, which has some analysts and investors worried – what goes up must come down, after all. (这些公司的财务增长呈指数级增长, 这让一些分析师和投资者感到担忧 – 毕竟, 有起就有落, 有升必有跌)

20. what good does it do?
定义: 这又有什么用? 这又能解决什么问题? (注: 意指你根本不相信某事值得去做或某物有何用途)
例句: What good does it do to bring an umbrella along if you are only going to leave it in the car? (如果你只是想把雨伞留在车内的话, 那么带上雨伞又有什么用?)



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