二十笔实用成语 1166

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二十笔实用成语 1166

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 12, 2023 10:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 1166

01. what is it like there?
定义: 那边怎么样? 那里是什么样子?
例句: Tell me something about Xishuangbanna. What is it like there? (给我讲讲西双版纳吧. 那里是什么样子?)

02. what is it you want of me?
定义: 你到底要我怎样? (注: 意指某人强人所难, 令人不满)
例句: "What is it you want of me?" "Just a small favor." ("你到底要我怎样?" "只要你帮一个小忙而已.")

03. what is the world coming to?
定义: 这是什么世界啊? (注: 简直乱七八糟, 搞什么鬼嘛; 意指遇到令人震惊或厌恶的事情所发出抱怨语)
例句: I saw in the paper that they arrested a kid just for bringing a spork to school. What's the world coming to? (我在报纸上看到他们逮捕了一个孩子只是因为他把叉勺带到了学校. 这是什么世界啊? 注: 这里的spork是既可作勺子用也可以作叉子用的餐具)
spork = spoon + fork 叉勺

04. What is this switch for?

05. what kept you?
定义: 什么事情耽误你? 怎么搞那么久才来? 为什么迟到?
例句: "What kept you so long?" "I had to drive home to get my wallet because I forgot to bring it." ("怎么搞那么久才来?" "我不得不开回家拿皮夹, 因为我忘记带了." 注: 很多时候, 当你忘了带你的皮夹, 你也把放在皮夹里的驾照忘在家里, 因此你非得开回家去取皮夹)

06. What made me mad was how he treated you.
[成语句型]看到他对你粗暴, 令我生气. (注: 在此what是个代名词, 就是the way he treated you之意)

07. what make of car is that?
定义: 那部车是哪个厂做的? (注: make of car是哪个厂方或公司出产的, 像福特, 丰田, 等等; 但是, 你如果要知道车辆的型号就要用model of car)
例句: "What make of car is that?" "I think it's a Ford." ("这是什么牌子的车?" "我觉得是辆福特.")

08. what makes one tick
定义: 使...具有功能的原因; 激发其工作意愿的原因; 造成某人表现出某种方式(喜恶, 意见, 倾向等等)的诱因.
例句: Janet is a very private person, so it's hard to know what makes her tick. (珍妮特是一个非常注重隐私的人, 所以很难知道她的倾向或看法)

09. what makes you think so?
定义: 你为什么认为是这样? 你为什么是这样想?
例句: "I don't believe this is going to work." "What makes you think so? I've run the numbers multiple times." ("我不相信这会成功." "你为什么会这么想? 我已经核算过很多次了.")

10. What makes you think you're the one?

11. what more can I tell you?
定义: 我还能跟你再说什么呢?
例句: "And then you just took the money without asking?" "What more can I tell you? It was a dumb, selfish thing to do, and I'm truly sorry!" ("然后你问也不问就把钱拿走了?" "我还能跟你再说什么呢? 我这么做很愚蠢, 也很自私, 我真的很抱歉!")

12. what more could you want?
定义: 你还想要什么? (注: 意指你已经拥有一切该有的, 你还想要什么?)
例句: You can have everything in life you want, what more could you want? (你可以拥有你人生中你所想要的一切, 你还想要什么呢?)

13. what more do you need?
定义: 你还再需要什么?
例句: Burgers, snacks and beers – what more do you need? (有了汉堡, 零食和啤酒 – 你夫复何求? 注: 意指有了这些食物就心满意足了)

14. what more do you want me to do?
定义: 你还要我再做什么?
例句: "What more do you want me to do?" "I owe you so much for all you've done for me. I can't ask more from you." ("你还要我再做什么?" "你为我做了这么多, 我欠你太多了. 我不能再要求你做什么了.")

15. what of
定义: 这对某人或某事有何影响.
例句: What of those who cannot afford health insurance? (那些买不起医疗保险的人怎么办?)

16. what of it?
定义: 是又怎样了? 谁又在乎? 又有什么关系?
例句: I pay my rent and my share of the bills. What of it if I want to spend the rest of my money on comic books and video games? (我付我自己的房租和我份内的费用. 如果我想把剩下的钱花在漫画书和电子游戏上又有什么关系呢?)

17. what on earth ...
定义: 究竟... 到底... (注: 意指表达惊讶, 震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶之意)
例句: What on earth is wrong with you? Don't sneak up on me like that! (你要吓死人呀!? 别那样鬼鬼祟祟地靠近我!)

18. what says the enemy?
定义: 现在几点? (注: 时间是人类的敌人)
例句: "What says the enemy?" "It's 5 o'clock." ("现在几点了?" "五点钟.")

19. what should I do?
定义: 我该怎么办? (注: 征询意见)
例句: I forgot to send in my W2 forms when I mailed my return. What should I do? (我寄出纳税申报表的时候忘了附上W2表格了. 我该怎么办?)

20. What solution would you propose?
定义: 你会提出什么解决方案?
例句: What solution would you propose to protect poor people who can't afford healthcare without bankrupting them? (你会提出什么解决方案来保护那些负担不起医疗费用的穷人而不让他们破产?)



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