二十笔实用成语 1167

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二十笔实用成语 1167

帖子 royl » 周六 1月 28, 2023 10:24 am

二十笔实用成语 1167

01. what sort of …?
定义: (以烦扰不耐的口气问)什么样的...? 哪门子的...?
例句: What sort of time do you call this to come in? (你这算是哪门子的时间来上班? 注: 意指上级见到珊珊来迟的员工所发出的训斥性的问题)

02. what sort of person do you think I am?
定义: 你把我当什么人? (意指: 你把我当傻瓜吗? 你认为我是这种人吗?)
例句: What sort of person do you think I am? An idiot? (你把我当什么人? 白痴吗?)
你把我当什么人? 白痴吗?

03. what strikes me is …
定义: 让我印象深刻是…
例句: What strikes me is that there's a fine line between success and failure. Just one factor can make a big difference. (让我印象深刻的是, 成功与失败之间只有一线之隔. 只需一个因素便可以造成天差地别的结局)

04. what the dickens
定义: 此短语本身没意义, 是用来加强语气.
例句: What the dickens did you do to your hair? (你干嘛把你的头发弄成这个样子?)

05. what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve.
定义: [谚语]眼不见, 心不烦; 眼不见为净.
例句: "Have you told the boss about this plan?" "It's better that he stay in the dark about this. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve." ("你有没有告诉老板这个计划?" "最好别让他知道这件事. 眼不见, 心不烦.")

06. what the hay
定义: [轻度不雅语]加重语气语; 算了, 做就做吧; 损失就损失, 管他的; 有何不可; 困惑, 不可思议.
例句: "Looks like you're two months in arrears with your mortgage payments." "What the hay? That can't be right!" ("看样子你已经拖欠了两个月的房贷了." "搞什么鬼? 这是不可能的!")

07. what the heck
定义: [轻度不雅语]加重语气语; 算了, 做就做吧; 损失就损失, 管他的; 有何不可; 困惑, 不可思议; 惊讶, 震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶.
例句: What the heck are you doing here? You can't come in here! (你来这儿干嘛? 你不能进来!)

08. what the hell
定义: [重度不雅语]加重语气语; 算了, 做就做吧; 损失就损失, 管他的; 有何不可; 困惑, 不可思议; 惊讶, 震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶.
例句: What the hell is he doing with my diary? Where did he get it? (他干嘛拿着我的日记? 他从哪儿弄来的?)

09. what the hell are you talking about?
定义: [粗俗语]你在胡说些什么?
例句: What the hell are you talking about? I always help you out whenever you need it! (你在胡说些什么? 你每次需要帮助的时候, 我还不都是帮你排忧解难!)

10. what the hell did you do that for?
定义: [粗俗语]你干嘛要那样做?
例句: What the hell did you do that for? You just ruined everything! (你干嘛要那样做? 你这一搞就把一切都搅黄了!)

11. what the!?
定义: [惊叹语]搞什么!? (注: 意指表达惊讶或不可思议的反应, 为了礼貌不能说出全部脏话, 例如what the hell或更难听的话)
例句: "If we decide to stay here and sign up a new lease, the new rent will be $2500 a month." "What the?" ("如果我们决定留下来不搬走, 再重新签一份租约的话, 新的租金将是每月2500块钱美金." "搞什么呀, 怎么会这么贵?")

12. what then?
定义: 在那种情况下会发生什么? 下一步该怎么办?
例句: If we hide it from them, and they still find out later, what then? (如果我们瞒着他们, 他们后来还是发现了, 那该怎么办?)

13. what time do you have?
定义: 现在几点了? (注: 意指问别人时间)
例句: "What time do you have?" "The time is now ten-thirty. " ("现在几点了?" "现在是十点半.")

14. what time do you make it?
定义: 现在几点了? (注: 意指问别人时间)
例句: "What time do you make it?" "I make it ten to seven." ("现在几点了?" "我估计是差十分七点.")

15. what time is it?
定义: 现在几点了?
例句: "What time is it?" "It's ten o'clock." ("现在几点了?" "现在是十点了.")

16. what was I thinking?
定义: 真不知我当时在想什么? (注: 意指我一时迷糊做错了事)
例句: What was I thinking? I must've been drinking. (我当时真不知在想什么? 我一定是喝多了)

17. what went wrong
定义: (谈到过去)出了什么问题.
例句: We should investigate what went wrong with this one before we move on to a new project. (我们在开发另一套新项目之前, 我们应该先调查一下这个项目出了什么问题)

18. What were the circumstances that led to your arrest?

19. what will be, will be; whatever will be, will be
定义: [谚语]顺其自然, 命中注定, 人力不可挽回.
例句: The doctors have done all they can. Whatever will be, will be. (医生们都已经尽了全力了. 就顺其自然吧)

20. what with
定义: 顾及, 考虑到; 由于.
例句: I'm sorry, but I can't help you move this weekend, what with my bad back and all. (对不起, 由于我的背部受了伤, 这个周末我不能帮你搬家了)



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