二十笔实用成语 1168

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二十笔实用成语 1168

帖子 royl » 周三 2月 15, 2023 11:12 am

二十笔实用成语 1168

01. what would you do without her?
定义: 没有她你会怎么办? 没有她你会怎么过下去?
例句: What would you do without your mom? You took her support for granted, and you thought she would be there for you no matter what. (没有妈妈你会怎么办? 你把她抚养你视为理所当然, 你以为无论发生什么事她都会跟你共患难)

02. what would you do?
定义: 你会怎么做? 你该怎样办?
例句: If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? Would you keep your job? (如果你中了彩票, 你会如何使用这笔钱? 你会辞掉你的工作吗?)

03. what you are saying is ...
定义: 你的意思是...
例句: So, what you are saying is that at the end of the day, low maintenance costs are the most important feature in determining your buying a car? (所以, 归根结底你的意思是, 低维护成本是决定你买车最重要的考虑要素?)

04. what you can do is ...
定义: 你所能做的是... (注: 意指提供意见)
例句: What you can do is to do your best. Honestly, authentically, with no excuses or cutting corners, just go ahead and do your best. (你所能做的就是尽力而为. 诚心地, 真实地, 没有借口或投机取巧, 奋斗不懈并且尽力而为)

05. what you don't know won't hurt you
定义: [谚语](有些事)你不知情不会伤害到你. (注: 意指因为你不知情, 一旦某事出纰漏, 你可以宣称你是无辜的; 也可以解释为, 眼不见, 心不烦)
例句: "What a beautiful diamond necklace! Thank you! But how on earth did you get the money to pay for it?" "What you don't know won't hurt you." ("好漂亮的钻石项链啊! 谢谢你! 但是你到底从哪儿弄来的钱买它的?" "你最好别知道. 眼不见, 心不烦.")

06. what you don't want to do is ...
定义: [劝告语]你千万不要做的是...
例句: What you don't want to do is to have one-size-fits-all laws that treat the best and the worst exactly the same way. (你千万不要做的是, 制定一成不变的法律, 以完全相同的态度来对待最优秀的的和最劣等的人)

07. what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts
定义: [谚语]失之东隅, 收之桑榆; 有失亦有得, 得失互半.
例句: This promotion has meant I can provide for my family more easily, but it's so demanding that I don't see them all that much – what you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts. (这次的升职意味着我可以更轻松地养家, 但工作量太大造成我很少见到家人 – 此乃有得亦有失, 得失参半)

08. what you see is what you get
定义: 你所看见的就是你所要得的; 你要打印出图像就跟电脑屏幕显示出的图像是一样的; 商店某些有瑕疵货品以低价售出但不能退货; 我就是这样的人, 不完美但表里如一. (注: 本句缩写为WYSIWYG)
例句: "Wow, that's pretty steep for a desktop PC. Are there any other add-ons that come with it?" "No, what you see is what you get." ("哇, 这部桌上型电脑太贵了. 是否有附送其他附加元件?" "没有, 你所见到的就是你要买的.")

09. what you should know about is ...
定义: 你应该知道的是...
例句: In either case, what you should know about is residential asphalt paving is good for water drainage. (无论是哪种情况, 你都应该了解的是, 住宅区沥青铺路是有利于排除积水)

10. What? I don't believe it. You must be joking!
[成语句型]什么? 我不相信. 你一定是在开玩笑!

11. whatchamacallit
定义: 那个叫什么的. (注: 意指用于一时忘了某人, 事或物的名字或名称所说的话)
例句: Hand me that whatchamacallit over there, please. (拜托把那边那个叫什么的递给我)

12. whatever
定义: 不管怎样; 等等类似之...; 随便你啦, 爱怎样就怎样.
例句: "Jeff said his dog got sick, that's why he never showed." "Really? Well, whatever, I'm over it." ("杰夫说他的狗生病了, 所以他才没来." "真的吗? 好吧, 随便他怎么说吧, 反正我的气也消了.")

13. whatever floats your boat
定义: 喜欢做什么就做什么; 随便你啦; 什么让你爽你就做吧.
例句: Kate does whatever floats her boat without worrying about what other people think of her. (凯特高兴爱做什么就做什么, 她才不在乎别人对她的看法)

14. whatever it takes
定义: 不计一切代价.
例句: I will do whatever it takes to get this promotion – even making sure that co-workers' blunders get back to the boss. (我会不惜一切代价取得这次的晋升 – 甚至毫不犹豫地把同事们所犯的错误全都向老板报告)

15. whatever that may be
定义: 不管它可能是什么; 不管那是什么.
例句: When something breaks, I fix it. Whatever that may be. (每当有东西坏了我都将其修好. 不管是什么东西)

16. whatever the case may be
定义: 不管是什么情况; 不管是如何发生的.
例句: I don't know why he took the money – maybe there are personal issues we don't know about. Whatever the case may be, he shouldn't have lied about it after we caught him. (我不知道他为什么要拿钱 – 他也许有我们所不知道的个人问题. 但不管是什么情况, 我们抓到他之后他都不应该跟我们撒谎)

17. whatever the cost
定义: 不计一切成本或代价.
例句: John was furious and declared that he would be back the following year determined to win, whatever the cost. (约翰勃然大怒, 并宣布他将在明年再回来参赛, 决心不惜一切代价赢得胜利)

18. whatever turns you on
定义: 喜欢做什么就做什么; 随便你啦; 什么让你爽你就做吧.
例句: "Do you mind if I buy some of these flowers?" "Whatever turns you on, baby." ("你介意我买些这些花吗?" "妳喜欢买什么就买做什么, 宝贝.")

19. whatever you say
定义: 好吧, 就听你的; 你说什么都好. (注: 意指你说什么我都姑且相信你, 因为我不想跟你争论)
例句: "I told you, my parents let me borrow the car whenever I want." "Whatever you say." ("我告诉过你, 我随时想要借车我父母都会让我借." "好吧, 随你怎么说.")

20. what're you hungry for?
定义: 你想要吃什么?
例句: "What're you hungry for?" "I would like to have dim sum for lunch." ("你想要吃什么?" "我想午餐吃点心.")
周末早午餐brunch一面饮茶一面吃点心, 惬意非凡



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