二十笔实用成语 1169

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二十笔实用成语 1169

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 21, 2023 9:40 pm

二十笔实用成语 1169

01. what's (something) in aid of?
定义: 为什么要做某事或出于什么目的?
例句: Someone told me they just called an all-hands meeting for this afternoon. What is that in aid of? (有人告诉我他们今天下午要开全员会议. 他们这个会议的目的是什么?)

02. what's (something) between friends?
定义: 凭我们的交情, 这算什么? 小意思! 别提了! (注: 意指送人东西, 请人吃饭后别人感谢你时你说的客气语)
例句: "Hey, let me pay my share for lunch." "It's okay, I'll get it. What's a few bucks between friends?" ("嘿, 让我付我的午餐部份." "没事, 我来付就好. 朋友之间几块钱算什么?")

03. what's bugging you?
定义: 什么事烦扰着你?
例句: Jeff just stormed out of the room. I wonder what's bugging him. (杰夫刚刚一脸怒气地冲出房间. 我想知道什么事令他如此恼怒)

04. what's cooking?
定义: 发生了什么事? 你好吗? 有什么新鲜事?
例句: So, what's cooking these days? How have you been? (那么, 最近在干啥? 你近来好吗?)

05. what's done is done
定义: [谚语]木已成舟, 无法挽回, 不必再谈它.
例句: I know this isn't the outcome we wanted, but what's done is done, so let's just try to make the most of a bad situation. (我知道这不是我们想要的结果, 但木已成舟, 已成事实了, 所以我们就借此恶劣情况下尽其可能地善加利用吧)

06. what's eating you?
定义: 什么事在烦扰你? 为何闷闷不乐?
例句: What's eating Tony today? I asked him how his weekend was and he just glared at me without a word. (什么事弄得东尼不痛快呀? 我问他周末过得怎么样, 他却一言不发地瞪着我)

07. what's for dinner?
定义: 晚餐吃什么? (注: dinner可以用为正式餐饮, 宴会, 不一定是晚上吃, 下午也可以吃Christmas dinner)
例句: "What's for dinner, dear?" "I'm making something new tonight. We're going to have sesame chicken bowls." ("亲爱的, 晚餐吃什么?" "今晚我要做点新玩意儿. 我们要吃芝麻鸡盖饭")

08. what's going down?
定义: 发生什么事? 搞什么? 你好吗? 你近来好吗?
例句: "Hey, bro, what's going down?" "Yo, Mike, not much man." ("嘿, 兄弟, 近来好吗?" "哟迈克, 还是老样子.")

09. what's going on?
定义: 发生什么事? 搞什么? 你好吗? 你近来好吗?
例句: Hey, what's going on? Why are these doors still locked? (嘿, 怎么了? 为什么这些门都还锁着?)

10. what's good for the goose is good for the gander
定义: [谚语]如果允许某甲做某件事也应要允许某乙同样权利; 允许男人可以做之事也要允许女人同样权利; 你能对我不仁, 我也可对你不义.
例句: If he can go out with his friends at night, then she should be able to, too. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. (如果他晚上可以和他的朋友出去, 那么她也应该可以呀. 如果允许某甲做某件事也应允许某乙同样权利)

11. what's happening?
定义: 发生什么事? 搞什么? 你好吗? 你近来好吗?
例句: What's happening, everyone? You all have a good weekend? (大家都好吗? 你们周末过得愉快吗?)

12. what's in it for me?
定义: 我会得到什么好处?
例句: I just don't understand why the company would do this. What's in it for them? (我真是不明白这家公司为什么要这么做. 这对他们有什么好处?)

13. what's in store for one
定义: 什么事将会发生在你身上? 你将会碰到什么?
例句: There's no way to know what's in store for us, but we can try to prepare accordingly. (我们无法知道会发生什么, 但我们可以试着做好相应的准备)

14. what's it to you?
定义: 是又怎样了? 你干嘛要知道? 你又怎么了? 你有什么问题? 关你什么事?
例句: "I hear you've been going out with Ella." "Yeah, so? What's it to you?" ("我听说你一直在和艾拉约会." "是的, 那又怎样? 关你什么事?")

15. what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine
定义: 我的是我的, 你的还是我的.
例句: What's hers is hers, and what's mine is hers. Once you're married, nothing is yours anymore. (她的就是她的, 我的还是她的. 你一旦结了婚, 什么都不是你的了)

16. what's more
定义: 另外, 此外, 而且, 尤有什者.
例句: I don't like pubs. They're noisy, smelly, and what's more, expensive. (我不喜欢酒吧. 它们又吵又臭, 此外价格还昂贵)

17. what's new with you?
定义: 你好吗? 你近来好吗?
例句: It's nice to see you again, Brenda. What's new with you these days? (很高兴再次见到妳, 布兰达. 妳近来好吗?)

18. what's next?
定义: 下一步是什么? 你还有什么新花招?
例句: What's next? What will we do now? (下一步是什么? 我们现在该怎么办?)

19. what's on the menu?
定义: 有什么菜式可点? 有什么可以选择?
例句: What's on the menu this weekend – golf, tennis, swimming? (这个周末有什么活动 – 高尔夫球, 网球, 还是游泳?)

20. what's on your mind?
定义: 你在烦恼什么? 你有什么话想要说? 你在想什么?
例句: "Dad, could I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure, son. What's on your mind?" ("爸爸, 我能和你谈谈吗?" "当然可以, 儿子. 你有什么话想要说?")



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