二十笔实用成语 1170

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二十笔实用成语 1170

帖子 royl » 周五 2月 24, 2023 1:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 1170

01. what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
定义: [谚语]如果允许某甲做某件事也应要允许某乙同样权利; 允许男人可以做之事也要允许女人同样权利; 你能对我不仁, 我也可对你不义.
例句: Well, I guess if you are entitled to stay out until all hours, then I'll do the same. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, right? (好, 我想如果你认为你有权利日夜在外面鬼混, 那么我也会同样地做. 允许你能做的事也要允许我同样的权利, 对不对?)

02. what's so great about that?
定义: 这有什么了不起?
例句: I hate to sound like a mental midget, but what's so great about the movie? (我实在不愿说出像个傻瓜的话, 但这部电影有什么好看的?)

03. what's that (all) about?
定义: 到底怎么了? (注: 常用于遇见突然的转变但你不明白原因所问之问题)
例句: She sat down at the table to work and felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. "What's that all about?" she wondered to herself, but shrugged it off. (她坐在桌旁开始工作, 突然感到肩膀一阵剧痛. "这到底是怎么回事?" 她心里纳闷, 但随即便不予理会)

04. what's that again?
定义: 刚才说什么? (注: 意指请你再说一遍, 我刚才没听清楚)
例句: "Do you want some more carrots?" "What's that again?" "Carrots. Do you want some more carrots?" ("你还要胡萝卜吗?" "妳刚才说什么?" "我说胡萝卜. 你还要胡萝卜吗?")

05. what's that got/have to do with the price of tea in China?
定义: [俗语]这个跟那个又有什么关系? (注: 意指两者显然毫无关系)
例句: Yes, I agree that health care is an important issue, but what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? (是的, 我同意医疗保健是一个重要议题, 但这个跟我们所谈论的议题又有什么关系?)

06. What's that man doing here?

07. what's that supposed to mean?
定义: 你这(句话)是什么意思?
例句: "Of course, you wouldn't know anything about a hard day's work." "Hey, what's that supposed to mean? I work hard too!" ("说得也是, 你对一天的辛苦工作当然没有什么感觉." "喂, 你说这话是什么意思? 我也很努力工作呀!")

08. what's the big deal?
定义: 有什么大不了的? (注: 意指真是大惊小怪的)
例句: So, I'm late. What's the big deal? (我是迟到了. 那又有什么大不了的?)

09. what's the big idea?
定义: 搞什么鬼? 你想要干什么? 谁说你可以这样做? 你要出什么歪主意?
例句: Hey, what's the big idea, you telling everybody I'd skipped town? (嘿, 你想要干什么, 你怎么可以告诉大家我已经仓促地连夜潜逃了?)

10. what's the catch?
定义: 有什么诡计, 暗藏的不利因素, 困难或风险吗?
例句: Sounds too good to be true. What's the catch? (听起来好得令人难以置信. 有什么陷阱吗?)

11. what's the damage?
定义: 要付多少钱?
例句: Looks expensive. What was the damage, if you don't mind my asking? (看起来挺昂贵. 如果你不介意我问的话, 这要多少钱?)

12. what's the deal?
定义: 你在干什么? 这是怎么回事? 发生什么事?
例句: What's the deal with these new fees? Why do we have to pay them? (这些新收费是怎么回事? 我们为什么要付它们?)

13. what difference does it make?
定义: 又有什么差别? 又有什么关系? 这又有什么要紧?
例句: What difference does it make if I go with you? (我跟你一起去又有什么关系?)

14. what's the difference?
定义: 又有什么差别? 有什么关系? 这又有什么要紧?
例句: What's the difference whether I go or not? (我去不去有什么差别?)

15. what's the drill?
定义: 该怎么办? 正常规则, 程序, 或手续是什么? 发生了什么事?
例句: "I have to get my computer repaired. Who do I talk to? What's the drill?" "You have to get a purchase order from Fred." ("我得把我这台电脑拿出去修理. 我该去找谁说? 一般程序该怎么走?" "你必须从弗雷德那里拿到一份采购订单才能拿出去修.")

16. what's the good of ...?
定义: ...又有什么用? (注: 意指在条件不足之下去做某事又有何用, 只不过是浪费力量而已)
例句: What's the good of crying when you can't do anything about it? (当你什么都做不了的时候, 哭有什么用?)

17. what's the (good) word?
定义: 你好吗? 有什么有关某人或某事的消息?
例句: "So, what's the word? Are we ready to start production?" "The boss said they're still finalizing details in the contract." ("有什么新消息? 我们准备要开始生产了吗?" "老板说他们还在敲定最后的合同细节." 注: 第一句话开头的So是个作为开场白的连接词, 本身没有意义; 它也是许多人的口头禅)

18. what's the hurry?
定义: 急什么?
例句: "Come on, let's go." "What's the big hurry?" ("快点, 我们走吧." "你急什么?")

19. what's the idea?
定义: 搞什么鬼? 你想要干什么? 谁说你可以这样做? 你要出什么歪主意?
例句: What's the idea of taking the car without permission? (没经允许就把车开走, 你想要干嘛?)

20. what's the latest buzz?
定义: 最近有什么新消息? (注: buzz可以作为流行, 时尚, 八卦新闻等等)
例句: What's the latest buzz about their marriage? (他们婚姻有什么最新八卦消息?)



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