二十笔实用成语 1171

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二十笔实用成语 1171

帖子 royl » 周五 3月 03, 2023 2:32 am

二十笔实用成语 1171

01. what's the magic word?
定义: 你应该说什么? (注: 意指提醒小孩要说"请", "谢谢"或"对不起"等礼貌语)
例句: "Can I have some money to go to the movies?" "What's the magic word?" ("能给我点钱去看电影吗?" "你应该说什么?" 注: 从两人的对话中可以得知, 该说的礼貌语应该是"请")

02. what's the matter with you?
定义: 你是怎么了? 你搞什么鬼? 你这是干什么?
例句: We finally get invited to a nice dinner party and you have to go and act the fool. What's the matter with you? (我们好不容易终于受邀去参加一场让人愉快晚宴, 而你却在宴会中出丑丢人. 你是怎么搞的?)

03. What's the matter, are you losing it?
[成语句型]你这是干什么? 你是不是昏了头啦?

04. what's the matter?
定义: 怎么了? 发生了什么事? 你怎么了? 你搞什么鬼?
例句: Hey, what's the matter? You look distressed. (嘿, 怎么了? 你看起来很难过)

05. What's the matter? The cat got your tongue?
[成语句型]怎么了? 你怎么不说话呀?

06. what's the odds?
定义: 机率有多少? 成功的机会有多少? 有什么差别? 有什么关系? 有什么用?
例句: He'll do it anyway, so what's the odds of telling him not to? (他铁下了心要这样做, 那么规劝他不要这样做有什么用?)

07. what's the point (of something)?
定义: 这有什么意义?
例句: "I just feel so dejected about my writing. No one reads it anyway, so what's the point?" "Hey, don't talk like that! You're a great writer, you just need to keep at it!" ("我真是对我的写作感到很灰心. 反正也没人看, 再写下去又有什么意义?" "唉, 别这么说! 你是个很优秀的作家, 你必须要坚持下去!")

08. what's the use of ...?
定义: ...又有什么用? (注: 意指在条件不足之下去做某事又有何用, 只不过是浪费力量而已)
例句: What's the use of worrying about the weather? You can't do anything about it. (担心天气有什么用? 你又不能改变它)

09. what's this/that got to do with me?
定义: 这/那跟我有什么关系?
例句: What has your car accident got to do with me? How can it be blamed on me? (你出车祸跟我有什么关系? 怎么可以怪我?)

10. What's this nonsense I hear about you quitting?
[成语句型]听说你要辞职的谣言, 这到底是怎么回事?

11. what's troubling you?
定义: 你在烦什么心? 你在烦恼什么?
例句: "What's troubling you son?" "Is it that obvious? I thought I was doing a good job of hiding my depression." ("有什么烦恼, 儿呀?" "有这么明显吗? 我以为我把心中的抑郁隐藏得很好.")

12. what's (up) with ...
定义: 为什么...? ...出了什么问题?
例句: "What's with Tom? He looks depressed." "He broke up with Sally." ("汤姆怎么了? 他看起来很沮丧." "他和莎莉闹掰了.")

13. What's up with you?

14. what's up?
定义: [问候语]你好吗? 怎么了? 这是怎么回事?
例句: "Hi Sarah!" "What's up, Chuck!" ("嗨, 莎拉!" "你好, 恰克!")

15. tell (someone) what's what, to
定义: 告知真相, 事实, 最基本的信息.
例句: You're so naïve about the way you think this business operates, so allow me to tell you what's what. (你对这个行业的运作方式看法太天真, 让我来告诉你真相吧)

16. what's with ...
定义: 为什么...? ...出了什么问题?
例句: What's with her? (她怎么了? 注: 意指对某人的怪异行为无法理解)

17. what's with the deal?
定义: 这是怎么回事? (注: 有要人解释之意)
例句: What's with the deal of Tom getting kicked out of the house by his wife? (汤姆被他老婆赶出家门是怎么回事?)

18. What's with you?

19. what's wrong with you?
定义: 你怎么啦?
例句: "I heard she got fired for cheating the company out of nearly $20,000." "Seriously, what's wrong with her? She gets paid a ludicrous amount of money as it is!" ("我听说她因为侵占了公司将近两万美元而被解雇了." "说真的, 真不知道她是怎么想的? 她现有的薪水已经高得吓人了!")

20. what's your beef?
定义: 你抱怨什么? 什么事你不满? 你有什么问题?
例句: I tell you what my beef with you. I'm annoyed that you would leave all these dishes for me to clean up, instead of doing them yourself! (我告诉你我对你有什么不满. 我很生气你把所有这些盘子都留给我清洗, 而不洗自己的脏碗盘!)



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