二十笔实用成语 1173

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二十笔实用成语 1173

帖子 royl » 周四 3月 09, 2023 4:05 pm

二十笔实用成语 1173

01. when in doubt, read the manual
定义: [俗语]当你不确定时, 参考手册.
例句: After fighting my new camera for six months, I finally decided to read the operating manual from cover to cover, and my photos improved dramatically! (和我新买的相机搏斗了六个月之后, 我终于决定把操作手册从头到尾彻底读一遍, 此后我的摄影技巧进步神速!)

02. when in Rome, do as the Romans do
定义: [谚语]入境随俗. 到罗马, 就做罗马人所做的事.
例句: I know you don't normally get relish on your hot dog, but that's the thing here. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (我知道你通常不在热狗上放开胃酸黄瓜粒, 但这里人的习惯都会放它们. 你还是入境随俗吧)

03. when it comes to ...
定义: 当谈到, 涉及, 遇到...
例句: Tom is a bit of a blowhard, but when it comes to pushing sales, no one in the company is better. (汤姆虽然有点喜欢吹牛, 但是论到推销方面, 公司里还真没有人比他强)

04. when it rains, it pours
定义: [谚语]要就很久不发生, 要就一起发生; 祸不单行.
例句: Sometimes we have no customers for two or three hours then suddenly we get 20 people all at once. When it rains, it pours! (有时候我们两三个小时都没顾客, 然后突然一下子就来了20个人. 这就是, 要就没生意, 要就来一堆生意!)

05. when least expected
定义: 当你完全没想到, 没料到, 没准备时.
例句: Things seemed to be going well, and then, when least expected, my boss said that I was being fired. (工作方面似乎发展得很顺利, 当时, 就在我毫无心理准备的时候, 我的老板突然通知我被解雇了)

06. when night falls
定义: 黄昏, 傍晚, 天将黑, 夜幕低垂.
例句: In the morning, we wake up to sunshine but when night falls, it becomes dark. (清晨, 我们在阳光下醒来, 但当夜幕降临时, 天色也随之暗下来)

07. when one door closes, another one opens
定义: [谚语]穷则变, 变则通; 车到山头自有路, 船到桥头自然直.
例句: I know you're heartbroken, but this isn't the end of the world. After all, when one door closes, another opens! (我知道你很伤心, 但这并不是世界末日. 毕竟, 车到山头自有路, 船到桥头自然直)

08. when one's back is turned
定义: 当某人不在的时候或一转身没注意的时候.
例句: The problem is, I never know what she's going to do when my back is turned. (问题是, 我永远没法知道我一转身没注意的时候她会干什么)

09. when one's ship comes in
定义: 当你事业成功, 发迹或发财之时.
例句: When my ship comes in, I'm moving out of this disgusting little apartment first thing! (我一旦发财后, 我第一件事就是搬出这间令人恶心的小公寓!)

10. when pigs fly
定义: 只有当猪会飞的时候才会发生; 不可能, 永远不会发生.
例句: "If we could just get Democrats and Republicans to agree on a tax reform bill, we could bring the deficit down in no time." "Sure, when pigs can fly!" ("如果我们能让民主党人和共和党人就税改法案达成一致共识, 我们便能够很快地降低赤字." "当然, 当猪会飞的时候才会发生!")

11. When shall we expect you?
[成语句型]我们何时可以看到你? (注: 简单的未来式)

12. when (one) was a twinkle in (one's) father's eye
定义: 在某人出生前之某时间.
例句: I never knew my grandmother. She died when I was a twinkle in my father's eye. (我从来没见过我的祖母. 在我出生之前她就走了. 注: 这句话里的I never knew my grandmother可以解释为: I've never met my grandmother)

13. when the balloon goes up
定义: 当重大事件发生; 危险, 可怕, 严重的事爆发或即将来临.
例句: Our analysts have been predicting a market crash for months now. If we don't diversify our assets soon, we're going to be in serious trouble when the balloon goes up. (我们的分析师几个月来一直在预测市场将会崩盘. 如果我们不尽快使资产多样化, 等重大危机发生的时候, 我们就会有大麻烦了)

14. when the cat's away, the mice will play
定义: [谚语]没人监督就有人违法捣蛋; 猫一不在, 老鼠便出来捣蛋.
例句: When the teacher left for a few minutes, the children nearly wrecked the classroom. When the cat's away, the mice will play. (老师离开几分钟之后, 孩子们几乎把教室给拆了. 猫一不在, 老鼠就出来捣蛋)

15. when the chips are down
定义: 当面临紧要关头或危急时刻.
例句: You can tell a lot about a person's character from how they act when the chips are down. (你可以从面临紧要关头的表现看出一个人的人格)

16. when the crunch comes
定义: 当危急关头来临时.
例句: She was always threatening to leave him, but when the crunch comes, she didn't have the courage. (她总是威胁说要离开他, 但是到了紧要关头的时刻, 她却没有勇气离开)

17. when the day breaks
定义: 破晓时分.
例句: I'll be long gone when the day breaks. (等到天亮的时候, 我早已离开了)

18. when the dust settles
定义: 当情况平静下来或回归正常.
例句: When the dust settles, we can start patching up all the hurt feelings. (等情况平静下来之后, 我们便可以开始抚慰所有受到创伤的心灵)

19. when the going gets tough, the tough gets going
定义: [谚语]当情势变为艰困, 强者仍旧勇往直前.
例句: Our coach is strict, but his training regimen ensures that only the most serious and capable athletes remain on the team. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. (我们的教练虽然严格, 但他的训练纪律却保证了只有最认真和能力最强的球员留在队里. 当赛况变得艰辛时, 这些球员仍旧勇往直前)

20. when the penny drops
定义: 迟来地顿悟. (注: 意指某人迟来地恍然大悟一件别人早已知道之事)
例句: I was watching his expression as he read the will, so I could tell the moment the penny dropped that he had been disinherited by his father. (我注意着他阅读遗嘱时的表情, 我当时就察觉出他突然得知了他被他父亲剥夺了继承权所表现出的失落感)



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