二十笔实用成语 1175

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二十笔实用成语 1175

帖子 royl » 周一 3月 20, 2023 12:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 1175

01. where the rubber hits/meets the road
定义: 拼真刀真枪; 展示本领, 见真章; 看你是否经得起考验的重要时刻.
例句: In the workplace, you apply what you've learned – that's where the rubber hits the road. (在工作场所, 你把你所学知识应用在工作上 – 这就是展示真才实学, 看你是否经得起考验的时刻)

02. where the shoe pinches
定义: 问题之症结所在.
例句: The student's lack of focus is where the shoe pinches. It affected his ability to appropriately respond to peer interactions. (这名学生注意力不集中乃是问题之症结所在. 这影响了他对同学之间互动做出适当反应的能力)

03. where there is a will, there is a way
定义: [谚语]有志者, 事竟成.
例句: Overcoming this economic recession won't be easy, but where there's a will, there's a way. And we've never backed down from a challenge before. (克服这次经济衰退并不容易, 但有志者, 事竟成. 再说, 我们从来没有在面临挑战时退缩过)

04. where there's life there's hope
定义: [谚语]留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧. (例如: 意指活着就有希望; 只要公司还能存活就有东山再起的希望)
例句: "What will we do, now that our house and everything we own has burned up?" "While there's life there's hope." ("既然我们的房子和我们拥有的一切都付之一炬了, 我们该怎么办?" "留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧. ")

05. where there's muck there's brass
定义: [谚语]想赚钱就不怕工作肮脏. (注: muck是污泥, brass象征钱因为钱币是铜, brass, 做的)
例句: I started a portable toilet business because I knew that where there's muck, there's brass. (我开始了便携式马桶生意, 因为我知道想赚钱就别嫌脏)

06. where there's smoke, there's fire
定义: [谚语]有因才有果; 无风不起浪; 冰冻三尺非一日之寒.
例句: Where there's smoke, there's fire. The investigation wouldn't be taking this long if there weren't any real leads. (无风不起浪. 如果没有实打实的线索, 这次的调查也不会花这么长的时间)

07. where to?
定义: (司机语)去哪?
例句: "Where to, sir?" "The Grand Hotel please." ("去哪儿, 先生?" "格兰德饭店, 拜托了.")

08. where are we headed?
定义: 我们要去哪里?
例句: "Where are we headed?" "We're going to a pizzeria to eat a good pizza." ("我们去哪儿?" "我们要去一家比萨店吃一顿丰盛美味的比萨.")

09. Where would we be then?
[成语句型]我们届时将在哪里? 我们届时将如何自处?

10. whereabouts is vs. whereabouts are
定义: [易混淆字或短语]whereabouts(名词)是行踪或所在之处. 在使用be动词时, 你既可以使用单数, 也可使用复数. 但是, 当你所指的人或物之whereabouts是单数时你最好使用is, 当你所指的人或物之whereabouts是复数时你最好使用are.

11. where'd you get that?
定义: 你从哪里得到这个? (注: d'是do或did的简写)
例句: Gee whiz, where'd you get that hat? (哎呀, 你从哪儿弄来这顶帽子?)

12. where's John when we need him?
定义: 当我们需要他的时候, 约翰在哪里?
例句: Where is J.P. Morgan when we need him? He and Rockefeller could have solved this so-called banking crisis better than Biden. (当我们需要J.P.摩根的时候他在哪儿? 他和洛克菲勒本可以比拜登更善于解决这场所谓的银行危机)

13. where's the beef?
定义: 有什么问题? 实质利益在哪里? 实质效果在哪里?
例句: The writing is good, but where's the beef? You need evidence to back up your claims. (文章写得虽然不错, 但具体的内容在哪里? 你需要举出实证来支持你的说法)

14. where's the fire?
定义: 你急什么? 干嘛这么仓促?
例句: Whoa, you need to slow down for a second. Where's the fire? (喔, 你得慢下来一点. 你干嘛这么急?)

15. where's the harm?
定义: 哪有什么伤害可言? 又伤害了谁? (注: 常用于替自己辩解某一行为并无伤人之虞)
例句: Look, we're just going out for a few drinks, where's the harm in that? (听着, 我们只是出去喝几杯, 这哪有什么伤害可言?)

16. Where's your conscience?
定义: 你的良心何在?
例句: Where's your conscience? There's life under this building and you want to stop the rescue work until tomorrow? (你的良心何在? 这栋楼下还有生命被埋在瓦砾堆里, 而你却想把救援工作暂停到明天?)

17. wherever that is
定义: 不知在哪个地方, 谁知道那个地方在哪儿.
例句: He said he was calling from a restaurant, wherever that is. (他说他是从一家餐馆打电话来的, 也不知在哪里)

18. wherever that may be
定义: 不知在哪个地方, 谁知道那个地方在哪儿.
例句: He says he's from Boula, wherever that may be. (他说他来自博拉, 不知道这个地方在哪里)

19. wherever you are
定义: 不论你在何处.
例句: I swear to you, Mom, I'll find whoever did this to you and give them a piece of my mind. Wherever they are! (我向你发誓, 妈妈, 我会找到对你做这种事的人, 然后好好地教训他一顿. 不论他在哪里! 注: 这里的them或they乃是指某一名不知性别的个人所使用的代名词)

20. whet one's appetite, to
定义: 令人开胃, 刺激食欲; 引发某人的兴趣.
例句: The first chapter of that novel really whetted my appetite. I'm eager to read more of it tonight. (那本小说的第一章的确引发我的兴趣. 我好渴望今晚多读一些)



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