二十笔实用成语 1176

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二十笔实用成语 1176

帖子 royl » 周五 3月 24, 2023 12:58 am

二十笔实用成语 1176

01. whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter.
定义: 不论你是否相信这事并不重要.
例句: It doesn't matter whether or not you believe human activity caused the global warming, we still have to clean up our environment and address the climate crisis. (不管你是否相信人类活动导致了全球暖化, 这都不重要, 我们仍然需要清理我们的环境, 设法化解这场气候危机)

02. Whether you like it or not, you are going to do it.
[成语句型]不管你爱不爱做, 你还是要做.

03. whew!
定义: [惊叹语]咻! (注: 表示压力突然减轻下来, 惊讶或不舒服之意)
例句: Whew! I'm glad that's over. (咻! 我很高兴这一切都结束了)

04. which is the way it ought to be
定义: 本来就应该是这样的.
例句: The problem is that we're not sure if we really want to know our anatomy. But for most patients, this is a matter of personal choice which is the way it ought to be. (问题是, 我们不确定我们是否真的想要了解我们身体的解剖结构. 但对于大多数的病人来说, 这是一个个人选择的问题, 本来就应该是如此的)

05. which is to say
定义: 也就是说, 我的意思是, 换句话说.
例句: Her eyes are hazel, which is to say they are greenish brown. (她的眼睛是淡褐色的, 换句话说它们是褐绿色的)
从左起: 褐色眼睛, 褐绿色眼睛, 绿色眼睛

06. which is which?
定义: 哪一个是哪个? 两个有什么差异?
例句: Shoot, we both brought the same kind of backpack to class. Do you know which is which? (哎呀, 我们都带了同一样的背包来上课. 你知道哪个是哪个吗? 注: 本句使用的shoot既不是动词也不是名词, 它是一个表达惊讶或恼怒的感叹词)

07. which one is it?
定义: 你说的是哪一个?
例句: Cold, Flu or Covid-19, which one is it? How do you tell the differences among them? (感冒, 流感还是冠状病毒, 你说的是哪一个? 你怎么区分它们之间的差异?)

08. which one would you prefer?
定义: 你喜欢哪个? 你要选哪个?
例句: We have ice cream, and we have cake. Which would you prefer? (我们有冰淇淋, 还有蛋糕. 你喜欢吃哪一个?)

09. what part of no don't you understand??
定义: 我说"不"的哪个部分你不懂? (注: 指责某人故意装傻)
例句: "Come on, Mom, just let me borrow the car tonight!" "Billy, what part of 'no' don't you understand?" ("拜托, 妈妈, 今晚把车借我用吧!" "比利, 我已经跟你说不行了, 你怎么还听不懂?")

10. which works better?
定义: 哪一个比较好用或有效?
例句: "Which detergent works better?" "I believe that one works like magic." ("哪种洗洁精效果更好?" "我觉得那瓶洗洁精的效果非常好." 注: 这里的works like magic = works extremely well)

11. while away the time, to
定义: 轻松愉快地消磨时光. (注: while在此是个动词)
例句: When we were kids, we would while away the hours on rainy days just drawing pictures and reading books. (小时候, 我们在下雨天便以画画和看书来轻松地消磨时光)

12. while I adore the idea, I ...
定义: 虽然我喜欢这个主意, 我... (注: while在此意为虽然although)
例句: While I adore the idea, I guess you could say I have commitment issues. (虽然我很喜欢这个想法, 但我想你可以说我对承诺有一种无法下定决心的问题. 注: 意指下不了决心或者还持着三心两意, 犹豫不决的态度)

13. while you're at it, ...
定义: 趁你做某事的同时顺便...
例句: Since we're cleaning the kitchen, we should wash the floor while we're at it. (既然我们要清理厨房, 我们何不干脆顺便把地板一起清洗干净)

14. While you're at it, could you get me some milk?
[成语句型]你(去商店买东西的同时)能不能顺便帮我买一瓶牛奶? (注: 请注意句型结构, 读者可以自行创造类似的句子)

15. whilst vs. while
定义: [易混淆字或短语]这两个连接词, whilst与while意义完全相同但whilst主要被英国人使用.

16. whiner, a
定义: 喜欢吭吭唧唧抱怨的人.
例句: Being a whiner at work just makes you look petty, childish, and untrustworthy. (在工作中经常发牢骚只会让你看起来小家子气, 幼稚, 和不值得信任)

17. whip into a frenzy, to
定义: 激起众人狂怒情绪, 煽动暴民.
例句: The speaker whipped the crowd into a frenzy. (这名演讲者激发了这批群众的高亢情绪)

18. whip through, to
定义: 迅速地做完.
例句: I whipped through my chores and headed south to pick up my kids. (我匆匆地做完家务便直奔南方去接我的孩子们)

19. whip together, to
定义: 迅速地制作或准备好(某物).
例句: I whipped together a quick lunch of stovetop macaroni and cheese. It might not have been gourmet, but the food is flavorful and didn't come from a box. (我用炉灶迅速地煮好了一顿通心粉和奶酪的快速午餐. 它虽然不是一餐高档美食, 但它还很有滋味而且并不是从盒子里拿出来的)

20. kick/whip/stir up a storm, to
定义: 激起群众的忿怒, 激动情绪, 或争论.
例句: His racial comments whipped up a storm in the newspapers. (他的种族主义言论在报纸上引起了轩然大波)



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