二十笔实用成语 1177

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二十笔实用成语 1177

帖子 royl » 周三 3月 29, 2023 12:37 am

二十笔实用成语 1177

01. whip up, to
定义: 挑动, 煽动, 激起热情; 掀起风浪或风暴; 临时仓促准备好.
例句: I haven't written my report yet, but I'll whip one up before the deadline. (我还没写报告, 但我会在截止日期之前会赶紧把它写好)

02. whip/lick/knock/get into shape, to
定义: 严格管教或积极训练某人; 塑造成适当形式, 使其臻于完善..
例句: I've got about two weeks more to lick this place into shape so I can sell it. (我还有大约两周的时间把这地方整修一番, 然后我就可以把它卖了)
把这栋房子整修一番, 然后就可以把它卖了

03. whipping boy, a
定义: 替罪之人, 顶罪的人.
例句: I'm tired of being the whipping boy for the mischief caused by you. (我厌倦了为你所造成的恶作剧当顶罪之人)

04. whirlybird, a
定义: [俚语]直升机.
例句: See that whirlybird up there? It's timing your speed. Slow down. (看到上面那架直升机了吗? 它是在测量你的车速. 开慢一点)

05. whispering campaign, a
定义: 散播不利对方的谣言, 毁谤, 抹黑的耳语活动.
例句: I'm always highly skeptical of the terrible allegations that come out in these whispering campaigns. (我对这些利用抹黑的耳语活动来散播恶劣的指控, 一向持着高度怀疑的态度)

06. whistle a different tune, to
定义: 改变主意或行为; 投向另一阵营.
例句: Tom is whistling a different tune now that he has been promoted and has responsibility for the office. (自从汤姆被升职并负责管理这间办公室之后, 他现在的态度就不一样了)

07. whistle and flute, the
定义: [英国俚语]一套西服.
例句: What a wonderful feeling to start the new week in my brand-new whistle and flute. (穿着这套全新西装来开始这个新的一周, 我感觉真好)

08. whistle Dixie, to
定义: 作不切实际或过于乐观的幻想. (注: Dixie是美国南方各州源自美国南北战争时参与南方的各州)
例句: If you think you can get there in two hours, you're whistling Dixie! (如果你认为你能在两小时内到达那儿, 那你想得真美!)

09. whistle down the wind, to
定义: 离开某人, 令某人离开, 将某人解雇; 诽谤别人.
例句: Once I found out that she had lied, I had to whistle her down the wind. (一旦我发现她撒了谎, 我就只好将她解雇了)

10. whistle for it, to
定义: 休想得到或休想要我帮忙. (注: 直译为你吹口哨叫它过来; 当有人要你whistle for it他决不会让你得到它)
例句: After the way she treated me yesterday, I refuse to do her laundry anymore. She can whistle for it from now on! (她昨天那样地对待我, 我再也不给她洗衣服了. 从今天开始, 她休想再要我帮她忙!)

11. whistle in the dark, to
定义: 黑夜吹口哨, 给自己壮胆, 故作乐观状; 瞎猜, 乱猜.
例句: He says his business will improve next year, but he's probably just whistling in the dark. (他说他的生意明年会好转, 但他可能只是故意作出乐观的样子)

12. whistle in the wind, to
定义: 白费力量, 做无济于事努力.
例句: We all know that he's guilty, but if we can't get concrete evidence, we're just going to be whistling in the wind. (我们都知道他有罪, 但如果我们拿不出确凿的证据, 我们也只是在白费力量)

13. whistle past the cemetery/graveyard, to
定义: 坟地吹口哨, 给自己壮胆; 故作乐观状; 进入一个状况居然不知可能的后果.
例句: I'm holding out hope that we can win this lawsuit, but I might be just whistling past the graveyard. (我对我们能赢得这场官司抱有希望, 但我也许只是在坟地吹口哨, 给自己壮胆)

14. whistle-stop tour, a
定义: 短暂的走马看花之旅; 短暂拜票的巡回停留.
例句: My travel agent offered me such a great deal on a whistle-stop tour of Beijing that I couldn't resist. (我的旅行社为我提供了如此超值的短暂北京市走马看花之旅, 我无法抗拒)

15. whit, a
定义: 一点点, 极少量.
例句: He didn't care a whit about the money. (他一点也不在乎钱那方面的事)

16. white as a sheet, be (as)
定义: 惊吓得或病弱得脸色苍白.
例句: His face went as white as a sheet when he saw the burglar in his house. (当他看到窃贼闯入他的屋内时候, 他惊吓得脸色苍白)

17. white as (the) driven snow, be (as)
定义: 纯白; 脸色苍白.
例句: Our father, his face white as the driven snow, put the phone down and told us he'd lost his job. (我们老爸放下了电话, 脸色苍白地告诉我们他丢了他的工作)

18. white elephant, a
定义: 白象; 一件奢侈的, 不切实际的礼物; 没价值的沉重包袱; 捐出不需要的物品出售的筹款活动; 一种参与者可以带上不需要的物品来互相交换.
例句: At first, Eve was excited to inherit the farm, but it soon proved to be a white elephant she couldn't afford. (起初, 伊芙很高兴能够继承这座农场, 但很快地就证明这是个她负担不起的累赘)

19. white lie, a
定义: 无意伤害别人的谎言, 为了避免别人难堪而说的善意谎言.
例句: I try to be honest most of the time, but I do tell white lies when I'm worried about upsetting people. (大多数时候我都会尽量地说真话, 但当我担心会触怒别人的时候, 我也会说一些善意的谎言)

20. white sale, a
定义: 家居用品大减价. (注: 尤其床单, 毛巾, 桌布等等产品)
例句: The big stores always have white sales in January. (大商店总是在一月份展开家居用品的减价大甩卖)
床单, 毛巾, 桌布等的减价大甩卖



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