二十笔实用成语 1178

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二十笔实用成语 1178

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 03, 2023 8:28 am

二十笔实用成语 1178

01. white trash, a
定义: [种族歧视语]白垃圾, 北美的穷困及无知白人.
例句: As you make your way farther and farther south, you will find white trash in the backwoods of every county. (当你越往南走, 你会发现每个县的偏僻地区都有白垃圾. 注: 这句话的意思是, 美国南方有大量的所谓白垃圾, 这其实是在影射美国内战失败的南方各州白人)

02. white-knuckle ride, a
定义: 兴奋, 紧张或恐怖的乘坐尤其是云霄飞车之类.
例句: For a few minutes of pure, unfettered, scream-out-loud fun, nothing beats a white-knuckle ride on a roller coaster. (为了几分钟纯粹的, 热情奔放的, 兴奋尖叫的乐趣, 没有什么比乘坐云霄飞车更加紧张刺激的了)
roller coaster也有人称为过山车

03. whittle away, to
定义: 逐渐地减少或除去.
例句: I'm still trying to whittle away a few more pounds. (我还在努力地减掉几磅体重)

04. whittle down, to
定义: 逐渐地削减, 耗尽, 用尽.
例句: We whittled the list down to four people. (我们把名单缩减至四人)

05. whiz kid, a
定义: 神童.
例句: James is the whiz kid in computer. He'll help you tackle the problem in no time. (詹姆斯是个电脑神童. 他会很快地帮你解决这个问题)

06. who am I to judge someone?
定义: 我哪有资格论断某人?
例句: Who am I to judge you? I'm not perfect either. (我哪有什么资格论断你? 我自己都不怎么完美)

07. who asked you?
定义: (不礼貌)又没问你! (注: 意指我又没问你, 你干嘛多嘴?)
例句: Who asked you anyway? Stop barging in our conversation! (谁问你了? 别再打断我们的谈话!)

08. who cares
定义: 谁管它, 谁在乎, 根本没人在乎, 那又怎样, 根本不重要.
例句: "Frankie has two phones." "So? Who cares?" ("弗兰基有两支手机." "那又怎样? 谁在乎他有几支手机?")

09. who died and left you in charge?
定义: 你算什么东西? 我凭什么听你的? 谁死了才叫你来负责?
例句: "You have to clean your room and take out the trash before you go out tonight." "Geez, who died and left you in charge?" ("今晚出去之前你必须打扫好房间和把垃圾拿到外面扔掉." "咦, 你算什么东西, 我凭什么听你的?" 注: 这里的垃圾拿出去的意思是把屋内的垃圾放到屋外的垃圾桶里)

10. who died and made you king?
定义: 你算什么东西? 我凭什么听你的? 谁死了才叫你来负责?
例句: Who died and made you the queen? Quit telling me what to do! (你算什么东西, 我凭什么听你的? 别对我指手画脚!)

11. who do you think you are?
定义: 你以为你是谁啊? 你算什么东西啊? (注: 警告对方不要咄咄逼人)
例句: I work every day from dawn until dusk to provide for this family, and you accuse me of being lazy? Just who do you think you are? (为了养家糊口, 我每天从早到晚都在拼命工作, 你却指责我偷懒? 你算什么东西啊?)

12. who goes there?
定义: (守卫者对走近的人使用的问话)是谁在那儿? 谁?
例句: Halt! Who goes there? State your name and business at once, or you shall be turned away by force. (停! 谁在那儿? 赶紧说出你的姓名, 来这里要干什么, 否则你将被强制驱离)

13. who in the world is this guy?
定义: 这个人到底是谁? (注: in the world在此是加强语气, '究竟到底'之意)
例句: I'm thinking "who in the world is this guy?" I've been to a lot of games and never heard of him and I don't expect much from him. (我还在想"这家伙到底是谁?" 我看了很多球赛, 却从来没听说过他, 所以我对他的期望也不高)

14. who's in charge here?
定义: 这里是谁负责?
例句: "Who's in charge here?" "I'm. What can I do for you, sir?" ("你们这里是谁负责?" "我是这里的负责人. 先生, 我能为您效劳什么吗?")

15. who is the lucky guy?
定义: 新郎是哪一位? 幸运儿是哪一位?
例句: I heard about Emily married her Mr. Right last week, but who is the lucky guy whom she married? (我听说艾米丽上周嫁给了她的真命天子, 但娶她为妻的幸运儿是谁呢?)

16. who is to say; who's to say
定义: 没人知道; 谁有资格说.
例句: "What does the future hold for you, now that you've left the music industry?" "Who's to say, really? I've always been interested in writing a novel, so I may pursue that." ("既然你已经离开了音乐界, 你未来将如何打算?" "说真的, 谁知道. 我一直对写小说很有兴趣, 所以我可能会走写作的路子.")

17. who needs ...?
定义: 谁要那个...啊? 谁甩他? (注: 意指你你不屑一顾只会带来麻烦的某人或某事)
例句: To hell with Miles, who needs him? (去他的麦尔斯, 谁甩他?)

18. who on earth is this guy?
定义: 这个人究竟是谁? (注: on earth是用来加强语气, '究竟'之意)
例句: Who on earth is this guy? Why should we listen to him? (这家伙到底是谁? 我们为什么要听他的?)

19. who shall I say is calling, please?
定义: (接电话者)请问您是哪位?
例句: "Hello, is this the Liu residence?" "Yes, who shall I say is calling, please?" ("喂, 这是刘公馆吗?" "是的, 请问您是哪位?")

20. who the dickens is this guy?
定义: [不雅语]这家伙究竟是谁? (注: 为了减轻冲突性, 使用dickens取代devil, 但仍稍具有不礼貌或挑衅性质的口吻)
例句: Who the dickens is this guy!? What have we gotten ourselves into!? (这家伙到底是谁!? 我们惹出了什么样的麻烦!?)



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