二十筆實用成語 1179

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二十筆實用成語 1179

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 10, 2023 2:42 pm

二十筆實用成語 1179

01. who told you that ...?
定義: 誰告訴你...?
例句: "Who told you that I'm quitting?" "You did! Don't you remember?" ("誰告訴你我要辭職了?" "是你告訴我的! 你不記得了嗎?")

02. Who wants seconds?
[成語句型](論及自助餐)誰還要吃第二輪? (注: 請注意自助餐跑第二趟的seconds是複數不是單數)

03. who wants them anyway?
定義: 誰甩他們啊? (注: 意指沒人需要他們, 大家都厭惡他們)
例句: They've always been trouble, and who wants them anyway? (他們一直都給人找麻煩, 誰理他們呀? 注: 這裡的want和need+受詞是同義, 所以Our house wants painting = Our house needs painting = 我們的房子需要油漆了)

04. who wants to know?
定義: 那要看誰問這個問題; 誰想要知道? (注: 這句話既不承認也不否認人家要問的問題, 端看問問題的人是誰)
例句: "Are you Jimmy Dean?" "Who wants to know?" ("你是吉米·迪恩嗎?" "那要看誰想要知道?")

05. who wears the pants/trousers?
定義: 是誰當家作主? 誰說的話算數?
例句: I think it's pretty obvious who wears the pants in that family, Grandma Helene. (我覺得很顯然在那個家庭當家主事的人是誰了, 海琳奶奶)

06. ring the bell, to
定義: 成功, 達成目標; 成為一個人想要, 需要或正在尋找的東西; 證明是令人難忘, 值得注意或產生效果的; 引起某人共鳴, 注意或採取行動; 使某人驚恐或擔心; 通知或表明某事是這樣的.
例句: We've been wandering around town looking for somewhere to eat, but nothing has rung the bell so far. (我們一直在城裡閒逛, 尋找吃飯的地方, 但到現在為止還沒有找到風味誘人的餐館)

07. who would have thought about that?
定義: 誰當初會想到這個?
例句: Who would have thought about that? That was completely unexpected. (當初誰會想到這一點? 這完全是令人意想不到的)

08. whodunit, a
定義: 偵探推理小說或電影.
例句: I'm currently writing a whodunit about a group of friends who become stranded in a cabin in the mountains, when one of them is suddenly found murdered. (我目前正在寫一部偵探推理小說, 講述的是一群朋友被困在山間的小木屋裡, 突然發現其中一個人被謀殺的故事)

09. whole (kit and) caboodle, the
定義: 全套, 全部, 整個, 所有的事或物.
例句: I had a collection I'd been putting together for nearly 25 years, and burglars stole the whole kit and caboodle. (我有一批收藏了將近25年的骨董, 竊賊把那批收藏品全偷走了)

10. whole bag of tricks, the
定義: [俚語]各種可能的聰明技巧, 策略或技術; 整套錦囊妙計, 可以達成任務的計謀或竅門.
例句: The legal team used their whole bag of tricks, but in the end, they weren't able to prevent a guilty verdict. (這支法律團隊使盡了渾身解數, 但最終還是無法阻止有罪的判決)

11. whole ball of wax, the
定義: 全部或整件事務.
例句: There's nothing more to tell you. That's the whole ball of wax. (我已經把該告訴你的話都告訴你了. 這就是整件事情的經過)

12. whole bit, the
定義: 全套, 全部, 整個, 包括一切相關的事或物.
例句: He says he's tired of his job, tired of driving to work every day, the whole bit. (他說他厭倦了他的工作, 厭倦了每天開車上班, 整個乏味的機械化生活讓人無法忍受)

13. whole different ballgame altogether, a
定義: (與某情況比照)完全不同的情況.
例句: It's one thing to save the world but it's a whole different ballgame altogether to change the world just because we can. Isn't that a little cocky? (拯救世界是一回事, 但僅憑我們有能力就擅自改變了世界, 則完全是另外一回事. 這是不是有點專橫霸道?)

14. whole enchilada, the
定義: 全套, 全部, 整個.
例句: Building up a home entertainment system from scratch sounds good, but buying the whole enchilada in one shot is much more convenient. (從零開始建立一套家庭娛樂系統聽起來不錯, 但一次性買下整套系統要方便得多)

15. whole gang, the
定義: 大家, 大夥.
例句: Speaking of family, I see the whole gang's all here since even Rebecca has graced us with her presence. (說到家人, 我看到大家都在這裡, 因為連麗貝卡也來了, 讓我們蓬蓽生輝)

16. (whole) host of (something), a
定義: 種種..., 一大堆的...
例句: We had a whole host of problems on opening night, but I think most of the issues have been resolved. (我們在首演之夜遇到了一大堆問題, 但我想大部分的問題都已經解決了)

17. whole lot of ..., a
定義: 大量, 大程度, 大幅度.
例句: There are still a whole lot of issues plaguing the turnkey computer system that we need to figure out before it's delivered next month. (在下個月交付這套開機便可以馬上使用的電腦系統之前, 我們仍有大量的問題需要解決)

18. whole megillah, the
定義: [意第緒俚語]整件過於複雜的細節故事; 全部, 整套, 所有的事或物.
例句: The accountant went through the whole megillah all over again. (這名會計又把那整套帳重新徹查了一遍)

19. whole new ballgame, a
定義: (比較某情況)一個完全不同的新情況.
例句: It will take a year to reassign the staff, and by then some will have quit and we'll have a whole new ballgame. (重新分配工作人員需要一年的時間, 到那個時候, 有些人已經辭職了, 我們將面臨一個全新的局面)

20. whole nine yards, the
定義: 全套, 全部, 整個.
例句: I want a traditional wedding, with the cake, the dress, the whole nine yards. (我想要一個傳統的婚禮, 有蛋糕, 有禮服, 整套的傳統婚禮)



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