二十笔实用成语 1180

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二十笔实用成语 1180

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 17, 2023 12:21 pm

二十笔实用成语 1180

01. whole nother story/thing/ballgame/issue, a
定义: 完全无关; 完全不是一回事.
例句: I've parachuted and bungee jumped but rock climbing is a whole nother thing. (我跳伞过, 蹦极过, 但攀岩则完全是另一回事)

02. whole picture, the
定义: 整个情势, 大局全貌, 重要的事实与影响.
例句: You're focusing on one small part of the negotiation, but you need to see the whole picture. We may need to compromise on a few items to get the best deal in the end. (你只在关注谈判的一小部分, 但你须要着眼整个大局. 我们可能需要在某些条款上做出妥协才能够最终达成称心满意的协议)

03. whole purpose, the
定义: 整个目的, 主要目的.
例句: If the whole purpose was to track tourism and ultimately bring more tourists here, but it was turning people away, then that's counter-productive. (如果它主要目的是追踪旅游业活动并且最终吸引更多游客来这里观光的话, 然而此举反而造成人们却步不来, 因此适得其反)

04. whole raft of, a
定义: 一大群, 很多.
例句: The beta testers have reported a whole raft of issues with this latest software update. (发行前测试人员报告了这套最新软件更新的诸多问题)

05. whole schmeer/schmear, the
定义: [意第绪俚语]整件过于复杂的细节故事; 全部, 整套, 所有的事或物.
例句: I'll take a hamburger with everything on it, the whole schmeer. (我要一客汉堡, 附加的蔬菜全要, 全套的. 注: 当你在汉堡店点一份汉堡的时候, 你同时告诉接点餐的收银员你要放进所有的蔬菜, 例如生菜, 洋葱和蕃茄. 至于培根和乳酪片另外要加钱则还需要点餐顾客的确认)
包括生菜, 洋葱, 蕃茄和起司片的全套汉堡

06. whole shebang, the
定义: 全套, 全部, 整个; 应有尽有.
例句: You can buy the whole shebang for just $50. (你只要花50美元就能买到这个全套)

07. whole shooting match, the
定义: 全套, 全部, 整个; 应有尽有.
例句: While in Beijing, I want to see Badaling Great Wall, The Palace Museum, and the whole shooting match. (在北京期间, 我想去看八达岭长城, 故宫博物院, 以及其全部名胜古迹)

08. give the (whole) show away, to
定义: 泄密, 未能守口如瓶, 露出马脚, 揭露真相.
例句: You're going to give the show away if you don't quit talking about it! (如果你再不闭嘴, 你就会露出马脚!)

09. slew of, a
定义: 大量, 许多.
例句: There is a slew of old computer parts scattered around the workshop, so have a look and see if you can find something you need. (车间里到处散落着旧电脑零件, 你去那儿看看能不能找到你需要的东西)

10. whole works, the
定义: 全套, 全部, 整个; 应有尽有.
例句: The hotel had everything – sauna, swimming pool, the works. (这家旅馆什么设施都有 – 桑拿房, 游泳池, 应有尽有)

11. come crashing down around you, to
定义: 重大不幸事情发生, 造成你心理全面崩溃.
例句: I've felt like my life is crashing down around me ever since my husband's sudden death. (自从我丈夫突然离世之后, 我觉得我的生活正在全面崩溃)

12. whole world is falling apart, one's
定义: 整个心理崩溃, 整个希望都幻灭.
例句: I've had three colds this month, I'm broke, I've gained thirty pounds, and the whole world is falling apart. (这个月我得了三次感冒, 身无分文, 体重又增加了三十磅, 整个人的心理都在崩溃)

13. wholesale criticism, a
定义: 不分青红皂白的大肆批评.
例句: None of us should tolerate any longer the wholesale criticism against whole groups of teachers, board members or superintendents. (我们谁也不该再容忍这些针对教师, 学校董事会成员或校长作为整体的不分青红皂白地大肆抨击)

14. wholesale massacre, a
定义: 不分男女老幼的大屠杀.
例句: And unless you teach about the wholesale massacre of Native Americans, and the truth of slavery and its racist aftermath, you are not teaching real history at all. (除非你教导学生对美洲原住民的大规模屠杀, 以及奴隶制及其种族主义后果的真相, 否则你根本不是在教导真实的历史)

15. whoop it up, to
定义: 热闹地庆祝, 狂欢嬉戏; 激起热情, 挑起狂热.
例句: It was a very noisy party. Everyone was whooping it up well past midnight. (这是一个非常喧闹的派对. 午夜过后大家还在狂欢)

16. whoop-de-do!
定义: [惊叹语](讽刺性语)大惊小怪! 那又怎样! 谁在乎!
例句: "She can cook a five-course meal in an hour." "Whoop-de-do!" ("她可以在一个钟头之内做出一顿五道菜的餐食." "那又怎样! 谁在乎!")

17. whopping success, a
定义: 巨大成功, 惊人的成功.
例句: The wedding was a whopping success by all accounts. First and foremost, I got to marry the love of my life. (大家都说这场婚礼办得非常成功. 最重要的是, 我能够娶得我一生挚爱的人为妻)

18. who's calling, please?
定义: (接电话者)请问你是哪一位?
例句: "Good afternoon. Could I speak to Ms. Sanders, please?" "She's in a meeting at the moment. May I ask who's calling?" ("下午好. 我可以和桑德斯女士讲话吗?" "她现在正在开会. 请问你是哪位?")

19. but who's counting
定义: [幽默语]谁在算? (注: 以幽默的语气表达你不在乎数量的增加; 例如老年人使用在年龄上; 出钱人用在庞大的开支上; 不计较真实的数目)
例句: "Well, you've only worked three hours this week, but who's counting?" "I'm sorry, sir, but I've been sick all week." ("对了, 你这个星期只工作了三个小时, 但没人在细算你的工作时数." "真抱歉, 老板, 我整个星期都在生病.")

20. who's kidding who?
定义: (已经被人看穿)这个人真以为他可以唬弄别人吗? 有必要自欺欺人吗?
例句: It seems to me that Ford has found an excuse to move its high-volume work outside the country. They may be an American company, but who's kidding who here? (在我看来, 福特似乎找到了将其大批量生产线转移到国外的借口. 他们虽然可能是一家美国公司, 但是我们有必要自欺欺人吗?)



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