二十笔实用成语 1181

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二十笔实用成语 1181

帖子 royl » 周四 4月 20, 2023 8:48 pm

二十笔实用成语 1181

01. who's running the place?
定义: 谁是这里的主管?
例句: Who's running this place, I'm going to complain to the manager! (谁是这里的主管, 我要向经理投诉!)

02. Who's the man?
[成语句型]这人是谁? 谁这么厉害?

03. who's to blame?
定义: 这是谁之过? 该怪谁?
例句: Who's to blame? Parents? Schools? Video games? (这是谁的错? 父母? 学校? 还是电动游戏造成的?)

04. who's who, a
定义: 名人录, 名人榜; 一个群体成员的名字.
例句: The guest list reads like a who's who of the movie industry. (这份嘉宾名单读起来就像电影界的名人录)

05. who's your daddy
定义: [俚语]谁最厉害? 是我吧?
例句: I just beat you three games in a row! Who's your daddy? (我刚刚连胜你三局! 谁最厉害? 是我吧?)

06. whose idea is this?
定义: 这是谁出的(歪)主意?
例句: Nobody with a month-old baby needs that much company. Why are they coming over for dinner when you have a newborn? Whose idea is this? (没有带着满月婴儿的人需要那么多的人来陪伴. 为什么他们在你有了新生婴儿的时候还要过来吃晚饭? 这是谁的馊主意?)

07. Whose side are you on, anyway?
定义: 你到底要帮哪一边? (注: 意指你到底支持我还是支持对方)
例句: "Just whose side are you on?" "I don't know. I'm on both sides of the fence at the moment." ("你到底要帮哪一边?" "我不知道. 我目前对双方都采取观望的态度.")

08. whup your ass, to
定义: [不雅俚语]把你打扁. (注: 意指向某人挑战要痛击, 打败某人)
例句: On the chessboard game you can beat Tom, but on the race track he'll whup your ass! (在棋盘游戏上你可以打败汤姆, 但在赛道上他会把你打得落花流水!)

09. why am I not surprised?
定义: 怎么我一点都不奇怪? (注: 因为我早知道某人会做这件事或料到这个结局)
例句: Why am I not surprised that you didn't do what you said you'd do? Because I knew you didn't mean it. (为什么我一点都不惊讶你没有做到你答应要做的事? 因为我知道你不是真心地承诺这件事)

10. why am I on trial here?
定义: 凭什么把我当犯人审问啊? (注: 意指问话者不满被人严厉质问或被人怀疑是做坏事者)
例句: "Hold on, Eddie. What is it? Why am I on trial here?" "You have something to hide?" ("等一下, 艾迪. 你这是做什么? 凭什么把我当犯人审问啊?" "难道你有什么要隐瞒的吗?")

11. why are you being so mean to me?
定义: 你为什么对我这么刻薄? 你为什么对我这么凶?
例句: "Why are you being so mean to me?" "I'm not being mean." "Yes, you are!" ("你为什么对我这么凶?" "我没对你凶." "你就是对我凶!")

12. why are you doing this to me?
定义: 你怎么可以这样对我? 你为什么对我做出这种事? (注: 意指你为什么折磨我或你为什么背叛我)
例句: Why are they doing this to me!? My comments are constantly being censored. I post a comment, then I refresh and it's gone 90% of the time. (他们怎么可以这样对我!? 我的评论总是被审查. 我发表了评论, 随后我就刷新, 90%的时候它都会被删除了)

13. why are you doing this?
定义: 你为什么做这种事? 你为什么这样做?
例句: Why are you doing this, my friend? You used to walk around in school with a smile and a jolly sway. What made you lose it all? (你为什么做这种事, 好友? 你曾经在学校里走路的时候都面带着微笑和欢欣的摇曳. 是什么事情让你彻底地失去了理智?)

14. why bother?
定义: 何必麻烦? 别费劲; 干嘛费劲? (注: 意指别浪费力量, 根本行不通)
例句: "I'll try calling her again." "Why bother? She's not going to answer the phone anyway." ("我会试着再给她打电话." "何必麻烦? 她反正又不会接电话.")

15. why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
定义: [谚语]有免费的东西, 为什么要买? (注: 另指男人不想结婚因为他已经与人同居, 可以享受婚姻的好处却不必结婚)
例句: I don't have a car because someone always gives me a ride to work. Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free? (我没有车, 因为总是有人载我去上班. 既然有免费的服务, 为什么要买车?)

16. why can't we all just get along?
定义: 我们为什么不能够融洽相处?
例句: Why can't we all just get along? A global pandemic has done little to bridge our tribal divides: maskers vs. anti-maskers, nationalists vs. globalists, and the list keeps going. (为什么我们不能和睦相处呢? 一场全球流行病并没有弥合我们的族群分歧: 戴口罩者与反口罩者对抗, 国家主义者与全球化主义者对抗, 这样的对抗名单还在增加)

17. why didn't I think of this?
定义: 我当初为什么没想到这个呢?
例句: Why didn't I think of this? Just when I thought I had seen everything, I was actually blown away by this recipe. (我当初怎么没想到这个呢? 就在我以为自己什么都见过的时候, 我居然被这个食谱惊呆了)

18. why didn't you say so?
定义: 你干嘛不早点说? 你怎么不早点说?
例句: You wanted more to eat, why didn't you say so earlier? (你还想再吃点东西, 你怎么不早点说?)

19. why do you care about me?
定义: 你怎么关心起我来呢? (注: 意指你不是一直都不闻不问, 冷漠地对待我)
例句: Why do you care about me? You don't need to know anything about me, that's personal. (你怎么关心起我来呢? 你不需要知道有关我的任何事, 那是我的私事)

20. why do you care? what do you care?
定义: 你在乎什么? (注: 意指你又不在乎此事, 干嘛还问)
例句: Why do you even care? It's my money, I get to decide what I want to spend it on. (你又不在乎此事, 干嘛还问? 这是我的钱, 我有权决定想要怎么花钱就怎么花)



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