二十笔实用成语 1182

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二十笔实用成语 1182

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 24, 2023 2:30 pm

二十笔实用成语 1182

01. Why do you pick on your little brother?

02. Why don't we listen anymore?
[成语句型]为什么我们不再互相聆听呢? (注: 可以用于夫妻之间或朋友之间互相冷淡, 不再跟对方交流意见)

03. why don't you go and tell him?
定义: 你为什么不去告诉他这件事? 你为什么不去跟他说呢?
例句: Since you are in love with John, so why don't you go and tell him? (既然妳愛上了约翰, 那你为什么不去跟他说?)

04. why in God's/Heaven's name did ...
定义: 为什么...? (注: in God's/Heaven's name在此作为加强说话者震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶, 或怀疑的语气)
例句: Why in God's name did he bring me up? (他怎么把我也扯上了?)

05. why in the world ...
定义: 为什么...? (注: in the world在此作为加强说话者震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶, 或怀疑的语气)
例句: Why in the world would anyone want to live in the desert? (为什么会有人想住在沙漠里?)

06. why is it important?
定义: 这个为什么重要?
例句: What is sustainable agriculture and why is it important? (什么是可持续农业, 为什么它很重要?)

07. why is that?
定义: 那是为什么?
例句: Why is That? Why do lobsters turn red when cooked? (那是为什么呢? 为什么龙虾煮熟后会变红?)

08. why keep a dog and bark yourself?
定义: [谚语]你不应该做你雇员的工作. (注: 此句原译为你既然养狗却为什么又代替狗做吠叫工作)
例句: I don't know why she's vacuuming when her cleaning lady is coming over tomorrow. Why keep a dog and bark yourself? (我不明白她的清洁女工明天就过来打扫清洁, 她为什么还在用吸尘器清扫. 既然雇人清理, 为什么自己还做?)

09. why not
定义: 为什么不行呢? 好啊! 可以啊! 何乐不为? (注: why not也可以用于肯定回应别人的提议, 因为你找不出拒绝人家的理由)
例句: "Would you like another glass of wine?" "Sure, why not?" ("你要不要再来一杯酒?" "好啊, 这酒还不错!")

10. why now?
定义: 为什么现在就要做?
例句: Why now? Why not tomorrow? (为什么现在就要做? 为什么不能等到明天做呢?)

11. why on earth ...
定义: 为什么...? (注: on earth在此作为加强说话者震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶, 或怀疑的语气)
例句: Why on earth didn't you tell me this earlier? (你为什么不早点告诉我?)

12. why on God's green earth ...?
定义: 为什么...? (注: on God's green earth在此作为加强说话者震惊, 愤怒, 厌恶, 或怀疑的语气)
例句: We're just about to sit down for dinner, so why on God's green earth would you give the kids candy now? (我们都准备要坐下来吃晚饭了, 你为什么这时候还给孩子们吃糖果呢?)

13. why should I care?
定义: 我为什么要管? 我为什么在乎? 跟我有什么关系?
例句: It's your funeral, why should I care? (这是你的问题, 我为什么要管?)

14. why should I?
定义: 凭什么要我做?
例句: "Can you please help me with this?" "Why should I? What have you ever done for me?" ("能不能请你帮我个忙?" "凭什么要我帮忙? 你又帮了我什么忙?")

15. why stop there?
定义: 为什么要停在这里? 为什么不再继续做下去? (注: 这句话其实是有点讽刺性意思, 也就是问人为什么停止到某个程度, 不如做到底反而更干脆些)
例句: A man eats spaghetti with scissors, but why stop there? You could use a flat head screwdriver to open stubborn mussels and clams. (有个人用剪刀吃意大利面, 但为什么到此点到为止? 你还可以用平头螺丝起子撬开顽固的贻贝和蛤蜊的壳子)

16. why the long face?
定义: 怎么了? 怎么愁眉苦脸?
例句: Hey, kiddo, why the long face? Is something bothering you? (嘿, 孩子, 怎么愁眉苦脸的? 有事烦扰着你吗?)

17. why would I want to do that?
定义: 我为什么要做那件事? (注: 意指觉得并不合理或我做那件事对我有什么好处?)
例句: "Hey, you want to be a referee?" "No, why would I want to do that? I'm only 17 years old." ("喂, 你想当裁判吗?" "不要, 我做裁判干嘛? 我才十七岁.")

18. why would you shop anywhere else?
定义: 你为什么还要到别处去买? (注: 意指我们这里物美价廉)
例句: With such great deals on high-quality rent to own living room furniture like sectionals, why would you shop anywhere else? (有了如此优惠价钱的高品质先租后买的组合式客厅家具, 你为什么还要到别处去买?)

19. why wouldn't we do it?
定义: 我们为什么不这样做?
例句: So, if we are going to do this, why wouldn't we do it in the best way we can? (既然我们决定要做这件事, 我们为什么不尽其所能, 做到最好呢?)

20. why, you little punk!
定义: [骂人语]你这个小流氓! 小混蛋! (注: why在此是一惊叹词, 表达惊讶)
例句: Why, you little punk! What the hell are you doing, telling me my business!? (你这个小混蛋! 你想要干什么, 来管我的闲事!?)



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