二十笔实用成语 1183

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二十笔实用成语 1183

帖子 royl » 周二 4月 25, 2023 7:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 1183

01. whys and wherefores
定义: 前因后果, 追根究底.
例句: I don't need the whys and wherefores of the delay; I just want to know when the project will be done. (我不需要知道进度延误的前因后果; 我只想知道这个项目什么时候才能完成. 注: 趁这个机会, 我需要提醒读者, delay的定义虽是延误, 但为了使人明白本句话的完整意思, 我们则须要将"延误"翻译成"进度延误"方为妥当)

02. wick away, to
定义: 吸走, 吸水.
例句: Wool socks wick away sweat. (羊毛袜吸汗)
羊毛袜吸汗, 也不造成脚臭

03. wide awake, be
定义: 完全清醒的, 完全警觉的.
例句: After the bear stuck his head in our tent, I was wide awake. (在那头熊把头伸进我们的帐篷之后, 我便完全清醒了. 注: 意指被熊的侵入帐篷吓得再也睡不着了)

04. wide boy, a
定义: [英国俚语]骗子; 奸商; 狡猾刁钻不老实的生意(男)人.
例句: If he offers you a business deal, say no. This guy's a bit of a wide boy. (如果他想和你做生意的话, 拒绝他. 这家伙有点刁钻不老实)

05. wide latitude, the
定义: 宽广的回旋余地与选择弹性空间.
例句: A judge there would have wide latitude in sentencing and could send the colonel to prison. (那里的法官在量刑时的自由裁量权弹性很大, 大到足以把这名上校送进监狱)

06. wide of the mark, be
定义: 错误得离谱, 偏离目标的, 不准确.
例句: I thought I knew what real estate costs around here, but wow, I was wide of the mark. (我还以为我熟悉这一带的房地产价格, 但是, 我错得离谱了)

07. widely accepted/believed, be
定义: 普遍被接受的; 普遍地认为; 一般被认可的.
例句: A website policy is a widely accepted standard that all editors should normally follow. Users who fail to adhere to policies may be blocked. (一个网站的政策是一个被普遍接受的标准, 所有编辑通常都应该遵循其规定. 凡是不遵守指导原则的用户将可能被禁止进入网站)

08. widely held view, a
定义: 普遍所持的观点; 人们普遍认为.
例句: There is a widely held view that young people eat too much junk food. (人们普遍认为年轻人吃太多的垃圾食品)

09. wield a knife, to
定义: 挥舞着刀子.
例句: A group of heroes managed to subdue a man wielding a knife inside a South Carolina Walmart. (一群英雄成功地制服了南卡罗来纳州沃尔玛内一名持刀男子)

10. wield influence/power/authority/clout, etc., to
定义: 发挥或具有影响力或权力.
例句: The finance ministry wields a great deal of influence over monetary policy and personnel decisions. (财政部在货币政策和人事决定权上具有很大的影响力)

11. wig out, to
定义: 失去理智, 激动, 发狂.
例句: Maria wigged out when she found her husband in bed with her best friend. (当玛丽亚发现她丈夫和她的闺密躺在一张床上的时候, 她突然失去理智, 激动得发狂)

12. wiggle/wriggle room, the
定义: 回旋空间; 灵活的余地; 弹性空间.
例句: We should allow for some wiggle room when we plan the trip. (我们在计划这次旅行的时候, 应该留下一些弹性空间以便临时做改变)

13. wild about, be
定义: 热情于, 热衷于, 热爱于.
例句: I'm just wild about Harry, but he doesn't care about me. (我真是对哈利著迷, 但他却没把我当回事)

14. wild card, a
定义: 被淘汰队伍被选出来参与竞赛或决赛; 令人捉摸不透的因素或人物; 可以由持牌者决定它点数的纸牌; (电脑指令)可以一次选取想要数个档案或档案夹所使用的象征符号.
例句: He is too much of a wild card to be a successful candidate. Nobody wants to vote for someone wildly unpredictable. (他个性反覆无常, 不可能成为成功的候选人. 没人愿意投票给一个令人捉摸不透的人)

15. wild guess, a
定义: 瞎猜; 随便猜一猜. (注: 意指没有事实为基础的猜想)
例句: "Why are you angry at me, dear?" "Gee, Tom, why don't you take a wild guess?" ("你怎么生我的气, 亲爱的?" "哎呀, 汤姆, 你为什么不随便猜一猜?" 注: 这句话的意思是指汤姆明明知道他惹怒了他的妻子但还装傻)

16. wild horses couldn't drag me to ...
定义: 坚决地拒绝做某事. (注: 意指十匹野马也拉不动某人去做某事)
例句: I don't know what to do. Wild horses won't drag my kids to the dentist! (我真不知道该怎么办. 我的孩子们说什么也不去看牙医!)

17. wild pitch, a
定义: [棒球术语]暴投, 乱投; 胡说, 胡闹.
例句: Calling comic books great literature? What a wild pitch! (称漫画书为伟大文学? 简直是一派胡言!)

18. wild goose chase, a
定义: 抓瞎, 瞎闯; 徒劳的追求. (注: 意指复杂, 漫长但徒劳无功的追逐或搜寻)
例句: Those jerks sent me on a wild goose chase to find a copy of a book that hasn't been released yet! (那些混球叫我白费力气地去寻找一本还没出版的书!)

19. will be along
定义: 随后就过来.
例句: Jimmy will be along soon. He just had to make a short stop on the way home. (吉米马上就过来. 他只不过要在回家的路上做一个短暂停留)

20. will be back in a bit
定义: 马上回来.
例句: I will borrow Catherine's car and I will be back in a bit. (我到凯瑟琳那儿借一下车, 马上就回来)



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