二十笔实用成语 1184

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二十笔实用成语 1184

帖子 royl » 周四 4月 27, 2023 3:10 pm

二十笔实用成语 1184

01. will be in, someone
定义: 将要到家, 到这里, 到办公室.
例句: The person in charge of that is Mary and she will be in tomorrow morning if you want to call back then. (负责管理这项事务的人是玛丽, 如果你明天早上再打来的话, 她会在这里)

02. will do
定义: 这样就够了; 这样就可以了; 我会去做的.
例句: "Can you ask them to come in tomorrow afternoon?" "Will do." ("你能叫他们明天下午过来吗?" "好, 我会的.")

03. will it be all?
定义: [店员用语]就这些吗?
例句: "Will it be all, sir?" "Yes, that will be all, how much?" ("就这些吗?" "是的, 就这些了, 要多少钱?")

04. it will never fly
定义: 不会成功; 不会奏效; 不会有结果.
例句: She wants to work from home from now on, but it will never fly with the bosses. (她想从今以后在家办公, 但老板们决不会同意的)

05. will not be caught/seen dead
定义: 强烈反对; 宁死也不愿意; 不屑做某事, 不屑与...有关联.
例句: I won't be caught dead going to Disneyland and the like, last time I was there I was 12, and don't have plans to ever go back. (我宁死也不愿意去迪斯尼之类的游乐园, 我上次去那里的时候才12岁, 再也不想回去玩)

06. will not hear of
定义: 决不允许; 决不答应.
例句: My aunt said that she will not hear of us staying at a hotel when we come to see her. (我姑妈说, 我们去探望她的时候, 她决不答应我们住旅馆. 注: 这句话是指, 姑妈坚持要我们在探望她的期间住她那儿)

07. will not leave one's side
定义: 陪伴着某人; 不离开某人; 不离弃某人.
例句: He did not leave my side, even though I'd squandered our life savings on a get-rich-quick scheme. (尽管我在一个一夜致富的骗局上耗尽了我们一生的积蓄, 他仍对我不离不弃)

08. will not submit to
定义: 决不臣服于; 决不受到...的诱惑而失去自制力.
例句: We will not submit to you without a fight. (我们决不会毫不反抗便束手就擒, 臣服于你)

09. will of iron, a
定义: 钢铁般的意志.
例句: Vivian might have looked demure and unworldly but her frail appearance concealed a will of iron. (薇薇安也许看起来娴静知礼, 不谙世事, 但她柔弱的外表下却隐藏着钢铁般的意志)

10. will pass
定义: 不错, 可以过关, 足够, 合适.
例句: The work isn't perfect, but it will pass. (这项工作虽不完美, 但还算可以)

11. will rise again
定义: 再度升起; 将要复活; 东山再起; 再度崛起.
例句: We know one thing for sure, united as a nation, China will rise again to be stronger, more prosperous and more vibrant! (我们知道有一件事是肯定的, 作为一个团结的国家, 中国将再度崛起, 变得更强大, 更繁荣, 更充满活力!)

12. will see you then
定义: 我们届时再见.
例句: "OK, I will see you then," she said before hanging up the phone. ("行, 到时候见吧," 她说完便挂了电话)

13. Will this lead to a new confrontation?

14. will you lend me a hand?
定义: 你能否帮我一个忙?
例句: Tommy, I can't open this bottle of ketchup. Will you lend me a hand? (汤米, 我打不开这瓶番茄酱. 你能帮我打开吗?)

15. will you marry me?
定义: 你愿意嫁给我吗?
例句: "Will you marry me, Mary?" "I would love to, Jimmy." ("你愿意嫁给我吗, 玛丽?" "我很乐意, 吉米.")

16. will you?
定义: 你愿意吗? 你会去做吗? 好吗?
例句: Shut the door, will you? It's cold in here. (关上门, 好吗? 这里真冷)

17. willing horse, a
定义: 心甘情愿工作者, 老好人.
例句: So, this man is a willing horse and you people want to work him to death? (嗯, 此人是个甘心工作的老好人, 难道你们想要叫他做到死吗?)

18. willing to sacrifice, be
定义: 愿意牺牲.
例句: Not many people are willing to sacrifice their free time to do work for the community. (没有多少人愿意牺牲自己的闲暇时间来为社区工作)

19. wimp, a
定义: 懦夫, 胆小鬼.
例句: I was too much of a wimp to confront him. (我当时太懦弱, 没胆当面质问他)

20. win at all costs, to
定义: 为了赢不惜一切代价.
例句: In the world today, it too often sees that people are determined to win at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their integrity in order to do it. (在当今世界上, 我们常常看到人们为了赢, 决心不惜一切代价, 即使这意味着为了达到目的而丧失自己的人格)



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