二十笔实用成语 1185

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二十笔实用成语 1185

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 30, 2023 9:39 pm

二十笔实用成语 1185

01. win big, to
定义: 获大奖, 赚大钱, 大胜.
例句: I am a college student here in California and I love playing scratch-offs! I'm hoping to win big someday! (我是一名加州大学生, 我喜爱玩刮刮乐! 我希望有一天能赢得大奖!)

02. win by a landslide, to
定义: 大获全胜, 压倒性胜利.
例句: Eighty-eight out of one hundred students chose Dan for class president. He won by a landslide. (100名学生中有88人选丹当班长. 他以压倒性优势大获全胜)

03. win by a nose, to
定义: 险胜, 以些微之差获胜.
例句: It was a very tight finish, and we won by a nose. (这是一场势均力敌的比赛, 我们以些微之差获胜)

04. win by not losing, to
定义: 不输为赢.
例句: Winning by not losing is a powerful strategy in investment. How much you make depends significantly on how much you don't lose. (不输为赢是一个具有奇效的投资策略. 你赚了多少钱在很大程度上取决于你将不必要的损失减少了多少)

05. win friends, to
定义: 取得支持或拥护.
例句: The government is winning friends with its policy of reducing taxes. (政府以减税政策获得了人民的支持)

06. win hands down, to
定义: 毫无疑问地取胜; 明确地取胜; 轻易取胜.
例句: The New Winter Palace Hotel wins hands down for both comfort and location. (新冬宫酒店毫无疑问地取得了住宿舒适和位置方便这两方面的优势)

07. win her heart, to
定义: 赢得到她的爱情, 爱慕, 关爱.
例句: She is so attractive, and you don't get tired of looking at her. I hope to win her heart and make her my bride. (她是如此迷人, 怎么看她都看不厌. 我希望赢得她的芳心, 让她成为我的新娘)

08. win them all, to
定义: 获得全胜; 事事顺利; 所做的每件事都取得成功.
例句: It would have been great to get the job done but I suppose you can't win them all. (如果能够完成这项工作就太好了, 但我认为一个人不可能事事都顺利)

09. win on points, to
定义: [拳击术语]勉强成功以得分险胜, 以些许微分得胜.
例句: The defense, though clearly having the weaker position overall, won the case on points because several key pieces of evidence were thrown out by the judge. (此案辩方虽然在整体上明显地处于劣势, 但由于法官驳回了几项关键证据, 因此取得了这场官司的险胜)

10. win one's laurels, to
定义: 获得名声, 盛誉.
例句: Davis is a self-made man in every sense of the word, and won his laurels single-handed and alone, under adverse circumstances which few would have braved. (戴维斯在任何意义上都是一个白手起家的人, 在很少人敢于面对的不利环境之下, 他单枪匹马独力赢得了盛誉)

11. win one's spurs, to
定义: 凭努力或功劳取得认可, 奖励, 地位.
例句: After two years of freelancing, she won her spurs as a programmer and was hired for the top job. (打了两年的临时工之后, 她凭借着个人努力成为了一名程序员, 并获得了主管职位)

12. win or lose
定义: 不论成败, 不管赢或输. (注: 意指先不论成败, 首先要订出策略或凝聚士气)
例句: Your honor is at stake here as well, so you have to put up a good fight in court, win or lose. (这也攸关着你个人的声誉荣辱, 所以你必须在法庭上奋力一搏, 不论后果是输赢或成败)

13. win out/through, to
定义: 历尽艰辛, 取得胜出.
例句: After a two-year battle in the courts, we eventually won out. (在法庭上缠斗了两年的官司后, 我们终于胜诉了)

14. win over, to
定义: 说服, 争取得别人的支持或喜爱.
例句: I hope I can win them all over to our side. (我希望我能够把他们全都争取到我们这边来)

15. win round, to
定义: 说服, 争取得别人的支持或喜爱.
例句: It took a long time to win him round to my point of view. (我费尽了口舌才说服了他同意我的观点)

16. win some, lose some
定义: [谚语]不可能一直都赢, 有输有赢. 胜败乃兵家常事.
例句: We had to shut the business down this week, but it has always been "win some, lose some" in this industry. (我们不得不在本周关闭了这家公司, 但在这个行业里, 总是会"有得有失的")

17. win the day, to
定义: 成功, 胜利.
例句: It sounds like your presentation to the committee won the day. Well done! (听起来你给委员会做的报告非常成功. 做得好!)

18. win the hearts of ..., to
定义: 深受...喜欢.
例句: I managed to win the heart of my girlfriend by opening up to her about my aspirations as an artist. (我跟我女友打开心扉告诉她我想成为一名艺术家的志向, 从而赢得了她的芳心)

19. win/capture her heart, to
定义: 赢得她的爱; 俘获了她的心.
例句: She wasn't too impressed with me when I first met her, but I finally managed to capture her heart. And it was no easy feat. (我第一次跟她见面的时候, 她觉得我不怎么样, 但我终于设法掳获了她的芳心. 这可不是一件容易的任务)

20. wind down, to
定义: 逐渐地停下来, 放轻松, 松弛.
例句: We wound down our physical exercise with some gentle stretches. (我们通过一些轻柔的肢体伸展来逐渐地结束我们的体操运动)



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