二十笔实用成语 1189

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二十笔实用成语 1189

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 08, 2023 2:44 am

二十笔实用成语 1189

01. with an eye to/toward something
定义: 专注于或计划未来发生的事情; 着眼于, 为了要, 考虑及, 针对于某事.
例句: She's taking an interpreter course with an eye to getting a job abroad. (她正在学习口译课程, 以便未来能够在国外找到一份工作)

02. with (any) luck
定义: 如果顺利的话.
例句: With any luck, our new house will be done by early July. (如果顺利的话, 我们的新屋子将在七月初完工)

03. with arms akimbo
定义: [形容词, 副词]手插腰.
例句: I stood with arms akimbo, trying to look tough as I prepared to do something scary. (我两手叉腰站着, 努力让自己看起来很强悍的样子, 因为我准备要做一些惊吓人的动作)

04. with bad/ill grace
定义: 心不甘情不愿地, 输了没风度地.
例句: He agreed to pay the bill in the end, albeit with rather bad grace. (尽管心不甘情不愿, 他最终同意支付这份账单)

05. with bated breath
定义: 摒息以待地, 焦虑地.
例句: I've been waiting with bated breath to hear back from my first-choice school. (我一直在摒息以待我第一志愿学校的回覆)

06. with bells on
定义: 渴望或急于(想做某事); 相似但更甚于, 更加于或更多于; 极为成功.
例句: I'd love to come to your wedding. I'll be there with bells on! (我很乐意参加你的婚礼. 我真迫不及待地想要参与这场盛会!)

07. best regards
定义: 谨致最诚挚问候. (注: 信尾的问候语)
例句: I look forward to finally meeting you in person. Best regards, Peter. (我很期待终于能够见到你本人. 谨致最诚挚的问候, 彼得. 注: 请注意, 这两句话乃是信尾最常用的话语)

08. with both barrels
定义: 全力地, 运用一切力量地; 跟人拼命了.
例句: You have to know that she's going to come at us with both barrels if we fire her, so just be prepared. (你要知道, 如果我们解雇她的话, 她会跟我们斗个你死我活, 所以我们要做好准备)

09. with both eyes open
定义: 密切注意, 提高警觉, 随时警惕.
例句: If you don't sign this contract with both eyes open, you could end up getting ripped off big time. (你要是在签署这份合同时没察觉到陷阱条款的话, 你可能会被宰得很惨)

10. with both feet on the ground
定义: 实事求是地. (注: 意指明理的, 实际的)
例句: Kevin is always level-headed with both feet on the ground, I have faith in him. (凯文总是脚踏实地, 头脑冷静, 我对他有信心)

11. with brass knobs on
定义: [英国俚语]相似但更甚于, 更加于或更多于. (注: 请参考Same to you with brass knobs on)
例句: I've been to both, and I can tell you that Carnival is like Mardi Gras with knobs on. (我两者都去过, 我可以告诉你, 嘉年华节庆就像狂欢节一样, 但更加热闹)

12. with broad strokes
定义: 不明确的, 模糊的, 粗略的, 或概括的描述或定义. (注: 意指某人在描述或下定义时的不精确)
例句: The novel's historical background is filled in with broad brush strokes. (这部小说的历史背景充满了模糊, 粗略的描述)

13. with child, be
定义: 怀孕的.
例句: Yes, it's true, I'm with child and about three months along. (是的, 这是真的, 我怀孕了, 大约有三个月了)

14. with dignity
定义: 保持尊严地, 从容冷静地.
例句: He entered with dignity and did not lower himself to his detractor's level. (他庄严从容地走进来, 没有把自己格调降低到诋毁他的人的水平)

15. with each passing hour
定义: 随着时间的流逝.
例句: Emily states that she has been sick for 2 or 3 days and her symptoms have been getting worse with each passing hour. (艾米丽说她已经病了两三天了, 她的症状随着时间的流逝变得越来越糟)

16. with ease
定义: 熟练地, 轻易地, 从容地.
例句: I was surprised that he's able to do it with ease. (令我惊讶的是, 他居然能够轻易从容地做这件事)

17. with every fiber of your being
定义: 一心一意地, 倾全力地.
例句: I'm going to fight with every fiber of my being to get this car fixed. (我将竭尽全力修好这辆车子)

18. with every intention of
定义: 执意, 带着强烈意图, 打定主意要, 决心要.
例句: I went to this college with every intention of being a medical doctor. (我就读这所大学的目的本就是打定主意要成为一名医生)

19. with flying colors
定义: 成功地, 出色地.
例句: Your brother passed his apprenticeship with flying colors. He'll be a master builder in no time! (你哥哥以优异的成绩通过了他的学徒生涯. 他很快就会成为总建筑师!)

20. With friends like you, who needs an enemy?
[成语句型]有你这种朋友谁还需要敌人? (注: 意指你的破坏性跟敌人一样地可怕)



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