二十笔实用成语 1190
01. with good grace
定义: 欣然愿意地, 雍容大度, 风度大方地.
例句: He accepted the referee's final decision with good grace, and wished me the very best of luck. (他雍容大度地接受了裁判的最终决定, 并祝我好运)
02. with half a heart
定义: 三心两意地; 心不在焉地; 不专心地; 不情愿地.
例句: You can't go out and play with half a heart and expect to win. You have to play with everything you've got! (你不可以心不在焉地去比赛, 还指望能赢. 你必须拼尽全力比赛!)
03. with hand on heart
定义: 诚挚地, 真实地.
例句: The blame fell on me, though I swore, with hand on heart, I was not involved in the failed job. (尽管我诚挚地发誓说, 那件失败的任务与我无关, 但责任仍旧推到了我身上)
04. with hindsight
定义: 事后回顾地. (注: 意指事件发生后才检讨其发生本质)
例句: With hindsight, we would all do things differently. (事后看来, 我们都会以不同的方式做事. 注: 意指事后经过检讨, 人们从中汲取教训, 都将会以不同的方式来处理此类事件)
05. with long experience in
定义: 资深, 拥有长久经验.
例句: Our team is pretty big, everybody is a mechanic with long experience in different areas, some have more knowledge in welding, others in electrical. (我们的团队很大, 每个人都是在不同领域拥有长期经验的修车师傅, 有些人擅长焊接, 有些人擅长电路修理)
06. with love from Jennie and Jim
定义: 珍妮与吉姆向你致上爱心. (注: 用于写在信尾或电子信尾的表达情感的祝语)
例句: We are so proud of you. With Love from Grandma and Grandpa. (我们为你们感到骄傲. 爷爷奶奶爱你们)
07. with might and main
定义: 尽全力的, 全力以赴的.
例句: After saving money with might and main for five years, I finally have the down payment for a house! (拼命攒了五年钱, 我终于攒够了一栋房子的首付!)
08. with nerves of steel
定义: 以钢铁般意志地.
例句: My wife is a woman with nerves of steel, and she never backed down from pressure. (我妻子是一个意志坚强的女人, 面对压力她从不退缩)
09. for no apparent reason
定义: 莫名其妙地; 无缘无故地.
例句: For no apparent reason, he suddenly breaks up with the woman everyone thought he was going to marry. (无缘无故地, 他突然与大家都认为他准备要娶回家的女子分手)
10. with one arm tied behind one's back
定义: 轻而易举. (注: 可以独臂做某事或击败某人)
例句: Are you kidding? Monty is a powerhouse boxer. He'd knock that kid out with one arm tied behind his back! (你开什么玩笑? 芒帝是一个强悍的拳击手. 他可以毫不费力地把那个年轻选手打晕过去!)
11. with one hand
定义: 轻而易举. (注: 可以独臂做某事或击败某人)
例句: I could make a better dinner with one hand. (我可以轻而易举地做一顿更可口的晚餐)
12. with one voice
定义: 全体毫无异议, 异口同声.
例句: Yes, the entire committee made that decision with one voice. (是的, 整个委员会毫无异议地做出了这个决定)
13. with one's back to the wall
定义: 被逼到墙角, 陷入绝境, 走投无路.
例句: Sometimes, the best solutions arise when we are with our backs to the wall, when we don't have the luxury of examining every option under the sun. (有时候, 最好的解决方案是在我们陷入绝境的时候出现的, 就在我们根本没有充裕时间去研究所有的选择的时候)
14. with one's eyes closed
定义: 无视周遭危险; 轻而易举. (注: 可以闭着眼做某事或击败某人)
例句: It took me a little while to get used to this job, but now I could do it with my eyes closed! (我花了一点时间才熟悉了这份业务, 但现在我做得驾轻就熟!)
15. with one's eyes (wide) open
定义: 睁大眼睛地, 时刻警戒周遭危险.
例句: I know they're offering you a lot of money, but make sure you go into this situation with your eyes open, it could be a scam. (我知道他们说要给你很多钱, 但你跟他们实际打交道的时候一定要睁大眼睛注意他们, 这也可能是一场骗局)
16. with (one's) hat in (one's) hand
定义: 毕恭毕敬地.
例句: I can't believe I have to go back to my old boss with hat in hand and ask for my job back. (我真不敢相信, 我不得不毕恭毕敬地回去找我的前老板, 恳求恢复我的老工作)
17. with open arms
定义: 热情地, 热忱欢迎地.
例句: My brother's coming home soon, and I can't wait to greet him with open arms. (弟弟马上就要回家了, 我真迫不及待热烈地欢迎他回来)
18. with an open mind
定义: 保持思想或心态开放, 愿意接受别人的想法.
例句: I know you have certain expectations about this deal, but try to go into the negotiations with an open mind, OK? We may need to have some flexibility. (我知道你对这笔交易有一定的期望, 但是试着以开放的心态来谈判, 好吗? 我们可能需要保留一些妥协空间)
19. with (good) reason
定义: 事出有因地; 有充分理由地; 理所当然地.
例句: Officers may only search a person's private belongings or possessions with good reason that can be proven to the courts. (警察只有在拥有充分理由并能够向法院证实的情况下, 才可以搜查一个人的私人物品或财物)
20. with reckless abandon
定义: 不顾后果的放纵.
例句: Ever since my next-door neighbor got that car for his birthday, he's been motoring around at night with reckless abandon. (自从我隔壁邻居收到那辆作为生日礼物的车子之后, 他就一直在夜晚不顾后果地驾着车子到处横冲直撞)
二十笔实用成语 1190
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